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Everything posted by Alcathous

  1. Agent can beat down. Inhuman Physiology is better than Min 3 in a lot of cases.
  2. She doesn't like some schemes, but she's a great generalist who should be able to play into most pools. My first 20+ games of M3E were all Titania and I only had her box + emissary. It worked out fine. I think the only schemes she doesn't really like are Spread Them Out and of course Runic Binding. Catch and Release is medium doable with Rougarou, but you gotta be careful cause those dogs can die quick under focus. Spread is doable but she prefers more efficient stuff. I think Symbols is the hardest strat, but if you accept picking up at least 1 with Titania herself its not bad at all.
  3. I'll leave raspy to someone else who knows her better. I like her, but I haven't put any time into her. I'm happy to test the hand pressure theory with Euripides if that interests you. It's not quite the same, but there's some similar mechanics at play.
  4. And I told you I don't trust your opinion because I know you've already made up your mind 😉 Really, you're right about the e&e being significant for removing pillars, but it's more complicated than you're making it out and I think a good raspy player could pull off a win. In any pool? Probably not.
  5. @Plaag I think you're thinking of something else. Harsh Winter is the ability that forces enemies to discard when they start next to ice pillars or gain slow.
  6. @Plaag maybe you are right, but the fact that your opinion of what's good is limited to drawing cards and focus seems extremely limited. Imo, the best thing on Raspy's card is Harsh Winter. It costs her nothing except the ice pillars she needs anyways.
  7. I think Explorers are susceptible to hand pressure and ap pressure and I think she's capable doing that. Most aren't good at pulling off hyper-aggression like some of the current bogeymen, which I think is part of what has made people consider Raspy "bad". There's also not a lot of incentive to play control right now, but I think as GGs change and the most OP things are tuned down, control strategies will come into preeminence as viable and strong. The combination of creating impassable terrain and handing out slow is inherently powerful.
  8. That's a good goal. So in the first round of the vassal tourney we're on Symbols. What models do you thing are good for getting to the markers to pick up?
  9. Nice. Taking advantage of Serene Countenance to stay alive and projecting actions elsewhere on the board. What are you doing to take advantage of the opponent not having a hand? Which schemes are you primarily scoring with those obeys?
  10. @ooshawn reading Lucius' card, what do you think his strongest actions and abilities are? Why?
  11. Gods like @Kharnage and @Maniacal_cacklehave ascended to such status because of the time and effort they have put into learning their masters and factions. They put in game time and figured out the strongest aspects of the masters they enjoy. You won't get to that level if you rely on internet strangers tell you how to play. If you like the look of Luci and wanna be the Luci Guy, that's awesome. But demanding we tell you how to do it isn't gonna get you there.
  12. Castle/control Raspy is the way. I think she has a good combo of card and action pressure that could really hurt Explorers. It's not gonna lead to a lot of blow outs, but I think it would be effective.
  13. Not to do this to you again, buuuuuut.... he's got scatter too.
  14. But also turning weaks into 9s probably has value in the matchup.
  15. Winston has a pretty Viking King pose if you greenstuff him a beard.
  16. It's all ribbing. Your Nekima love affair is so notorious it makes you an easy target. For real I meant no ill will. Not gonna say Misaki isn't cool, but is she tomahawk lady with a giant mechanical thunderbird cool? I'm in.
  17. They do, but the knights and the rougaru bring markers inherently. At best, the opposing side will have key models that ignore them (Beebe/Caly, etc), but at worst I'm providing resources for the other team. Keyword-light looks like Rider, Hina, Serena (who's demise is worse, as you've pointed out). Normally Emmy, but doesn't solve the reliance on markers problem. That's a fair point.
  18. I think they are on par with Bayou for removal, but really only Gluttony scares me there because it's more than just removal. The treasure map means the whole faction has cheap removal it needed, and combo'd with the Botonist could be really good (as an aside, that combo makes Thoon pretty bad into ES). Jedza's lost knowledge hurts and she also gets the terrain pulse attack. Underbrush powers up Ivan at least as much as it powers up Titania. Basse likes hanging out in underbrush and it turns on Sandworm, although that's a matchup I'm fairly comfortable playing into. My solution is to roll keyword-light with Titania into ExpS. Feels bad because it does remove a mode of play I have in my toolbox, but it's not the end of the world.
  19. Maybe, but it's also a faction with stellar marker removal. Now, I'm first to defend Titania's ability to play into marker removal, but it gets sketchy when my markers are actively benefitting my opponent. Her ability to aggress definitely keeps her as a contender, but it does make me nervous declaring her.
  20. Lucius. I think there's a place where Alan, Candy, and some Lawyers can shut down the engine due to lack of cards. Action funneling helps the FwC problem. It might just fold though. On my try list.
  21. I don't really agree that the nexus picks work into other Explorers. I think there are non-busted masters that could work into Nexus that just lose to other ExpS crews (Luci loses to Cooper, Euri loses to Jedza). But even my busted option (Dreamer), I think struggles into Jedza if it's a pool that supports the bubble (Dreamer wants to murder things and relies a lot on the keyword's incidental healing).
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