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Posts posted by EK A&G

  1. 2 minutes ago, emiba said:

    That's because that information is available on the website. Misaki is thunders only and brewmaster is Bayou (gremlins) only.

    I have asked before in this thread if IN FUTURE (like with Dead Man's Hand) they will be usable as they used to be.

    1 minute ago, Kyris said:

    A lot of masters have lost their dual-factions.


    Lynch and misaki are now 10T only. Brewmaster is now bayou only. McMourning is resser only. etc.

    Yeah, and i asked if that change will be reversed in time.

  2. 3 hours ago, Mason said:

    We went through the model lists and divided things up in ways that made sense and would give each keyword enough models to flesh out their options.


    I can't really speak to this at the moment, as we want to save some surprises for GenCon.  :)

    However, I will note that we do have a plan in place with regards to further expansion.


    We're keeping it in mind, but game balance and fun are the most important things atm.

    Hello good sir, you have not answered if Dual Faction masters like Misaki, Brewmaster and others will be able to be played as dual faction masters.

  3. 1 minute ago, Malovane said:

    I get the impression faction affiliations will become more fluid and change over time.  Particularly now that its the Bayou faction and not Gremlins, make me think more non-gremlins will show up.  Like maybe Marcus ditches the Arcanists entirely and goes Neverborn/Bayou.  Feels like the narrative has opened up a bit in this regard.

    Yeah, i mentioned that too, would be sorta cool. I dont mind triple-faction or 4-faction masters, doesnt really matter, but the "option removal" concerns me.

  4. 5 hours ago, Mason said:

    Excellent question!

    Some of the Masters have suffered setbacks that have removed them from Malifaux's stage. Lilith has been imprisoned within Nythera, Nicodem was killed by Lady Justice, Ramos is locked up in a Guild jail cell in Vienna, and Collodi... well, it's final fate hasn't been revealed quite yet.

    All of these Masters (and their totems) will receive updated stat cards in M3E in a special "Dead Man's Hand" pack. By default, they will not be tournament legal (due to being absent in the story), but an option will exist to allow these "Dead Man's Hand" Masters to be played in tournaments that wish to allow it.


    So it was confirmed that some of the masters are in the Dead Man's Hand list and wont be usable for a while, but will be back. Okay, what about dual-faction masters, are they getting back into their "second" factions or not? Like, say, Brewmaster - is he getting back into Ten Thunders and etc etc?
    Because it seems that i am not the only person being concerned with losing masters from my faction. And if in case of Dead Man's Hand they are getting back probably in a second book, you gave no info about the dual faction masters who got monofaction all of the sudden, due to a story narrative or not.

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