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Everything posted by Maniacal_cackle

  1. I asked this previously, but basically the answer boils down to if you are standing on top of a scheme marker precisely, they can draw LOS to the edge of both of you (same way that if you're standing on a hill they can see you and the hill).
  2. Interesting points about severe, happy to make another topic after work. On topic, the recover evidence thing is interesting to me. On the one hand, it seems like a terrible idea to voluntarily drop your markers on the table. It is so easy to get anywhere on the board. On the other hand, Ashigaru with extended reach really have an impact here. It is close to just transferring the token to the summons which is very strong. Definitely some tricks to play around it though. Off the top of my head for the two crews I main: Reva can mask trigger the ashigaru away from the marker, so something like start 14" away, charge (attack ashigaru through corpse to push it while outside extended reach), walk into contact with strategy marker. Then pick up a second marker the next turn (then die). In Forgotten, Archie can leap, charge with no attack, then attack with a high mask to push the Ashigaru off the marker. Then a crooligan teleports in and claims it. With Molly's card draw and activation control, should be a pretty consistent maneuver. So seems high risk if all you leave to defend the markers are Ashigaru. Of course, all this assumes you can sneak past the wave of Yan Lo models advancing across the table.
  3. Great points, @Whut! A few quick thoughts: 1. Ashigaru aren't that vulnerable to blasts - you can stand 50.8 mm away and be within 2" and outside of blast range. So they have to work to hit you with blast damage (use another attack to bait take the hit). 2. Severe terrain shouldn't be minus 1/3. The math becomes really gross (1/3 of 8 inches? Doable, but try that at the end of 7 hours of playing). Also the game is balanced around terrain being a big factor in games. Crews like this are allowed such a high power level precisely because terrain can ruin their day. Whereas someone like Reva is powerful because she ignores it. Reva would feel pretty irrelevant if severe isn't high impact.
  4. Haha, Plaag does the videos so not sure about editing, but will have a look at post match commentary. It'll probably be easier for me to do post match write-ups, though, as I often have to go back and rewatch the video to comment on everything xD Mostly I just enjoy playing Plaag, and try to produce interesting stuff on the side. But definitely don't want an unfair matchup for him!
  5. Oh, okay, let's change the pool! What pool would people like to see? EDIT: maybe corner symbols with the same schemes?
  6. I think it is worth noting that this varies enormously by matchup, and so different people may have different results. Against Jack Daw? Yeah, your Roosters should be able to dance circles around them. Against Seamus? He'll one shot your roosters anywhere on the board. Extreme examples perhaps, but important to note that enemy mobility is a key factor with how much your mobility helps survivability.
  7. I think this is one of my concerns about the game plan overall. Turn one ends up being quite defensive, so you're not necessarily well set up for turns 2/3. Of course, Yan Lo is meant to be a late game powerhouse, so maybe this is the plan. Yeah, he says at the end he is quite burnt out on the game I think. Must have been intense playing so many games! Both players seemed like great people to play against though.
  8. They're pretty awesome! Next up will be Seamus vs. Sandeep on this pool: Public enemies on Flank Deployment Take Prisoner (randomly selected) Hidden Martyrs (randomly selected) Sabotage Research Mission Spread Them Out Board TBC (open to suggestions for a Vassal board that will be balanced for both crews). EDIT: Maybe "Welcome to the Jungle" with some blocking terrain but not dominated by it? Also open to suggestions against Sandeep - never played against him before!
  9. Yeah, regardless of how the rules work, I don't think it was necessarily playtested that way. According to my interpretation, you can walk, interact, bonus action move six inches, interact again. Pretty crazy!
  10. But the bonus action is resolved (it just creates a second action, that of an interact). According to pages 34-35, generated actions have to wait until all other effects resolve.
  11. Wait, there's a downvote function?? The effect certainly feels more balanced with one token, so I'd not fault an opponent either way. Do you also play the place happens before the interact?
  12. N.B. From memory Regelridden probably knows Pandora way better than me, so I'd lean towards following their advice xD
  13. Oh, I know. I use Toshiro OOK sometimes, and once even pulled an Ashigaru OOK to blunt an alpha strike plan when I couldn't take Toshiro xD They're just not on the same level as summoning say Goryo + Ikiryo or even Ikiryo + Drowned IMO. You're not in range of your own pulses, no. Just your own auras. But yeah, can see how they're valuable! Certainly when I played her in HH, I was super stoked to have the extra reliquary. It's easy to get the cards, I'm just super stingy with good cards (preferring to use them for duels). I'm hesitant to include Carrion Emissary in my Reva crews for example, because I don't want to sacrifice an 8 from hand (plus Grave Golem is just so good at filling the same role for Reva). That said, if there's any turn where you can afford to spare high cards, it is turn 1. So can definitely see the value in a few extra summons turn 1. Good point that Yan Lo can get himself back easily! An alpha strike is definitely something I'd be worried about - except Ashigaru can Take The Hit. And I suppose that could stop even Colette! Definitely does seem strong! I'll see if I can watch the rest of the game - I'm curious how he goes about handling things like Izamu's glacial slowness.
  14. In fact, I often recommend this as a 'litmus test' for some situations. Try out this scheme pool: Wedge deployment Public enemies or recover evidence (whichever pandora is better at - I suspect public enemies?) Leave Your Mark Claim Jump Three other schemes that can't be scored away from the centre/enemy team. And see how the Pandora player does with just trying out zone control.
  15. Pandora is a bit stone hungry, definitely recommend some for defense and offense. Candy alone should need a few to do her work. I think I ran her with 3 initially and went up to 5. That said, I think it is important to learn how to avoid damage before relying on stones to decrease damage - soulstone use to reduce damage should be a conscious tactic to allow yourself the freedom to place yourself somewhere dangerous. So learning terrain (and making sure there is tons of it on the table) is probably the first priority IMO. Ewwwww, possibly Pandora's greatest weakness (not that I know what I'm talking about when it comes to Pandora). I recommend a focus on zone control. For instance, if the mission is recover evidence with claim jump and leave your mark, Pandora can just dominate the centre (whether she takes those schemes or not). Pandora should focus on taking and controlling territory, rather than chasing down hyper-mobile models I think.
  16. This seems pretty awesome! Definitely will put it on my 'to attempt' list at some point. I haven't learned to play Yan Lo yet, so will be a while. However, I think it is worth emphasising there are some pretty big costs/downsides: TONS of actions. Most of his models don't seem to leave the deployment zone turn 1. I can't imagine doing that (but I tend to favour very mobile, very aggressive strategies). Overall, costs lots of tempo (as Adran points out as I am typing this). Requires some serious gas from your hand (two 10+s to summon Ashigaru? Particularly since the card draw doesn't happen until halfway through the combo). The ability to use soulstones for suits helps of course If you're wanting a summoning value engine, why not just take Kirai? (Although granted, she probably needs a nerf OOK - she shouldn't be able to Blood and Wind twice in a turn OOK). Vulnerable to disruption - I don't see how to disrupt it yet, but I'm sure more experienced players than I could throw a wrench in those plans (I imagine Plaag you must have some serious presto-chango opportunities there with Colette). Possibly other things. Maybe I'm just undervaluing having those extra reliquaries floating around. As I said, I'll need to attempt it/practice it some day on both sides. After the core box comes out, probably!
  17. But then it would still only be one token (they're gained at separate times).
  18. The reason I see the FAQ to be completely different is that one is asking: This model uses the same action twice to generate a last breath/challenge/poisoned fate/etc. type effect on a model - do they stack? While this is asking: During a single action, a model gains a flicker token at two separate times. When the model gains a flicker token, it generates an effect. Does the effect generate and resolve twice? So they seem like different questions to me. I can't imagine there's any question that if the flickers were applied during two separate actions you'd gain two separate moves, so why don't you gain two in doing it in a single action?
  19. One thing to note is sometimes a crew just doesn't 'click' with you. I tried Pandora for a very short period and just did not do well with her (despite having a 90%+ winrate with other crews). So there's no shame in trying other crews if you don't like this one. Especially as Pandora is very bad in some situations (corner deployment). That said, you can make any crew work in most situations, and if you do like the crew totally keep trying! One thing I found with the crew is it is very card-hungry. For a similar crew in Ressers (Reva), I discovered that minimising the number of important TNs I needed could be helpful, and giving myself ways to use low cards (like BBS can use low crows) can be another plus. Also have to reiterate what others have said about terrain. As for Kade, this is one element of the crew that did click really well for me. He is insane with rams (either via hand or Pandora boosting him). With rams triggers he can: Lure a model into base contact, get a free attack with a positive to the duel. Gain fast Free attack at min 2, stat 7. Two more attacks at min 3 (from rams trigger), stat 7. So he can often burst for 8 damage AND lure a model into your bubble same turn. And with Teddy keeping him safe/terrain keeping him safe, you can often setup so that if your opponent goes to the wrong place, Kade can knife them (you just have to learn how to force them to go to the wrong place - often the centre is somewhere enemies have to go in GG1). His mask trigger is also noteworthy (for coordinated attack). His execute trigger is something a lot of people like, but personally I prefer the rams and masks. EDIT: Also, yes, hooded rider and serena bowman can be fantastic with the crew. Serena combos so well with Teddy (and I assume Carver).
  20. Agree with the above, and for a more detailed breakdown I see it as: Pay cost of gaining a flicker token. This generates Ephemeral Warriors 1, but it specifies after resolving the current action, so it has to wait. Before performing a duel, the model gains a flicker token for From Beyond. This generates Ephemeral Warriors 2, but it specifies after resolving the current action, so it has to wait. The effect generates an Interact Action, But we know generated actions have to wait until all other effects are resolved. Generate and resolve the trigger if applicable (model heals and may end a condition). Step 6 of action: Resolve Epheremal Warriors 1 Step 6 of action: Resolve Epheremal Warriors 2 Action and all effects resolved. Resolve interact action (even if engaged). Is that right? Seems weird, but I think that's how it orders.
  21. Yeah, he is a powerhouse even without the summon! He feels a bit awkward to get across the table safely without his crew, but I could see taking the list again. May tinker with the corpse generation, though.
  22. Those are strong for sure, but the spiders are a bit vulnerable (and can only do one relevant interact per turn). The daydreams will need a card to support their movement about 1/3 of the time (initially), and generally need to move as well so only get one attempt at moving a Nightmare. And Daydreams can't enable the double interact. I find Daydreams to be better for abusing engagement ranges. Nightmare models just can't compare to say a crooligan (which can potentially remove 5+ scheme markers a turn without using actions and teleport around the table). So to OP, I recommend trying to take advantage of being more efficient than him if possible. That said, overall Dreamer's slightly weak interact game is made up for the massive power level of the crew. Very strong crew!
  23. I find what Dreamer really struggles with is the interact action. They're not very efficient for scheming, especially early game. The exceptions are Lord Chompy Bits with Trail of Gore, and to some degree Coppelius with Shifting Sands. If you can deal with those issues and force a scheme marker war, Dreamer has trouble keeping up (especially since his summons tend to start engaged, can't interact the turn they are summoned, and are movement inefficient compared to true schemers). The spiders are also something to watch out for if going with this strategy. But for that level of detail, would be helpful to see a pool/lists.
  24. Oh, also, Firestarter has "Light Under Their Feet", which was super useful for getting Kaeris out of engagement.
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