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Posts posted by Beeray

  1. 1 hour ago, wobbly_goggy said:

    Are you hiding out of sight?

    1 hour ago, wobbly_goggy said:

    nowhere near enough terrain

    I usually play on a board with 1/3-1/2 of hte board of terrain, I still seem to not get alot out of them.
    I havent specifically played hide and seek with them usually due to needing to do something with them or just being plain olde bad at placing them

    There is a skill to keeping them alive that i just havent achieved yet i think.
    I like that they arent insignificant and bayou 2 cards is awesome, but more often then not im in a situation where Drunk and Reckless isnt useable due to it killing them.
    [Start a petition to make Drunk and Reckless 1 Damage and give them poison 1 :D #FlavorTown]

    Im going to force myself to play more Somer to get better with these guys.

    • Like 1
    • Thanks 1
  2. On 7/20/2018 at 3:14 AM, daniello_s said:

    I would grant them solid 5, maybe even 6

    On 7/21/2018 at 6:41 AM, wobbly_goggy said:

    5/10? Whaaaaaat?? Drunk and reckless shenanigans and out-activating, they're aces!

    I have had the worst luck with these guys, 
    Either they are dead and gone before i get a good turn to use Drunk and Reckless, or place scheme markers where i need them.

    With that in mind i have limited myself to using them Mostly with Zipp, usually 3-4. Lots of fun in Ours when you get a BayouBoy in each of the 4 corners!

    But all in all I have to agree with @daniello_s  Desperate Mercs and Guild Guards really took the fluff out of them

  3. Had a friendly game with a friend of mine last night, where he played SnowStorm and the Frozen Hearts [Pretty sure its an Emo Band], Where I played

    Trixie [Gun for a Lady]
    Iron Skeeter

    The take aways from this game were as followed:

    1. Going all in on the Pere bomb makes the game end quickly
    2. Quickly usually because you died

    Granted i think i activated incorrectly, I got over excited and activated Sparks first gave fast and then accompliced into the Iron Skeeter to throw Pere up the board.
    Got SnowStorm down to like 3 wounds and then he ate the Iron Skeeter


    14 hours ago, edopersichetti said:

       Do Over
    Whiskey Golem
       Barrel Up
    Mechanized Porkchop

    Flavor Win! 


    14 hours ago, edopersichetti said:

    However, I agree with @Math Mathonwy that Trixie is our best option due to the importance of winning initiative

    I too have to agree, almost every game of HH that I have gotten to play comes down to initiative on turn 3-5. So at the least she needs to be in the list somewhere.

  4. I feel terrible asking this, but I cant seem to get a Clear cut answer to what is randomized for.


    Looking at this the Scenario is that A B and C are Friendly
    while X and Y are Friendly
    All are ht 1

    B is engaged with X
    C is engaged with Y

    B C X and Y are all within 2 inches of each other

    There is a Wall [ht5 blocking Hardcover] between X B and C Y

    A is shooting X with a Projectile Attack causing a Randomization
    19) When shooting into an engagement, can models which are not within LoS of the model which is shooting end up becoming the target of the Attack due to randomization? Yes.

    20) When shooting into an engagement, do you flip cards for models which are not technically engaged with the target, so long as they are within 2" of the target? Yes.

    Based on this we would Flip for all 4 [B, C, X, and Y] and could hit C or Y Correct?

    Please let me know if i missed something, and again sorry for entering another ask for this.

  5. 17 hours ago, green-n-dumb said:

    Second idea - gremlin Darwinist/Scientist/Evolutionist. He found book with works of Darwin and get it wrong.
    7-9ss very squishy model with (2) tactical action: Sacrifice friendly model in 6' and summon friendly model with ss cost +1 in base contact with target model before removing it from play. This action cant break rare restricitons (you cant have 3 Burts on the table).

    Could also go in the direction of Bayou VooDoo
    you Flip a card that cant be cheated to determine want value you summon
    Black Joker - Model is Sacrificed 
    Red Joker - Summon the Same Model, but dont Sac the other
    1-5 - +0 of Original
    6-10 - +1 SS of Original
    11-13 - +2 SS of Original

    Keeping in mind you can break rare number, and maybe limit it to Minions or Minions and Enforcers


  6. We are trying to get a weekly setup in my area for Henchman Hardcore, similar to FNM for Magic The Gathering. With one day a month we will hold a 50SS Tourney.

    Trixie definitely seems great in this format with her Push/Pull and her Gun upgrade helps too.

    14 hours ago, DanteJH said:

    use pere to scare people off

    I love thinking about Pere just standing in the middle screaming that he has a Stuffed Pig and he isnt afraid to use it!

    I also have fallen inlove with Survivors after the cost drop, every game i have played with them, regardless of the format, they have either hit WAY above their point cost or ran all the schemes i needed them too.

    Ophelia's Box is just so good all around, Frank, Raph, Pere, and then theirs the misfit Rami lol


    Im looking at maybe doing:
    Whiskey Golem
    2x Survivor

  7. Morning Folks!

    I was looking over some ideas for Henchman hardcore and wanted everyone's opinion on the best team for Henchman Hardcore, as well as some strategies that we have seen work.

    My current team for Henchman Hardcore is purely Fluff and Theme with Mancha and 3 Wrastlers [All painted like different Avengers]

    • Like 1
  8. Ulix was what got me into the Game! 
    I saw pigs and wanted to deal in Pigs and Pig accessories!

    For just a Dip into the faction to do Pig like things I would start with:
    Ulix Crew Box
    Piglets [To summon obvs]
    The Sow/Gracie/MechaPork [atleast one of these to have 2 pigs to summon off of]
    Slop Haulers [Mass healing is great!]
    Warpig [Atleast 1 to summon] 

    I would say that is your Core Swine Line up. I havent gotten Hog Whisperers yet so cant speak to how good they are but that would be my next pickup after the list above.

    With a little bit deeper dip
    Swine Cursed [Beaters, shootum in the rear]
    Hog Whisperers [Reactivate the big pigs]
    Merris [Specially if you get blasted off the table often]
    Pigapult [Long range Scheming]
    Sammy [to hold the bow]
    Burt [he beastly]
    2nd Warpig
    the other 50mm Pigs [options are great]
    Moar Piglets [youll run out quickly and want more]

    Hope this helps :D 

    • Thanks 1
  9. 2 hours ago, green-n-dumb said:

    its clearly seen at book 5.

    Book 5 could be on the weak side for us since Bayou Bash is coming out
    and they could make it so that one or all of the models in that game can be used in Malifaux
    Effectively giving us ALOT more then what other Factions got, just had to wait for Bayou Bash


    Just a thought

    • Like 1
  10. On 4/6/2018 at 3:10 PM, green-n-dumb said:

    Here was the topic about "dirty" combo "Tanukipult":

    I did this combo twice this weekend, One was Symbols [Set Up, and Public Demo] the other was Ours [Set Up, Public Demo]
    In the Ours game, the Tanuki denied my opponents corner by throwing 20 points of Tanuki in there and getting me a Solid 7 Points Turn 2
    In the Symbols game, Tanuki tied up McMourning and Autopsies while Burt wrecked a Symbol

    Im loving this combo, Tanuki Numba One!

  11. On 4/10/2018 at 8:38 AM, DanteJH said:

    The Young LaCroix are so important to Ophelia because they have a 1ap action to attach an Ophelia upgrade if they’re within 6’ ignoring all restrictions.

    Their 1 action to attach doesnt ignore the Master limit of 3. Nor can you attach an upgrade that is already attached.

  12. Over the weekend I oversaw a Game of Marcus vs Perdita.

    The Perdita player took the Scheme "Take One For The Team" with Francisco as the Sucker.
    On round 2 the Marcus player was able to make Francisco a Beast and then Casts Alpha on him to attack and Kill the Governor's Proxy.
    Here is where we weren't sure  how this would play out.
    Governor's Influence Triggered on Francisco killing him, we played it as the controller of Francisco made the Wp duel, in which case the Marcus player cheated the flip to lose the duel killing Francisco.
    Now that Francisco has died, We questioned if Take One For The Team would Trigger.
    We went with no, since the Proxy is technically a Friendly model.

    Did we play this right?
    Thanks in advanced!

    • Like 1
  13. 4 hours ago, Finalscene said:

    It's also worth mentioning that if you take Sparks, he can make your gremlins drop scrap markers instead of corpse markers when they die within 6" of him. He also can make the pigapult fast so that it can make 4 shots or 2 focused shots per turn. He also has a trigger that can push the pigapult 5 inches for a better range or for cover...I just convinced myself to buy Sparks.

    That is basically what happened on Monday to me.
    He should be here by end of week, along with Wong and Survivors!

    7 hours ago, Omenbringer said:

    that sacrifices those heavily wounded Gremlins so they don't drop Corpse Markers.

    I have found in our games that he doesnt really need my Corpse Markers, he will be able to generate the markers that he needs to summon what he wants.
    I havent gotten to play against Rezzors again since the start of this forum, but I think Zipp is my best bet to distract and reposition the summoner.


    22 hours ago, cbtb11235813 said:

    but I played against Survivors for the first time late night. Especially with Sparks buffing them

    The Survivors "This thing shoots!?" really made me want to use them for just the hilarious factor, plus they can do some deadly things with Mah/Sparks

    ....I did alot of ordering this week....

    • Like 1
    • Haha 1
  14. They way we play we have access to several Masters in our faction and will take what one we are feeling that day.
    With that being said is there any Masters that just shouldnt go against Rezzors?

    Brewie with Moon Shinobis and Akaname could be sweet to make sure if McMourning is picked i dont get Expunged to Death.
    Also with Wong and the Magical show being able to ignore Incorporeal
    Zipp and his nonsense

    Should Ulix, Mah, Ophelia, or Somer be considered? 

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