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Posts posted by Kimberly

  1. Last week I posted a great opportunity for you to get spooky and flex your creative muscles, so if you haven't seen it, check it out here!

    This week, I’m delving into Through the Breach’s first Penny Dreadful: In Defense of Innocence. This adventure is full of intrigue, politics, fighting as the frontier town of Innocence is anything but. Not only TTB’s first adventure, In Defense of Innocence is responsible for two Malifaux models as well, Guild journalist Allison Dade and the Alt sculpt for Dr. McMourning, Dr. Dufrense! 

    Now, before I get into the action found in this book, I have to mention the excellent set up. For you lorehounds out there, Chapters 1 and 2 of In Defense of Innocence is a great source of lore for an aspect of Malifaux that can be sometimes overlooked- the frontier towns. Allison Dade is expected to be as impartial as a Guild journalist can be (make of that what you will) but she does have a lot of information during her time living in Innocence and learning everything she can about the inhabitants. 

    Chapter 1 covers the history of Innocence, including the opening of the sinkhole that turned Innocence into a mining town, the burning of the Black Pony, and the strange event known only as the Scream that seemed to herald the Neverborn raids on the growing town. Chapter 2 covers the town itself, and some of the interesting folks who call it home. This is where we first learn of Dr. Antoinette Dufrense, the widow Jane Ferris, the drunken sharpshooter Gustavo Ortega, the eerie Tatterson Flay, printer Christopher "Inkfingers" Tannenbaum, and Mayor Hannibal Crowe. Each of these dramatis personæ have their own secrets, regrets, and motivations that the Fated can learn and use to their advantage. 

    In the Adventure itself, located in Chapter 3, there are three acts, each taking about 2-3 hours of playtime, depending on your group. Act I involves the Fated getting familiar with the town and learning of the recent disappearance of Dade. This provides a great opportunity for the group to make some friends and enemies depending on the choices they make. Act II revolves around the mayoral election happening, with a lot of opportunity for politicking and intrigue, as well as potentially finding out some of the closely kept secrets that Dade hasn’t already uncovered. Finally, Act III centers around preparing for an onslaught of Neverborn, and give opportunities for Fated of differing strengths to be useful in preparation and the final showdown with some nasty creatures. The ultimate fate of Innocence is revealed to the Fated in the conclusions, and shows that their choices helped shape the future of the town.

    In Defence of Innocence is one of my favorite adventures in any RPG, because it has something for every kind of Fated and shows that the danger, corruption, and greed of Malifaux City can extend to the frontier as well. Now, before I get to this week’s mail-call, I want to remind everyone that our newest One-Shot, Silurid Showdown, is available on drivethrurpg! You can purchase it here! and while you're there, maybe pick up In Defense of Innocence since it's only 10$ USD. Now this week, I’d like to know which area outside of Malifaux City would you like to see explored more, and why?


  2. Heya Breachers!

    I've written up a swell piece on what I love about In Defense of Innocence, but when I checked my calendar I just couldn't post it. It's just asking for a gift from Waldo to post anything like that on Friday the 13th, and I'm not one to tempt Fate (even if it's just Waldo claiming to be Fate's will.) So instead, I'm going with something a little more appropriate. 

    Friday the 13th is upon us, and October is just around the corner. Even though the temperature here isn't feeling very autumnal, the spookiest time of year looms ahead. And well, we love us some spooky here at Wyrd! Personally, I feel that Through the Breach is a wonderful way to get in the Halloween mood, but I'm also a sucker for a good horror movie. So I thought, why not combine the two! 

    From now until Halloween, hit me with your best horror movie translated for Through the Breach! It doesn't need to be a full one-shot or scenario write-up. Think more the plot hook or overview. Here's one I'd love to run as an example:

    A small frontier town's children have been disappearing, and it's whispered among the frightened children that something slinks through the town taking the form of their greatest fears. 

    Submit your horror movie re-imagining in this thread through October 31st, and a lucky winner will receive a spooky prize! I can't wait to see your submissions!

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    • Thanks 1
  3. Phenomenal Friday Breachers!

    Thanks for being part of the Malifaux City leg of my Grand Malifaux Tour! At a pace on par with the Iron Ram, we flew past a lot of locations at a brisk pace. Look out for more in depth explorations in the future! But, while the tour is preparing for the wilds of Malifaux, let’s take a look at a wonderful aspect of character progression in TTB, Talents!  But first, here’s what @The13Fates had to say about making Malifaux City a character of its own in a campaign:


    Rumors, gossip and more rumors. Nothing makes a city feel more alive than the people within it simply talking. These don't even have to be plot hooks or side missions, could just be a customer in a shop talking to his friend…

    See the rest of their comment here!

    Talents in TTB allow for a great deal of customization for a Fated both in Character Creation and during progression. These unique abilities can allow your players to refine and guide their Fated towards certain progression goals, offer customization for Fatemaster Characters, and are a wonderful resource to give any character more personality. I’m going to delve into some of the reasons why Talents are one of the handiest parts of the TTB mechanics.

    General Talents aren’t just for reinforcing a character’s existing strengths; in fact, some of my favorite Talents are the ones attached to negative Aspect Values! Anyone who has made a TTB character knows that Fate can be the cruelest mistress when it comes to the Body and Mind cards of the Destiny Spread. Thankfully, those amazing General Talents are there to ease the pain of flipping a Black Joker for Body and ruining all of your hopes and dreams for that Freikorps-wannabe you planned. These Talents, like Sure-Footed or Plain-Spoken, represent a Fated’s awareness of their shortcomings and developing a work-around. The best thing about these is they don’t go away if the character improves the Aspect and no longer meets the prerequisite.

    For even more character customization, the Pursuit Talents are often presented in pairs for players to choose from. These allow a character to further determine how they follow the Pursuit; a Fated on the Criminal Pursuit may want to focus more on who they know and not being on the front lines fighting, or they may decide to be a hardened and unrelenting opportunist when it comes to combat. As Pursuits are chosen at the beginning of the session after the Prologue, a character can build up quite an assortment of Talents over time, making it a wholly unique character with abilities that represent their journey thus far! 

    While many other RPG systems have granted abilities during character creation and progression, the Talents of Through the Breach offer some of the most unique and rewarding options for both players and Fatemasters. Next week I’ll be giving an overview of the wonderful inaugural Penny Dreadful, In Defense of Innocence. In the meantime, be sure to consider this week’s mail-call question. What is a moment when a Talent was used in a memorable or creative way by one of your players that completely wow’d you?     

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  4. Fantastic Friday Breachers!

    Last week our Grand Malifaux Tour took us into the Quarantine Zone. I asked to see what your folk appreciate about the Quarantine Zone, and here’s what @WyrdGM had to say about our favorite “no man’s land” within Malifaux City:


    For me, it is the exploration beyond the normal order.
    Visiting a hundred little kingdoms in the bones of buildings left long ago. You walk through streets that are haunted by tragedy or wonder. It is danger a stone's throw, or bullet shot, away from a perceived safety.

    See the rest of their comment, and others', here! 

    This week I’m wrapping up the tour’s exploration of Malifaux City with a look at the New Construction Zones and the Slums! Let’s start with the New Construction Zones! The (NCZ) are areas to the north and south of Downtown and The Industrial Zone where industrious settlers have rebuilt areas that were in ruins or to create entirely new areas. Both of these areas are visually unlike the rest of the buildings in Malifaux City, and are extremely busy in their own ways. 

    The Northern NCZ is technically part of the city, but exists on the outside of the northern wall. It is rarely paid attention to by Guild patrols, instead relying upon a local militia and mercenary groups for protection. The Northern NCZ gives the atmosphere of a Frontier Town in close proximity to the organization of Malifaux’s Downtown and Industrial Zone. The Southern NCZ, also called Dockside by locals, stretches from just south of the Industrial Zone, out onto docks upon the Fortune River. While Northern NCZ is more like Tombstone than San Francisco, Dockside is a patchwork district of multiple businesses crammed as close together as possible.I’ve always imagined the atmosphere of Dockside as busy, smelling of fish, with dock workers yelling to each other as boats dock from the river to offload their cargo. 

    The Slums, much like the Quarantine Zone, are collectively made up of the Easterly Slums, Central Slums, the Little Kingdom, Riverfront Slums, Howling Slums, The Burns, Southern Slums, and Southgate Slums. These districts are home to most of Malifaux’s citizens, and are relatively safe. Sure, some of them are a little rougher than others- The Southern Slums are very isolated from the Guild’s control, and the Riverfront Slums is home to the infamous “Redchapel Killer,” Seamus. Other districts of The Slums are largely self-governing, such as The Burns and especially the Little Kingdom. Largely populated by transplants from the Three Kingdoms, the Little Kingdom is the seat of power for the Ten Thunders’ numerous operations.  

    Now that we’ve completed the city portion of the Malifaux Grand Tour, the Tour is pausing for a couple of weeks before we head into the rest of Malifaux. So, stretch your legs within Southgate for a bit while we take a look at a few other topics.  For mail call this week, describe how you plan to make Malifaux City a living, breathing character within your campaign! 

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  5. Fabulous Friday Breachers!

    This week we continue our tour of Malifaux, specifically within Malifaux City. There was a prevailing theme to most of the answers for last week’s mail call, so let’s take a look at @The13Fates' answer for an idea on our next stop on the Malifaux Grand Tour! 


    Yup, Quarantine Zone as well, I started my campaign before picking up it's source book so any scenes set there have been very "Stealthy in Slumtown" affairs. I'm looking forward to seeing what my players think about it's cannon contents.

    See the rest of the comment, and everyone else's here!

    The Quarantine Zone was established years before the Piper’s Plague, but the disease left in the wake of the Tyrant Plague’s awakening has imparted a lasting fear of any sickness and some good folk flee to the zone rather than take a bullet from the Guild. As a result, Resurrectionists, miscreants, and normally law abiding yet sick individuals and their families try to eke out a life within the makeshift neighborhoods of the Quarantine Zone. Each district can add a great deal of character to your campaign.

    Starting in the North most region of the zone, we have Powderburg, an open, dusty expanse of the city that was, until recently, home to Leopold Von Schill’s Freikorps. Powderburg is great for any adventure where you want to drive home how the ever changing political landscape of Malifaux impacts the day-to-day lives of its residents. With the Freikorps gone, surely some other powers want to stake a claim on Powderburg. Will your Fated Help them or hinder them?

    Moving on, our next stop is Strangerskeep, which is arguable the most haunted district with its looming spires and decrepit mansions. Quiet, haunting, and likely very lonely, Strangerskeep is a great place for Fatemasters to send their Fated on a hunt for some treasure rumored to be in one of the manors of the district. Rumor has it the area’s been getting eerily cold as of late, I wonder why that is?

    The Barrows is the safest district in the Quarantine Zone, and the residents are ruled over by Alexander Barrows and his wife Daphne. The Barrows is filled with architecture that are associated with all the Resurrectionist stereotypes and these stereotypes exist for good reason, as a large number of established and budding necromancers make this district their home. Use The Barrows in your campaign to show the haughty and refined side of the Quarantine Zone, or as a way for Resurrectionst Fated to mingle among their own kind! Just make sure you’re polite to the gentleman and lady of the district!

    Scapetown is an opportunist’s paradise, and as a result, it’s one of the most active districts in the Quarantine Zone! Perhaps this lively community is where your Fated make their homes or visit friends. Directly opposite from Scapetown is the deserted and putrid Gremlin’s Warf, where the Guild’s attempts at destroying the disease-ridden insect population has made the waters within the district toxic. Entrance into the Southern part of the zone is easy, so this dangerous area can be an in for Fated who don’t have any other means of entry.

    There is a great deal more to the Quarantine Zone than I’ve covered here but our Malifaux Grand Tour has a strict timetable to keep! For more exploration, Under Quarantine is a great resource for more information, and if you want a pre-made adventure within the zone, A Night in Rottenburg is a wonderful way to get your Fated in the middle of the dangers the Cold Street district has to offer. This Week's Mail call question is "What is your favorite aspect of the Quarantine Zone and why?"


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  6. Fabulous Friday Breachers!

    The past week saw some wonderful answers for the mail call question, and I loved seeing everyone’s answers, especially all the ones about Fatemaster Characters made by the Fatemasters! This week I’m spotlighting @EnternalVoid for their answer. Let’s see what they had to say about their favorite Fatemaster Character.


    One of my favorite from a campaign I ran in TTB was Barry from like the third session of a campaign.  The campaign was centered around a underground operation that the fated came across and got wrapped in.  A former researcher from the Guild had been part of a project to try and find a means of combating the neverborn in a different manner.

     You can find the rest of their comment here.

    This week, I’m beginning a multi-part series on my favorite character in all of the ‘Fauxverse, and that’s Malifaux itself! I consider the lands through the breach to be just as much of a character as the personalities within and without Malifaux City’s walls. It’s an alien, formidable, and exciting world with a variety of faces to show intrepid folk who seek its secrets and wonder. 

    Once through the Breach aboard the Iron Ram, a person’s first look at Malifaux is represented by Malifaux Station. If you’re starting your campaign with a group of Fated making their way into Malifaux for the first time, Malifaux Station is a wonderful place to give an idea of how the Guild wants Malifaux to be run. Guild officials are everywhere, convicts are being marched to be transported out to the mines outside of Malifaux City, and those who linger may see one of their fellow new arrivals being hauled off over some immediate infraction of Guild law, or taken away by Witch Hunters. The well maintained opulence sticks out from the ominous look of the Malifaux sky, and as Fatemasters this can be a place to open a lot of adventures with.

    Travel into Malifaux City proper means passing between the beautiful Governor-General's mansion, and the Hanging Tree. Again, this can be a great time to illustrate the two very different sides of Malifaux- man trying to tame something unfathomably strange and terrifying. Perhaps Jack Daw is on the tallest branch of the Hanging Tree, or maybe he’s mysteriously disappeared! Maybe the most recent batch of executions contains someone one of your Fated knew or knew of. Once past the mansion and tree, people are welcomed with intimidating walls with Guild guards to mark their arrival to Malifaux City. 

    The Downtown area of Malifaux is the area that is everything the Guild wants visitors to see. Small, wealthy, and heavily patrolled, Downtown hosts the Guild Enclave, Duer’s Library, and the Star Theater. Each of the locations will have a very different feel for your group’s Fated. The Guild Enclave is a monument to the Guild’s power, walled and impressive in its fortress-like structure. Duer’s Library, which is the Malifaux City Museum and Archives. The Museum is open to all, but the lower levels can be a great place for Fated with a scholarly knack to research more about the city and surrounding areas. As they are Guild-restricted, perhaps a well-placed bribe can grant a group the access needed. The Star Theater is an ideal place for meetings under the cover of a raucous atmosphere, or to relax after a hard but profitable adventure. 

    The Industrial Zone is filled with warehouses, factories, and residences for the workers who make their living in this area. Trains traveling from the areas outside of the city’s walls carry wood, ore, and soulstones into the station within this zone. The buildings are covered in soot from the constantly working factories, and even the people who spend any amount of time there will soon become sooty. This area is also the home of the Malifaux Daily Record and Malifaux Tattler. The Industrial Zone is a great place for your Fated to go in order to try and get some information from the only legal sources of news in Malifaux. If Guild propaganda isn’t your group’s interest, maybe they’ll attempt a heist targeting an incoming shipment of soulstones!

    Join me as the journey through the places of Malifaux continues in the coming weeks. Mail Call question - “What location are you most looking forward to exploring with your players?”

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  7. Happy Friday Breachers!

    From all accounts, Gen Con was a busy wonderful time for all who attended, and I’ve heard wonderful stories to come out of the events from the Best Four Days in Gaming!

    Before I jump into this week’s topic, here’s what @Boomstick had to say about their favorite RPG experiences:



    My best RPG experiences have always been centered around when my players add to the world with their own actions. Things far beyond the rules. The top option that comes to mind is when one of my players in a homebrew Pathfinder world role-played an Orcish wedding, which I'd never consciously thought of before, but turned out to be a ritualized fight where both parties prove to the other that they can take care of themselves, thereby showing they'll be an asset instead of a liability.

    Having just picked up TTB at GenCon, I'm looking forward to starting some trouble Breach-side and seeing what shenanigans my players get up to to deal with it.



    As @Boomstick is newer to the wonderful brand of insanity we create as Fatemasters, be sure to welcome them and show them how great this community is!

    This week, I’m going to talk about the backbone of any campaign you can create as a Fatemaster, and that’s your Fatemaster Characters or NPCs. Fatemaster Characters help with the immersion of your players in the story, and can give the Fated targets to become invested in, through friendship, romance, rivalry, hatred, or more. Creating a strong cast of NPCs is vital to any successful TTB game, and I want to talk tactics for making great NPCs to fill your game with. 

    Fatemaster Character creation suggestions are found in Chapter 9 of the TTB 2e book, and includes the Rank Value chart to help Fatemasters adjust NPC stats accordingly. Additionally, the Bestiary (Chapter 10) is a great way to pick out some NPCs. You can simply adjust the Rank Value as needed, and drop them into your game. This is actually a great way to have stats for that random NPC you named but didn’t expect your party of Fated to latch on to! So if Gums McGee the Gremlin becomes an unexpected darling of the Fated, just grab the stats for Bayou Gremlin, adjust as needed, and then Ol’ Gums can do more than hide behind the bar when tempers flare and a fight breaks out!

    Another method of making Fatemaster Characters that I’m fond of is creating a base Fated, then assigning a Rank Value to it as needed. Remember, Rank Value is very important, as it determines the NPC’s effectiveness in a given duel. If I’m designing an adventure around a certain NPC, I will write up its backstory in short bullet points to draw inspiration from for my story arch, and to potentially come up with additional side hooks for players. 

    An example of this is when I ran a story arch that was inspired by the movie Snatch. I used some characters already established in the ‘Fauxverse, such as Jacob Samuels, the proprietor of Ringside,  but made an up-and -coming pit fighter named Michael Flannigan. This led to about 3 more Fatemaster characters, and gave one Fated a romance subplot and another one a new pursuit option with a great personal arch. The more fleshed out your ‘Fauxverse is, the more your players can poke and explore, enriching their characters’ stories and role-playing experience.

    So my mail call this week- “What has been your favorite Fatemaster Character, either created by you, or in a TTB book?”

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    • Thanks 1
  8. Fantastic Friday Breachers!


    Last week, I asked about your favorite pursuits and this comment by @vagen stuck out to me because it’s from a strictly Fatemaster point of view and I completely agree with the sentiment!

    “I've always been the fate Master never the player. As such, I don't have a favorite pursuit. However, I do love how the game has gotten my players to create new types of characters with the pursuit system. I've had the more traditional RPG style characters of the sheriff, the mercenary, the doctor, and the mage. I've also had things like a reporter, a shop keeper, and a miner. That the pursuit system allows for people to do these things is just awesome. I don't think I've ever played in a game where someone could be the shop keeper and still take a meaningful part in the story.”

    Now today, I’m super excited to talk about the newest Penny Dreadful released, The Obsidian Gate! I love our Global Events, as it’s a way to truly experience how the ‘Fauxverse is a shared universe between our various game lines. Each Global Event is a way for the community to influence the ongoing story of the world of Malifaux, and The Obsidian Gate is the latest example of that. 

    During the Obsidian Gate Event, TTB players got to influence the Earthside part of the world as they dealt with a major oni threat in Kamakura, Japan centering around a mysterious object known as the Obsidian Gate. Once the 11 week event was over, the most played character was chosen to become a new Adjunct for their respective Allegiance or Syndicate in The Other Side. 

    Having played in The Obsidian Gate during this time, I will say that the campaign was a wild ride. The aspect I liked the most was that every one of the Pre-Generated Fated were from The Other Side Allegiances or Syndicates. My group had someone playing The Gibbering Hordes Fated Vh'udraa, who I can best describe as being in the opposite situation of The Little Mermaid. She definitely did not want to be where the people are. We had a creepy as hell Court of the Two Fated being played, along with a strong appearance from the King’s Empire agent Dr. John Watson (more on him in a moment) and a sniper from The Guild named Karlheinz. I swapped around characters for a bit, trying to experience as much as the campaign had to offer of these groups from The Other Side. 

    It seemed that it wasn’t just my group who enjoyed Dr. Watson. When the final results were tallied, the King’s Empire emerged victorious with Dr. John Watson being played far more than most of the other characters. See, who says Watson has to play second fiddle to Holmes? Not Wyrdos it seems! This means that the good doctor will be released as a King’s Empire Adjunct in an upcoming release. I know I’m planning on picking him up for my army.

    Ultimately, The Obsidian Gate is a great adventure for any who want to have an adventure Earthside. It features one of my favorite Fatemaster Characters, James Whitaker. I can’t go into why I like him so much without spoiling, so you should definitely play the campaign so I have someone to share my very strong feelings with. Luckily for all our Breachers, The Obsidian Gate is not available for digital download. It’s a beautiful PDF with a linked Table of Contents, and frankly it’s a great campaign for those new to the system and TTB veterans alike. It is available for purchase here.

    Now, by now you all know that The Best Four Days in Gaming™ is coming up, so there will be no Fatemaster Friday next week. But that gives you more time for my mail call question. That’s good, because it’s a doozy! What is your absolute best role-playing experience? What system was it and what made it so great for you?

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    • Thanks 1
  9. Heya Breachers!

    Last week's mail call allowed me to read some amazing methods that Fatemasters have used Destiny steps to create amazing stories! Ultimately I choose @Kaiser Senpai detailed comment below:


    Ok, I have a lot of these. The one I guess I'll go with is "If you glimpse death through the cracked lens" due to how much it's shaped the character's story moving forward. The character in question is Maggie Sawyer, an undead Necromancer. Her backstory was that of tragedy. Engaged to the love of her life, she contracted an incurable illness and wasted away. Her fiance left her one day and never returned. She kept telling herself he was going to come back one day, and in her feverish delusion, kept herself awake for days on end hoping he'd return. One day, she discovered that she had died. The engagement ring he had given her actually contained a soulstone, and it seemed that its unique properties kept her connected to her body, even in death. Maggie eventually fled her home and wandered aimlessly for over a year before the start of the actual TTB game. I decide the 'Cracked Lens' in the Step was to be a relic, an ancient spyglass called the 'Heart's Desire' that supposedly showed you the one thing you wanted the most. The party was actually hired by an antagonist from a previous story arc to steal it (I always wanted to run a heist). The party eventually gets their hands on it, accidentally killing half of the guards and burning down the auction house in the process. As I had hoped, the party passed the spyglass around and I let them decide what they saw. However, when it got to Maggie, I detailed that she saw her ex-fiance asleep in bed, and gradually worked in that there was another woman in that same bed. I had planned to key her character's future based on this reaction. If she became angry, she would 'glimpse death' and go down a path of fiery revenge. If she felt sorrow, icy madness would grip her as her anguish would eventually make her a danger to everyone else. To my surprise, Maggie felt nothing but a surprised shock at the reveal. Because of that, I gave her the option of following the path of nothingness (obliteration), but I've been tempting the character with the most meager possibility of a happy life.

    This week, we're talking Pursuits. I'll get into highlighting specific pursuits down the line, but for now I'm focusing on how Pursuits in TTB are a refreshing take on the traditional question of "what does your character do?" In the 'Fauxverse, very few only have their fingers in one pie, so to speak. Even the most diligent Guild Guardsman can find themselves following the path of a Pioneer if their patrolling the settlements outside the "safety" of Malifaux City's walls, or perhaps their loyal Guardian construct needs some in the moment repairs, causing the Tinkerer Pursuit to be explored. 

    Pursuits are unique in that they are chosen each game session and reflect the methodology a Fated will approach the upcoming session. This puts control and versatility directly into the hands of players as they get to try out new angles of approach for their Fated without being stuck with something that may not work out! The "On the Pursuit" bonus is a nice add on to encourage your players to explore the themes of the pursuit. After all, with their modest Control Hands, that card draw upon failure is a nice consolation for a failed flip. The additional skill advancement option is a great way to expand a Fated's pool of strengths, and is a nice reward to close out a session of playing a Pursuit that may be outside the Fated's original comfort zone. 

    The ability to switch out Pursuits at the start of each session can allow for interesting roleplay opportunities. When I was running A Fire in the Sky, one of the Fated, a Gunfighter distantly related to the Ortega Family, happened to suffer many stacks of Burning This went as well as could be expected (death... it was death) but this lady had work left to do! She came back the next session with the Revenant Pursuit, which allowed for a great session while her cohorts adjusted to her new, deader appearance.  

    The beauty of Pursuits really is the versatility,  encouraging players to try out and play with different options to create a unique and interesting character. I haven't encountered another system that handles the job/class concept in quite the same way, and it I love the opportunities it gives both players and Fatemasters to create a wonderful story.

    This week's mail call is simple. What is your favorite Pursuit, and why? 

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  10. What follows are my personal opinions!


    Are these buildings of any importance to the Guild? Because then they may see this as an assault on the organization and I could imagine their grip trying to tighten more on the city.


    As for opposing factions, I could easily see the factions being mad as hell about the destruction if none of it is related to them, because the Guild is probably wanting to put blame on one or more of those groups. Serial bombing buildings is likely to get the group in hot water with several groups, but I bet you can have those troubles make for some fun opportunities for the Fated. 

  11. Heya Wyrdos!

    This week's Mail Call selection comes courtesy of @Steamtastic Vagabond Here is a bit about what they had to say regarding the last TTB Global Campaign:


    "...The best moment however was when I had to improvise the ENTIRE Shuten-Dojo battle because the players decided not to climb the beast but to bait it into swallowing an entire cart with barrels of sleeping potion."

    Today I'm going to talk about my favorite part of character creation, the Tarot Spread, and how Fatemasters can use those destiny steps a Fated's Tarot generates to maximize engagement and enjoyment for each player!

    I love the Tarot Spread as a method of character creation in TTB. Cross Roads Tarot is the basic one presented in the TTB 2nd Ed book, but Assembly Line Tarot, Lifeline Tarot, Waterways Tarot, and Ram's Head Tarot each provide a unique spin on character generation. The use of these alternative Tarot Spreads allow for a more personalized experience to the player of a Faction-connected Fated. Aside from the important Stats the Tarot Spread creates a Destiny unique to that Fated. 

    Now, if I'm feeling particularly dramatic, I'll read each Destiny out loud in my best swamp hag impersonation. I love watching players come up with suggestions for what the Destiny may mean. This is great for seeing how they interpret each step, and it gives me great story and plot ideas! Remember, the Destiny of each Fated should help shape your campaign and roughly guide the length of your campaign. 

    When a player is unsure what to make of their Fated's Destiny, this can allow you as Fatemaster to drop hints and leads into sessions building up to that step's resolution. If a Fatemaster uses the collective Destinies of each Fated to plot out their campaign, the game can cycle through each Fated at different times to put a spotlight on each story! 

    If your campaign is a series of Penny Dreadfuls, keep each Destiny in mind as you go over the Penny Dreadfuls. Each Destiny step is designed to be open many interpretations so you can get creative with how you incorporate each Destiny step into the Penny Dreadfuls. 

    Overall, I love the nature of the Tarot Spreads, and how Destinies can add so much to a campaign for your players. This week's Mail Call question: Fatemasters, what is your favorite instance of a Fated's Destiny step fulfillment? 

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  12. Happy Friday Breachers!

    The comment from last week's post to select was difficult to pick. All of you who commented with great experiences, and thank you so much for sharing! My pick for this week was one of my personal favorites, so here's what @J4bberw0ck had to say about falling in love with TTB as a game:


    The moment I fell in love with the system, though, was when my wife and I sat down to create her first character: a doctor who refused to accept that death meant her job was over. It worked so dang well, and the character was so much fun, that it's still the one we use to describe how great a TtB character can be to new players. Like they say, "a necromancer is just a really late healer."

    I'm always a sucker for a story about a couple playing RPGs, and it sounds like your wife has exactly the kind of mind meant for that 'Fauxverse!

    Now, on to today's topic! Sometimes a Fatemaster just wants to get into the meat of an adventure to show a group of players what's great about TTB, and personally, I have found that our Penny Dreadfuls are a wonderful way to get players involved-- especially when they have pre-generated Fated included! The variety available to a Fatemaster means you can pick a Penny Dreadful that will showcase the aspects of Through the Breach and the 'Fauxverse that will wow your players.

    Want to showcase the Little Kingdom and the Ten Thunders? Earthly Desires has you covered! Interested in the horror of the Ressers? Recruitment Drive can drop your players right into trouble with the University of Transmortis! Do your players want to experience the Bayou? The Hand that Feeds is a great way for them to learn the horrors of the Bayou firsthand! Sixteen Tons can give players a taste of the Arcanists (and the Order of the Chimera,) while A Stitch in Time is perfect for players who want to experience some of Malifaux's past. 

    No matter what kind of adventure your group is looking to explore in the 'Fauxverse there is sure to be a Penny Dreadful to get you started. For this week's Mail Call, which Penny Dreadful is your favorite and why?

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  13. 13 minutes ago, Stonewall78 said:

    So the cloning of another Kimberly is complete?
    Your location lists you as right behind me so now I am worried about how many where cloned...
    Congrats on the new role, our interactions in the past as shown you work hard at your job and it is nice to see you rewarded for it.


    You see, when I first started at Wyrd, someone revealed my true nature as one of the Dreamer's creations. So I am everywhere and nowhere simultaneously.

  14. 2 hours ago, J4bberw0ck said:

    That is a really fantastic redesign! See, this is why I end up owning a few things from every faction. Can’t wait to paint her up, even if I never use her in a game. 😁

    *looks at Kandara, the only arcanist model I own * I can't imagine buying something purely because it's pretty with no intention of using it.

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  15. As a player (please ignore the orange name for this) my understanding is that a character's Turn (TTB terminology) is very close to model's activation Activation (Malifaux terminology.) So when something resolves at the end of the character's Turn, such as the Paralyzed Condition, it has no impact on other characters' Turns. I may be super off, but that's how my group does it.

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