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Posts posted by Primate

  1. Ironsides is kind of odd in that she should really be survivable enough to rarely die, whilst actually encouraging people to attack her and not the others. Maybe give her some kind of downside, so if you hit her, one of her abilities turns off for the round, or something weirder like good shot my turn giving the attacked model a focus. Then you it's more upside for the attacking model whilst still not compromising Toni's survivability.

  2. 50 minutes ago, Flippin' Wyrd George said:

    We probably need a new M&SU thread to discuss the crew power if we think it's an issue. Ive found the crew does very little offensively. It is tanky as hell and extremely difficult to shift, but doesnt hasnt done much else offensively or scheme wise for me in my games.


    Yeah, I haven't really playtested with Ironsides, but I don't really see the issue with her being unkillable when she has all her support pieces in play. I mean if you're playing against Ironsides and you took Assasinate then really it's your own fault. The issue is if she's still really competent at killing and scheming whilst being impossible to shift.

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  3. If you want the totem to be more survivable you could do a thing where it buries when it dies and replaces a pyre marker to come back. I don't know what it is flavour wise, but it is called the ETERNAL flame at least.

  4. 1 hour ago, Steve-El-Tragger said:

    Is anyone have an idea what creatures test subjects are supposed to be? Doesnt seem to be gremlins or pigs.

    Cyborg molerats? Like Brin's.

  5. Was reading a one of the older stories from the 1st edition (at the end of storm of shadows). That has a dude that's killing people in order to charge soulstones, which he uses in an exoskeleton in order to extend his lifespan. I mention it because he gets called a vampire by the people trying to stop him. Not really what you're looking for but maybe interesting anyway.

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  6. How card hungry is she, I notice that she has a couple of decent-looking sources of draw in amina and fitzsimmons. Could you get away with a "Discard X cards, get X adrenaline" effect (maybe with some other trick like put adversary on X models). Seems like that could get you some quickly, but it's not exactly cheap.

  7. I've not had a chance to play her. How often do you end up using intimidation? It looks like the most out of place ability on the card.


    EDIT: (I guess it adds an attack, so you may use it if you have the ram to spare, I guess I'm really asking if it justifies itself.)

  8. 1 hour ago, Fixxer said:

    The upgrades, versatile models, and +1 tax models give the myriad of options here. Dual masters are always going to lean to one of their factions more than the others with Zoraida being an exception that looks to be 50/50 in terms of models.

    There's comedy option mei feng, who can hire more models out of a faction that she isn't even part of (Bayou) than her primary faction (Thunders).

    • Agree 1
  9. I haven't thought about the practicals of this at all but i think something in Kaeris' crew (fire golem? Kaeris herself?) should have the ability to make some terrain hazardous / make it so you get burning by standing in its shadow. So she's there blowing up buildings / forests / whatever, and you can't hide from her. Maybe that'd be viewed negatively like lethe's caress is, but it'd result in a quite different game on some boards.

  10. Maybe with Toni you could give the stickiness to another model in her crew so quell activates more often. Maybe put a trigger on the captains cyclone shockwave so it pulls instead of pushes, allowing ironsides to activate with some people engaged more reliably. Or you could drop a trigger somewhere else and add something to intimidation. I feel like with ironsides the problem might be more her crew, which is very expensive atm, but I'm not commenting on that further without playtesting.

    I get what kaeris is trying to do i think but her card looks like a m2e card, with lots of different niche options. There's probably room in there  for two small abilities to be removed and replaced with one bigger stronger (and more interesting) ability, but you'd need to commit to the new design.



  11. Thanks, I appreciate the advice. I've been diluting my paints a bunch when doing layers (as per the gw meme), but I found myself wanting to have it thicker when trying to do highlighting work, as I felt it just wasn't coming off the brush properly otherwise. WRT to wash, I was definitely a bit too guilty of putting too much on there. I did one of the starter set minis a few months back, and I just slathered it on him and he ended up looking p bad, so I tried to tone it down a bit with this and just do the sunken bits, but even still I need to be more tidy. My biggest dissapointment were with the faces, I was hoping that the wash would add a bit more definition to the eyes and mouth, but as I said, it mostly just ended up making them look dirty. For now I think I just need to focus on the motor control, going in with a bit more of a plan, and having a better idea with what I'm doing with the paint consistency. I might skip the steamfitters for feb and do some gamin + punk zombies instead, do something a bit more uniform rather than fine-detailed. I know the photo's not great as a said, mostly I was just making sure to post it because I wouldn't have another chance before the end of jan.

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  12. Just now, emiba said:

    (And asking for advice...)

    I'm open to it (though not with a crappy photo like the one I took). For the minute I think I just need a steadier hand, and that'll hopefully come. The main thing that didn't come to me at all despite a couple of tries was edge highlighting. So that and keeping an eye out for drybrushing application circumstances is a thing going forward.

  13. I think this is a nice change. Currently you have all the hand manipulation stuff on either side, and then Lethe's Caress, which feels like a second large passive taking up the same headspace but without much actual support within the faction to really do anything with it, bar phillip's "He's starting to make sense" (which is again another important thing to remember during play). This would mean that the only thing you really need to pay attention to is when your opponent is discarding, and you can focus on playing the game more. I wouldn't be wild about molly being another master that spams conditions all over the place, but as you say, specifics like that are for the designers to have a think about.

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