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Everything posted by Mycellanious

  1. I dont think who played the Master is recorded, but if you keep track of your games you can simply do subtraction
  2. This was a pretty common Recover Evidence list for me: The Worker's Champion (Arcanists) Size: 50 - Pool: 6 Leader: Mei Feng Totem(s): Forgeling Hires: Kang Sparks LeBlanc Survivor Magical Training Survivor 2 Survivor 3 Rail Worker Metal Gamin Obviously you could drop the Railworker and Metal Gamin for more guns if you want, but I wanted to maximise Kang's pulse. Dropping Sparks for 2 Railworkers is also really effective.
  3. We don't usually advise crews based on "new player friendliness." All crews in the game have a degree of depth and complexity that is only really unlocked after 10+ games with them. The important part is finding the crew that you want to play 10 games with. If you know your prefered playstyles from other games, be they minisgames, Magic TG, or video games, that will help us recommemd things. Cooper is a Master-Focused Keyword. Cooper has a Big Gun and his Keyword is based around helping him use that by doing things like moving him around the board, buffing him, or turning off Friendly Fire. His main beater is the Malisaurus Rex, beefy and fairly fast with the abilty to reposition enemy models. His main Scheme runners are the Good Doggos, Artemis and Ullr. Artemis can use Nimble to get up the board quickly, while Ullr can use By Your Side to teleport next to him Mc Cabe is a support master who hands out beneficial upgrades to his crew. Doing so gives out the Fast Condition, which allows his models to take extra Actions during their turns. In this way, the crew plays this minigame of hot potato where they toss a sword around between all of them which is super fun! The entire Keyword is HIGHLY mobile. The crew doesn't really have a big beater model, although the Henchman Sidir can do some serious damage with his gun. The primary Schemers of the Keyword are the Huckers, who can teleport around the map near walls and can False Claim to drop 2 Scheme Markers in the same place instead of just 1. This is extrodinarily powerful for scoring certain Schemes, like Detonate Charges. Ivan is a Summon master. Generally we steer new players away from Summoners, because they tend to want to have their whole Keyword available to Summon which means more $$ spent upfront. That aside, Ivan Summon models from the Shadows of his enemies. The crew is split into two groups: those Shadows (Umbra) and the Humans (Dua). The Shadows are expendable combat-oriented models used to slow down your opponent and tie up his models in combat. The Humans tend to be support-oriented, although it is important to note their "Ungentlemanly Affairs" ability. This turns negative effects into positive ones, so although this models might not hit very hard, they do hit very reliably. The big beater of the crew is the Brocken Spectre, a slow, bulky shadow that prevents enemies near it from Healing. Its primary attack is also Irreducible damage, meaning the damage cannot be lowered for any reason, such as Armor, Shielded, or Soul Stones. This allows the Spectre to demolish models which are typically nigh unkillable. The primary Schemer of the Keyword is Eva Havenhand. She can teleport around the map using the same ability as the Huckers, and she has Don't Mind Me which allows her to Interact even if she is in combat (this is very rare and powerful). Then, her bonus action can Lock Away the marker to prevent enemies from picking it up
  4. It's still *relevant* just capped at 2. It means you need to use some Focus before activating Kang Turn 2. If you havent tried the Foundry gunline yet definitely give that a shot! Kang + 3 Survivors is super fun!
  5. What is confusing you is that the game makes a distinction between *friendly-controlled* and *friendly* Models NEVER change who they think is friendly or enemy. Things like Obey control them to take Actions against their will. So if you Obey a Peacekeeper to attack Hoffman, Hoffman could actually Relent if he wanted because both models are still friendly to eachother even while the PK is controlled by an Enemy. Furthermore, Hoffman could NOT use Protected, because the PK is NOT an enemy model.
  6. They are. In general they simply Railwalk once and Concentrate near Kang. Forgeling tries to create 2 Scrap, as is standard giving Burning to Kang. The next bit is situarion depending on map and matchup, but usually Kang Pulses out Focus and either walks-focuses or walks-walks. Then Mei Feng creates Scrap under Kang, and the crew (except Gamin and Forgeling) Railwalks up and concentrates around Kang. Turn 2 you would just Activate Kang first and blamo 3 Focus
  7. Every game I played Mei Feng my entire Crew was Focus +3 Turn 2, due to Kang
  8. Idk they just compiled the VWS data and our masters, excluding Colette and Kaeris, had low pick and/or win rates. 4 of our masters have less than a 30% wr, 3 are around 50 (which is healthy), and then there was Colette. Plus Arcanists were among the least represented Factions for the past few tournaments.
  9. Oh yo the Focus cap is seriously going to impact Sniper models
  10. I figured it would be the top members of each faction
  11. Wait the VWS isnt Faction-locking that? You can podium with one Faction then play another at the tournament? Seems like an oversight
  12. I don't know I feel like Arcanists are a contender for weakest Faction in the game now. Guild still takes the spot, but can we put together anything like the Guild superfriends list that is exclusively played? Colette and Sansdeep definitely needed nerfs, but I feel like our other Masters needed help they didn't get.
  13. Yea its too soon for me to call it a buff or a nerf, just a rework. I always suspected Wyrd didnt intend for you to just load your crew with bombs. Interestingly, sparks is able to Command your non-Constructs. Maybe that helps Willie out?
  14. I just ordered generic colored cubes. They were like 3 cents each if you order in bulk. I know someone else who just went to Michael's and bought a tub of beads
  15. The Binding Of Issac. A fan created a mod which was basically an entire new game. The developers noticed this, and reached out to him. They then worked together to completely revamp the game and the new version just released a week ago or so
  16. I disagree. Wyrd designed most Keywords very well, the problem is individual models overperforming.
  17. The real answer is that a fan would need to do most of the work out of their own sheer desire, and then get noticed by a larger corporation that backs them and gives them the resources to expand on, polish, and complete their idea. Like with what just recently happened with TBOI
  18. Malifaux as an IP would excel REALLY well if it were done in a Disco Elysium style format. The world is very alien and distinct from our own, so that would need to be accentuated in some way or players would probably just get confused. I could see a rougelike progression system working well, but malifaux isn't really an IP where battles just rage in the streets, it is more clandestine than anything
  19. TT has some of the BEST Upgrades in the game. Trained Ninja is absolutely insane. Two of Guild's upgrades I think are good and situational, but LLC is an Upgrade you take 2 of every game. Just Armor 1 by itself gives you more than 2ss worth of reduction over 5 Turns.
  20. What Factions do you all play? As an Arcanist I want max copies of every Upgrade every game...
  21. Just fyi your proposed new Aura wouldnt work because the opponent could choose to Drop his corpse directly behind himself, so that when it Drops the Mourner never has LoS to it
  22. The difference for you two may be that the VWC has decided that Bete can use her Bonus Action to Charge even if she doesn't Unbury
  23. EVS can heal Constructs very well. Most of their combat models are Constructs
  24. There isn't a wrong way to collect models. I find a Keyword I like and master them before moving on to the next. I've been playing 3 years and just bought my 3rd crew last week.
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