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Everything posted by PirateCaptain

  1. Or just be a monster like me and buy the entire faction, granted I did that over the course of a year, so I guess it's not that absurd
  2. So, it's deiniitely possible, and in my mind it all comes down to how difficult you set the Fated's TNs for the abilities. it's pretty simple to make something that would be weaker in transition stronger by just setting it's default flip a few cards higher. Sounds silly simple, but it actually works pretty well, you just have to be willing to flex the rules to your purposes.
  3. Kevin posts a bunch on a wyrd place if you're on there, if not let me know and I'll snap a few tomorrow at game night
  4. I think a lot of the "gremlins are ignored" talk comes from a misinformed location. In my opinion, Gremlins are very strong, but very difficult to play. I think as a whole Gremlins are an intense glass cannon, and a lot of the staple models have ways to mediate the glass. As a whole the faction is very high risk high reward, and that can be frustrating to play if you don't know exactly what you're doing. Let's look at Franc and Burt for example, both of these models can put out absurd amounts of damage, and Gremlins has tons of methods for delivering them quickly, the problem I see with them was they were a bit too survivable, between stilts and dirty cheater they can be very difficult to put down. i think increasing their points costs was actually a very appropriate way to handle this, even in faction. I really think the faction is in a really good place, and I know i'm not the only one, as they are getting good results, and sometimes with models that were previously not used (I think the reduction on survivors was very beneficial, but needs more data).
  5. Pretty much all of this, it's easy to confuse the hype for a bandwagon of Phillip in every crew, but he's just another really good support piece. Choosing the correct support is really important in Rezzers, and like you said, overdoing it can cause huge problems in crews
  6. I'll definitely have to try this then, sounds like a cool idea
  7. Yea, I've been playing more and more Seamus, he continues to surprise me in the new edition. He can just keep going, and going. @Frollo the Wordbearer, why Corpse Bloat? Just curious
  8. Pretty sure it's because they were showing up in far too many crews, I regularly just stuck them in crews because, even though sometimes they didn't do anything, occasionally they could cripple my opponent, and that's a bit too good for 5 ss. At 6 ss it's a bit harder to just plug them in all over the place when you've got a few unspent points
  9. If you want to have a good time Seamus is great, but yea, I'd have to encourage you to look elsewhere for competitive rezzers. But other than that you've got a solid pool to start playing, I'll second Yin, and then look at picking up maybe another beater for some variety.
  10. We use a ton of vantage point and climbable things in our area and it works great, just make sure there's enough LoS blocking terrain to break up firing lanes. Check out the article on Schemes and Stones blog for a really good breakdown on exactly how it works.
  11. Starting with the dual faction stuff is definitely a safe place though. That way you're still open to going into either faction down the road if anything else in either faction starts to interest you. Toshiro, Izamu, and Yin, as stated, are all solid Yan Lo picks in both factions. In rezzers he can really be more of a surprise than anything. For example, if your opponent expects Nicodem and you bring Yan Lo, they might be in for a bad time. I don't think you need more than 1 of those, and more than 2 would be overkill. I'd do Toshiro and Asura personally, but honestly any combination of the 2 could be fine depending on the pool.
  12. I agree, i've been toying around with a poison seamus crew with performers and cassandra, and I think there's something to it. I'm very excited to try little gassers with it.
  13. So, by my interpretation, the shortest route would include falling. As vertical movement, including going down, would take double move when "climbed" and falling would take no distance out of the wk. So the shortest distance to end as close as possible would be falling.
  14. I think they're a good tool to have in your back pocket. If you end up at a board with a bunch of impassible terrain, or a scheme pool situation where you need a few solid minions that still work into the theme they can be useful. I wouldn't put them into my main crew, but I think having one on hand is really important.
  15. Yup, I agree with the above, grab Rafkin, and take a loot at Shikome, and Little Gassers when they come out
  16. Izamu is better in Kirai because he's a Spirit, he benefits from adversary and Kirai's teleport thing
  17. Yea definitely, I'd say getting Kirai's box, datsu ba, Izamu, and Goryo would put you in a great spot to start learning
  18. Well, that is the a major point of the crew... to kill you in the face... and what makes a good alpha player good, is being able to protect those pieces until it's time to go in, and knowing when to go in, and what to go in on... so sure the counter play is to kill his hammer, but I'm sure he knows this just as well as you do, and knows how to place his stuff so you can't just kill it without effort...
  19. Starting with Kirai can be difficult, not because she's incredibly complex, but because she can cost quite a bit to get started in. Her base box has a bunch of stuff that you can't hire so just on that you're going to have to put some money into it. I'd say start with: Kirai Datsu Ba Izamu Goryo and then another crew box, I'd pick either Seamus or Reva, belle's are shieldbearers are both very good with Kirai, and you'll need another solid minion. (you could do mcmourning, since you'll get a solid summon pylon w/ nurse and flesh construct) I'd then start off learning her support tricks, she can heal, manipulate the board, and more and then you can summon the occosional onryo and goryos throughout the game as needed. Other key models: Hanged, Gaki, Shikome Honorable Mentions: Nurses Flesh Constructs
  20. She's not a must-have, but definitely something worth having in your tool box.
  21. These are amazing! Thank you and well done! I'm definitely going to get some nice ones printed up for my group
  22. So, I used to not be a fan of Seamus, he just didn't seem to do what I wanted him to. But the errata and GG18 I think pull him to a reasonable point. I've played 2 games with him since the errata, so not a huge pool, but I've noticed a couple things. GG18 really likes models that have a lot of survivability, and Seamus is freaking brutal to put down, especially with his change. The ability to heal off of a melee attack is really really strong, combine that with mad haberdasher, boo so he can force horror duels (that he can and hurt off of) and he's virtually unkillable. I've taken Mad Haberdasher, Sinister Reputation, and Do You Know Who I Am. (I also played a game with AKA SB instead of the hat, it's good, but i like the hat for my gameplan) Basically, Seamus can just teleport or charge into the middle of everything, attack, boo (if what you want to kill succeeds hit it with the damage from DYK) and push it off and shoot. If he hits all the attacks and they pass the horror duel he can do a min of 8-10 damage with just min damages. But more importantly, they're gonna have to spend so much effort to kill him back, his staying power is just so high. For example, he weathered a round of combat from Reva and Archie, healed up to full and left archie on like 3 wounds if I remember correctly. I don't know if he breaks into my top 3 masters in faction (Reva, Kirai, Nico in no particular order), but he's definitely someone i'll consider more often than I had before.
  23. I second Anna, she also has the trigger on her ranged attack to trigger horror duels which is super good
  24. Exactly, it's not like you're summoning a new bone pile, it's still the same model, you just treat it as 2 for whatever the strat or scheme asks you
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