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Everything posted by Regelridderen

  1. That's subjective, and you're entitled to your opinion, but... Wicked states that you can use your attacks 'normal' effects (including Triggers) instead of reducing the push. 'Normal'-ly "actions generated by Triggers (and any subsequent actions) cannot declare Triggers.". But honestly, if Zoraida needs more than 5 Hinamatsu attacks to deal with a certain model, you're quite likely not getting optimum use out of Zoraidas activation.
  2. And most important of all, they aren't available before march.
  3. Oh there is the ‘cute trick’ category 😊
  4. Nope, I remembered neither of those. - which is why I put it up here. If it was obvious to me and not in use, then there’d be a good chance, I was missing something 😁
  5. Just started painting up some Swampfiends, when a little trickery struck me. Zoraida Obeys an enemy model to disengage one with Wicked. The enemy model will of course relent in a fit of subservient masochism paving the way for easily doing some severe damage. Seems nasty in my book.
  6. Yes… the internet is brimming with stories of games won due to Pack Mentality 😏 - @AngelRoguerelying on a Stat4 Lure in order to make the most of 15 points of models is optimistic at best. Of course, there are better (and more expensive) Lures in Neverborn, but if it’s killing power you want, I’d look elsewhere.
  7. In general Pack Mentality is useless. It comes on weak models that easily die and denying you the opportunity to make use of it. On a whole having a high stat in Malifaux doesn’t do much beyond allowing you to cheat for success - and there are much juicier recipients for the severes in your hand. - What’s most important in a scheme runner is a third move, allowing the model to interact/scheme twice in a turn. Giving the Bultungin Nimble would remedy that - or Chain Gang could be fun to emphasize their pack mentality. I wouldn’t rely on any 2/3/4 damage track to accomplish anything aggressive, although baking a mask into their attack for Coordinated Attack would suddenly make them a great force multiplier - and would emulate the pack thing even more. - Of course these boons would need to be off set somehow e.g. Mv5 or a 1/2/3 damage track etc., but I’d look into what makes a model interesting and thematic rather than balancing it at first.
  8. I’d go with performers. That crew is just made of pure casu martzu.
  9. One of the hardest lessons to learn is that unless Assassinate is in the pool, all masters are expendable.
  10. I’ve had a lot of fun leaving my creepy kids neverborn on the shelves and play around with Coopers Freak Show (Colette). Now, I’m aching for setting the world straight and uniting the workers with my girl Toni. Listening to podcasts (the infamous Mr. @Douglas Scoundrels seems to the foremost expert on class warfare), yet I’m wondering if there are ways to play her, beyond the joint bubble’o’fun meatgrinder of Toni and Howard? So please give some inspiration, regale with your tales of stickin’ it to the man. Who were your MVPs and how you like to approach the tabletop? Thanks
  11. I wouldn’t know why anyone would object to this? It would be the equivalent of complaining that people paint their models poorly - like the majority of us do. And despite @solkan’s complaints about not ‘fitting in’ - which rarely seems to be the case anyway - my Ressurs gladly take their cobblestone bases into the deepest swamps to face off against the M&SU dramatically lit by off base furnaces, or a crew of poorly disassembled gremlins with a coat of paint as if a five-year old hopped up on sugar and crayons could have done them. You’d really have to be entitled to the nth degree in order to complain about other people not painting their dollies to your specification. In the words of Mr. Cooper “Just splash some paint on it.”
  12. So what you’re saying is; you don’t like it, because you think gaming models should look, as if no effort has been put into them? Why? Is it because they make the rest of the table look bad in comparison? Or something else? I can’t wrap my head around, what you’re saying? - @Mr Oogie Boogie My Google fu is weak, will you provide some links? 😊
  13. Just started playing my performer crew as well. And hot damn! Compared to playing Neverborn, you just feel you're on easy mode – and I didn't even touch her pre-nerf @Maniacal_cackle I fielded old Lucy in Guild once, and it was a disaster. Whereas running him in Neverborn with double matures has wreaked anyone's face. How did you approach Nucius in guild? And any thoughts on running him in Neverborn?
  14. Finally getting some momentum and games in after the pandemic - just before it catching on again 😷 But I’d love to hear People’s experience with the new masters in a playstyle old vs new kind of way. Which is more fun, more well-rounded, feels more tactical etc. Particular Dreamer, Pandora and Zoraida?
  15. Some people like to be gatekeepers. said without knowing anything about the debacle you mention - not even knowing what paintstyle you refer to (add some reference images, it sounds interesting).
  16. There’s no irony at all - I mean, have you read #1-9? 😇
  17. The Harlefaux podcast just did a deepdive on Sandy. It sounds as if there is no way to go cheap on him 😊
  18. Wow! That is impressive So let me guess, you rarely bring more than one master to tournaments?
  19. And the new guy, Dorian’s Misery is triggered by Distracted as well - and the Tyrant-torn can just summon the Sorrows she needs.
  20. I doubt, they’re as squishy as they appear - except against shooting. When you charge them, you get Distracted, so they’re unlikely to be hit. They’ve got a 2” reach, so if it charges opponents need to deal with closing the gap itself, aside from Stunned, Distracted and Slow. - Then again Sorrows are great minions
  21. Recently got the nightmare Zoraida crew, so I suddenly have to think about our little glowy things. And with the recent changes to Distracted, I see them as little bundles of terror at 4 stones - as long as you don’t run into a shooty crew. So I was wondering if people had some experience running them with our Mistress of Misery; Pandora? As an alternative to Sorrows?
  22. A tried and true tactic of any Neverborn crew is the Glimpse of Candy Bomb. Delivered via rider and/or Nephilim. I always reserve a Stone and a thirteen for it. Whether she’s Fast is inconsequential, just that she gets there.
  23. Placing a 50 mm severe terrain marker on top of a shadow should take a minut of 3” of movement off Misaki. - What you should be aware of is the abundance of Extended Reach. So having plenty of access to alternate ways than charging to get into contact with models is great.
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