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Posts posted by luckyreplica

  1. Sorry, this is not a full on custom puppet, as I am working on them, and going to playtest them within a month or so.

    After some time looking around for how to further "balance" or optimize this game, I have found some use for the Puppetpocalypse models (I know you Wurmwood are not a huge fan of these sculpts, but I found an okay use for them). 

    Within our group, The Hooded Rider is too powerful. I remember other playtesters back in the day experienced similar issues. The "yellow" puppets also have three sidekicks, so I thought the Puppetpocalypse would be great as Sidekicks for ram, tome, mask and crows.
    Furthermore, our group wanted some more gamemodes. I have seen the "King of the hill"-style, but games tend to take a long time with balanced opponents (I should mention, we typically play this with 3-4 people). What I wanted to do was to give the game some more defined boundaries and a little more development for a team.
    Some of the rules I will implement when finishing the 4 additional horsemen:

    1. The 5 horsemen (the hooded rider is included there) can not be chosen for your toybox.
    2. Upgrading a puppet with items is not necessarily limited to puppets within your scrapyard.
    3. The missions I want to create is different ways to earn victory-points (I have thought of 3 modes, where one mode rewards a trophy (doll-head) for slaying another puppet. The other rewards dolls for searching piles of mess lying around the board (an example of a mission card is attached)). These victory-points can be EXHAUSTED (exhaustion does not make you lose the point, but it cannot be exhausted twice) to attach an upgrade to a puppet. This should be seen as an ability (which I would call a free action).

    These rules work for our group because we are not huge meta-gamers, so overpowered upgrades for certain puppets are not what we look for or study too hard. Furthermore we felt that the development of the game could get a bit stale at times. Please bear in mind, this is a work in progress and merely a first draft (without playtesting or further study) at how a mission-card could  be done.


    *NOTE: This is totally home-made for private use. It is not affiliated in any way with Wyrd :) 


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  2. 10 hours ago, Wurmwood said:

    Did you end up printing any of those "Puppet Masters Show" miniatures? "The Puppet Master Final" looks like it would make a great "Puppet Collodi" (if you had house rules for him) if the mini is small enough.

    I actually only printed The Dolls and Doll Pile. I used Doll Pile as my Teddy and The Dolls for some of the Sidekicks. The Doll Pile can get a little flimsy with the needles when sized down to 25mm (or 28..... Remembering it as 25mm scale), but the rest of the dolls work really well! I can upload a picture or two when I get home from work :) 

  3. Hello guys!

    Has anyone of you made a puppet card? My OCD spikes when, for example, the masks only have access to one sidekick, when everyone else at least has access to two. I was considering trying to make one myself, but you guys might have done something similar or have some inspiration? :) 

  4. This is awesome!
    I have also gotten my local plastic pusher to print some workbenches and I have bought these STL files to proxy some of the other puppets:


    Although not the exact same, it is good and evil enough to fit in the Puppet Wars universe. 
    I am also going to look into converting some of the 2. edition malifaux cards to be missions for Puppet Wars and make it so you can "buy" upgrades instead of sacrificing puppets. I think this will give it a little more depth for my group :) 

  5. On 23/7/2017 at 11:27 PM, Clousseau said:

    I play reasonably regularly, and would play more if I could.

    I bought the game because of Malifaux, but play because its really fun.

    Awesome, really happy that there are others out there!


    Like it happens so often, I have been cought up in life and I am going for vacation the next week, but after my homecoming (no spiderman pun there!) I will create a sort of boardgame-day at my local community for people to try 3 board games I currently play that I own:

    Dice Masters
    Puppet Wars

    And Warhammer 40k Conquest, which unfortunately has gone oop, but it is quite fun and more managable as is, so it doesn't turn into another big Magic the Gathering fever. I will post here how it goes, and the level of interest for Puppet Wars...

  6. Hello puppet pals!

    So i have a couple of questions.

    Are you guys still playing it and if yes, how often?

    Also, did you guys mainly buy this game because you played malifaux or because it seemed cool? 

    The reason for these questions is actually because i need to know hos this should be introduced in my gaming community :)

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  7. This is awesome, and i think a Lot of people do want to revitalize this game. Else people would not have asked for that PDF so long time after. 

    And i can see people are still checking back on the forums once in a while, so Wyrd should really notice that there is an interest in this game :)


    And @Brass Monkey the PDF is pitch perfekt. Printed out those badboys and laminated 'em... Hard to tell the difference :)

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  8. 5 hours ago, Thimblesage said:

    So the Unstitched rules have been unavailable for some time... does anyone have a downloaded copy of it? the weblink has been down or over a year I think. 


    Down in the bottom on the left, that link works fine for me. Takes me to: https://static1.squarespace.com/static/54fe412ce4b0c449f7369857/t/55ad3e7de4b0550249ead1cb/1437417085990/Puppet+Wars+Rules.pdf

    Let me know if this works :)

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  9. 4 hours ago, Omenbringer said:

    @luckyreplica Don't mind my dreary tone; I appreciate the effort. Puppetwars has been one of my favorite games since the original version first came out way back when.

    Would love to see some new things for the game, particularly since the mini-boardgame genre is so popular now. Would make my day if future Unstitiched booster expansions (aside from finishing off in the larger plastics what was already available in the original version of Puppetwars) featured an alterable board layout (with Terraclips Floor tiles/ Walls/ Doors/ Stairs/ etc) and some 3-d terrain (breakable of course).

    I still contend that Puppetwars was ahead of its time and still has a lot of untapped potential left.

    I totally agree. Silver tower, skirmish games, lords of Hellas.. All games seem extremely popular and they are all board games or small army games. What also struck me is the lack of "professional" or OK quality battlereports. I dable with the idea of making one in a bit of a cartoony manner. 


    The potential is huuuuge and i have no idea how Wyrd can let this potential stormer go to waste, especially when they could use terraclips...

    3 hours ago, solkan said:

    For me, Puppet Wars is in a weird place because it has card mechanics that are similar but not the same as Malifaux (so you don't get any 'If you've played X, then this will be easy to learn' cross over in either direction) but the game is using effigies of the Malifaux characters so you get the 'Fan of the character' cross over.

    That character cross over makes it really unlikely to get licensed off to someone else, compared to EBO or one of the other games.

    This thread really makes we want to sit down and try to 3D print some toy boxes and mountains sized for the board, though.  :mellow:

    You are right and i know some who wont Play it because of its ties with malifaux... But here is the thing, it is a separate board game. It should not include the full or half the mechanics in my opinion.

    Sounds like a crazy good idea. Also thought about some in house obstacles to put on the board, and my Friend and i talked about creating our own board alltogether. 


    Anyways, i see there are still some burning spirits for this game, which makes me even more excited for this. Just had a game today with a friend, his first time playing it. December acolyte is a beast and a huge gamechanger with a little luck in the cards. Add in some Ranged or high movement to poke those last stitches... Boom :)

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  10. 10 hours ago, Omenbringer said:

    AS the years go on it is more and more likely that this wonderful game is going to either go the way of the dodo or perhaps Wyrd will sell the license to someone (similar to what they did with Evil Baby Orphanage, though still haven't seen anything from that which is really too bad).

    Sorry Omenbringer, meant to quote you :)

  11. Well, in either way, I am actually trying to revive this forum a bit. I am going to play this game with some different friends, bring it to my local community, and then I will start to answer some of the unanswered questions. Now, I am no superhero in figuring out combos or lineups for games, but perhaps it will encourage others to show some of their work or thoughts behind the strategies they use :) It is a long shot, but if the community would thrive a bit more, they might just start prioritizing this....

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  12. Hello guys.

    Sorry if this is just annoying the most of you, but I would actually like to revive this topic about good army compositions. It is not like I am in any way an experienced player. I have had a couple of test games and that is it. What I do think is awesome though is Lady Justices ability with punk zombie. That can indeed give a kick back when it takes a rip. But a whole army, I haven't really made a good combo through that. Would be cool to hear if any of you have made some good lists :)

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