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  1. Hi everyone, Picked up an old metal McMourning and Seamus boxes in case I changed factions. However, they're missing their totems sadly. Was wondering if anyone had the 1e of the Zombie Chihuahua or Copycat killer (2e would work too if you prefer playing with the 1e copies). Any help is appreciated, thanks!
  2. New to the game and my gf is also interested in playing, but primarily because of zombie dogs (McMourning). Was lucky enough to find an old metal crew box of McMourning, but to her dismay on our craft day this morning, I didn't consider the lack of a zombie chihuahua. If anyone has a metal chihuahua, or even a plastic one please let me know. Also willing to buy something else Resser or Gremlin to make it worth your time to pack up + ship to Canada. Thank you in advance.
  3. Great thank you so much, Just putting in my order for the Wong and Zipp crew, Sammy, Cranky and the Cursed. I decided to add the brewmaster crew and some tanuki, to better use the Iron Skeeters, and take some time to figure out what to pair with Zipp.
  4. Hi everyone, Sorry in advance for another what to buy post, read a few so far but hoping this deviates sufficiently. Just getting into the game and playing with a fairly competitive group and I was hoping for some advice. Recently got a pretty major store gift voucher, for messing up an order for another board game. Decided to put that money towards getting into gremlins! I was thinking of getting the Zipp and the Wong crew (or maybe Brewie but might be beyond my knowledge of the game) to build crews with styles our groups hasn't really seen much of (otherwise Ulix would be the potential contrast). What would your 2 contrasting masters' crews look like. And what characters would you use to fill them out. Are there members that you'd use in multiple lists (Trixiebell, Sally Lacroix etc.) Thanks for taking the time to read a newb message.
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