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Posts posted by Deathinabox

  1. 2 hours ago, Fetid Strumpet said:

    I think the exercise is fun, but I think you and the other thread are making potentially faulty assumptions. You are assuming things that have a keyword now will have it next edition. Outside of models that are specifically called out as being created by or working with a master in fiction, I wouldn’t put any stock in any keyword continuing just because it did this edition. Case in point Yin, She might be a horror, assuming that’s Molly’s keyword, but it wouldn’t shock me if she wasn’t. She wasn’t in 1st, and there is not one fiction that ties them together.

    The only model I would personally be willing to stake a bet on having Horror, assuming that’s Molly’s keyword, is Archie. I know there will be others that have it, but I wouldn’t be comfortable making a bet on any others, especially given how keywords were handed out during the initial open beta for m2e.

    I personally would expect von Schook to get a new keyword. Making his academic would overlap other masters keywords I feel. Better to give them unique keywords and then double trait models they want to have both than lock themselves into two masters sharing the same pool of models with no way to separate them.


    In my post I talk about models losing keywords. I said I wouldn't be surprised if Yin lost the horror characteristic as well as the Students and Kentaroi. I certainly don't believe they all will stay the same. I think there will be some model sharing going on but there's definitely some models with keywords that don't make sense thematically.

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  2. I really liked the thread by @Da Git for the Ten Thunders so I thought I do the same for our local necromancers. Here's a list of the current keywords and my thoughts on where they're going

    Belle Maybe this name will change to also include Seamus and the Copycat Killer and exclude Molly

    • Seamus and Copycat Killer
    • H Madam Sybelle
    • M Mourners
    • M Rotten Belles
    • M Dead Doxies

    Seamus will definitely need some more variety for his lists. I'm hoping they include his ability to hire living Showgirls as undead in the new edition but he will certainly need a bit more access to dedicated beater models as the crew is a little pillow-fisted at the moment.


    • Yan Lo & Soul Porter
    • H - Toshiro
    • H - Manos
    • E - Izamu
    • E - Yin
    • E - Chiaki


    • E - Sun Quiang (10T)
    • M - Ashigaru
    • M - Komainu (10T)
    • M - Goryo
    • M - Onryo

    There's a good selection of models here. Yan Lo has access to beaters and support pieces. The only thing that could really be added is a dedicated scheme runner IMO.

    Spirit once again,  fully expect this keyword to change to not include a ridiculous number of models from other factions. I'm guessing it'll turn into something like Ghost. Here's what I think will be in there

    • Kirai + Lost Love
    • H Datsu Ba
    • E Jaakuna Ubume
    • E Ikiryo
    • E Lampad
    • M Gaki
    • M Goryo
    • M The Hanged
    • M The Drowned
    • M Night Terror
    • M Onryo
    • M Shikome
    • P Graveyard Spirit?

    There's a lot of wiggle room in this one but I think she's got a good selection of models and should do fine without adding anything more, although Bone Piles could be added to the list as they're very ghost-like in the fluff


    • Molly + Necrotic Machine
    • H Philip and the Nanny
    • H Archie
    • H The Valedictorian
    • E Rogue Necromancy
    • E Sloth
    • E Yin
    • E Killjoy (Outcasts)
    • M Crooligan
    • M Draugr
    • M The Drowned
    • M Guild Autopsy
    • M Kentauroi
    • M Punk Zombie
    • M Students

    Molly has a really nice selection of models to choose from, especially if she retains the ability to take Belles. I'm guessing she may lose access to a few models such as Kentauroi, Students, Yin, and the Valedictorian.


    • Reva + Corpse Candle
    • H Vincent St Clair
    • M Shieldbearer
    • M Draugr

    This will definitely need to be expanded. I think we may see Lampads and Bone Piles added to this list and they fit the fiery aesthetic of the list.

    McMourning currently has no keyword attached to him. I'm guessing he'll get something akin to Laboratory, or Test Subjects. My best guess as to what will be included is

    • McMourning + Zombie Chuahua
    • H Sebasian
    • E Rafkin
    • E Rogue Necromancy
    • M Canine Remains
    • M Flesh Consruct
    • M Guild Autopsies
    • M Nurses
    • M Kentauroi
    • M Little Gassers

    Besides these I think we could also have him as a home for rig i who aren't themed with anyone at the moment. It's also possible he will be able to bring in the Guild models from the starter set for the Doctor theme.


    • Jack + Ligeia
    • H Montressor (Outcasts)
    • E Wrath (Neverborn)
    • E Envy (Arcanists)
    • E Gluttony (Bayou)
    • E Greed (Guild)
    • E Jaakuna Ubume
    • E Lust (10T)
    • E Papa Loco (Guild)
    • E Serena Bowman (Neverborn)
    • E Sloth
    • E Pride (Outcasts)
    • M Crooked Man
    • M Guilty (Outcasts)
    • M The Drowned
    • M The Hanged
    • M Nurses
    • M Dead Outlaw (Outcasts)

    Quite a selection of models to pick from. I expect that Jack will be bringing his box models over to Ressurs in the switch. I honestly don't expect much to change here as his selections are fairly well rounded.

    Academics It's possible that Von Schtook will be Academic focused, although I expect that he will actually be gaining a new keyword such as Transmortis to differentiate himself from Sandeep.

    • Albus + Totem
    • H Amina Naidu (Arcanists)
    • H Kudra (Arcanists
    • H The Valedictorian
    • E Freikorps Librarian (Outcasts)
    • E Oxfordian Mages (Arcanists)
    • E Shastar Vidiya Guard (Arcanists)
    • M Sanctioned Spellcasters (Guild)
    • M Students

    I think Von Schtook won't have these out of faction models. Instead we'll likely see a slew of new models for our newest necromancer.

    Well what do you guys think? Anything you think will be different? Let me know

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  3. This was a situation that almost came up in my most recent game. I have a model on hazardous terrain with one wound left. Hazardous terrain damage occurs when a model activates or enters hazardous terrain. Assuming the model is tormented and withing 6" of Jack Daw with the Writhing Torment upgrade (This model may push Tormented models  up to 3" in any direction when they activate within 6:aura) and that push could move it out of hazardous terrain, how is this resolved. I could see three solutions

    1. The model activates, immediately triggering a hazardous terrain flip

    2. I get to choose to take the push first, I push out of the terrain, then I don't need to take the flip

    3. I get to choose to take the push first, I push out of the terrain, then I am still required to take the hazardous terrain flip. (relevant as I can change the location where the model dies)

    Could you let me know which one is correct, and why it is correct? Thank you

  4. Yeah I'd definitely agree that Hayreddin can be risky, but with some good positioning, you can summon a model within 6 of Nico and 3 of Hayreddin. Blast off of it with healing and then chain activate the summon to charge it out of the Hayreddin bubble. It'll certainly take some practice to pull it off regularly but it could certainly work 

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  5. Besides his summons, there's a lot of really good models to get the blasts off of

    2: Mindless Zombies

    4: Izamu, Killjoy,

    5: Yin

    One model that I think is gonna see a lot more play in a Nico crew is Hayreddin who can give :+flip to damage, making those blasts much easier. Between him and Nico's :+flip to defense flips, I don't think there will be much problem in healing your own models.

  6. Hey, potential Jack Daw player here. I was wondering if I could get some clarification on the interactions with the new Growing Injustice upgrade. It seems like due to wordings, the upgrades are kinda clunky. Here's the problems 1. Sin Eater allows Daw to pull his upgrades off nearby models, but only if he started the game with them. So the new upgrade can't be pulled off? 2. Remember Injustice has the same restrictions. 3. The cursed upgrades themselves specify that if the model with them gets killed, they go back to the model that purchased them. As Daw didn't technically purchase them he wouldn't be able to reattach them from this ability. Basically it seems like any new upgrades you gain from Growing Injustice can't be put back on Daw once they're used and just kinda need to be turned into Guilty to regain the upgrade. Is this an accurate reading of the card? or am I misunderstanding something?

  7. Levi can be played pure outcast for sure. I have a special spot in my heart for the midnight stalker. A gentleman serial killer, he requires some getting used to but it's certainly worth the effort. Primarily used as a scheme runner, he can also pack an incredible punch against a group of models. There's a lot of tricks you can learn with this guy.

  8. You're gonna want to look at the Ressurectionists. They've got a variety of undead motif's including Dr Frankenstein, standard zombie lord, ghosts, and much more. The Outcasts also have a couple necromancy crews (Jack Daw and his tormented souls and Leveticus' undead abominations). What kind of aesthetics/play-style  are you looking for?

  9. Here's my ideas for this errata


    Bete Noir: She seriously needs some love. Her main issue is being super dependent on what the enemy takes. I'd remove the living/undead caveats on her actions and abilities so if you go up against Collodi, Tara, Dreamer, or anything else that doesn't use living models , she's not severely hampered from the start. I'd also give her an ability like Cloaked in the Void: This model cannot be dealt damage while buried. As another issue with Bete is that Void Wretches, Aionus, Death Marshal Recruiters, and Lady J can all just insta-kill her if they happen to be taken.

    Draugr: This model seems very confused. It's a weird one and it's not working out how it is now. I'm suggesting a pretty significant overhaul. Change Mutable Form to: After succesfully resolving an action, this model may choose to change its Ht stat to 1, 2, or 3 until the end of the game. Change Bulk: While this model is Ht 3, it has Hard to Wound +1 and -1 Df. While this model is Ht 1, it has Fragile +1 and +1 Df. Give it Instinctual. Basically, instead of picking 1/3 of your abilities to benefit from each turn, you can cycle through them so long as you keep succeeding. There's definitely 8ss worth of abilities on that card but you're locked out of most of them each turn.


    Undertaker: Only allow it to activate when undead are killed, not sacrificed. It's silly that Nico can gain resources from doing something he already wants to do.

    Kentauroi: Change Zombie Steed to once per turn. Make it unsummonable somehow. Either through making it an enforcer, or giving it an ability that says it can't be summoned.

    Asura: Change zombie summoning to a (0) C6c, TN 9cc. Summon a mindless zombie in base contact with a Quarantine Marker. This model does not need LoS to the summoned model. This specifically hurts Nico as he's gonna want that crow or ss for his own summoning, but still usable as it can sometimes be necesary. Also allows QZ markers to stick around which I think are a really cool aspect of her design. Make Residents of Rottenburg an 8" ability so she's in at least a little danger. 

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  10. McCabe summons Dismounted McCabe, technically speaking. A Domador can bring an abomination which can summon other abominations, or guild autopsies which can summon mindless zombies. Gupps can summon silurids. Hoffman can port in Steam Arachnids which summon Swarms. Basically most of the guild summons are actually ported in.

  11. Haha my bad, totally spaced on that. Anyways, Rugarou or Illuminated are great as minion beater models to give issue command to. Autumn Knights (I prefer Thorn with him as she's fairly self-sufficient and give me cards (which Lucius loves to have) but push-pounce combo with the Tooth is also really good.) Changelings are really good. Mr Tannen has a lot of utility. I really like corrupted hounds as there's a lot of little tricks you can run with them. I've heard he also likes Stitched Together.

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