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Posts posted by so_diogenes

  1. This month I finished Toshiro and Yan lo that I had already started, then did:


    Izamu, Chiaki, Soul Porter, 2 komainu, McCabe on horse, dismounted McCabe, Sidir Archibal, 2 wastrels, Luna, Dawn Serpent. Pics are in my 2017 Monthly Painting album:

    I think my Izamu came out really good, probably the best quality job I've done so far. Sidir and Luna were my first experiment with washes, Sidir came out way better than Luna but I only did it on his coat vs Luna i just did her whole body. I love this monthly challenge, it's definitely helping me get to be a better painter.

    • Like 1
  2. 8 minutes ago, MSKmagic said:

    Excuse me but I'm new to the game. What's this thing about 3 mages for 15ss? Is it an upgrade? where can i get it?

    when you hire 3 oxfordian mages with the temporary shielding 0 cost upgrade, it reduces their hiring cost to 5. I believe the upgrade comes with them in the troubleshooters box, I'm not sure about if it comes in their box when you buy them separately. It also comes in one of the generalist upgrade decks although I don't remember which. Probably the second.

  3. And the big winner was....




    Side note, I played a slightly modified version of my list today and dominated, turn 2 I drew a total of 13 cards (including initial hand) and wound up with a pretty ridiculous hand. The point of this thread was to be silly and have fun, but I think we can all agree that being able to see a large portion of your deck is quite powerful.

    Thank you all for playing!

    • Like 2
  4. I'll throw one in:






    myranda + energies

    anna lovelace


    shastar guard



    so that's 8 to start (one gets discarded but still counts as a draw)

    +4 for myranda

    sue hurts himself for 1 more

    librarian pings the guard (cheating with a tome to draw one), guard cheats but still fails for another draw


    that's 15 cards in a turn. obviously you can't do this every turn but i still think it's quite fun

    edit: math is fun...

  5. Inspired by @Fictor's Draw engine thread and @Mrbedlam's other Arcanist Game threads, I'm challenging you to come up with the way to draw the most cards in a single turn. Just come up with a 50ss list that can get you a ridiculous amount of cards in a turn. Doesn't have a to be something that's going to win games, let's just have fun with it.

    Rules are exactly the same as @Mrbedlam's games: Do not like any of the lists until after 48 hours is up. Once 2 days have gone by, I'll announce its voting time. Vote by hitting like on the post with your favorite list. Winner gets internet kudos. 

    Let's get those cards flying!

    • Like 3
  6. So I got a Miss Fire in a mystery box but I've already got her. I'm interested in the following (NOS preferred, assembled is probably fine but I don't want anything painted):

    • alt-performer
    • carlos v
    • miss anne thrope 
    • vintage misaki

    If you're interested in buying I'd let it go for $20 shipped, USA only for both trade and sale.

    Thanks for looking!

  7. I really don't remember if I posted unpainted pics, but I've updated my album with what I think are the best models I painted this month. I did a few more, but I really like these so I want to show them off.


    I didn't have nearly as much hobby time as last month and May is likely to be even more limited, but I still kept my 30 goal, tried some different techniques, and most importantly, had a lot of fun doing it. I feel like I definitely improved, a lot of people have suggested I use some washes too or something to deepen the shadow areas but I just don't like the way that looks like 90% of the time, so I'm probably not going to try it anytime soon.

    Wendigo 3

    Snowstorm 11

    Rasputina 15

    Sandeep 15

    Kudra 7

    Banasuva 8 

    Soulstone Miner 6


    edit: I forgot to shout out @KrazyIvan, his Tara crew last month gave me inspiration for my Sandeep (aka I stole his idea)

    • Like 4
  8. Toni (5)

    • frontline leadership
    • challenge the crowd
    • warding runes


    • stunt double
    • warding runes


    • PP

    Oxfordian Mage

    • Temporary Shielding
    • Blood Ward


    Silent One

    Soulstone Miner

    Malifaux Raptor


    Based on my common opponents I'm strongly expecting Lynch, so I'm using a blood mage/warding runes to reduce the chance of getting put under the influence by keeping Toni and Carlos as close to the marker as possible, with the silent one and Johanna there for heal/condition support and killing. I'm picking dig their graves (just too simple with PP) and covert breakthrough. Movement on this map is really tough and I'm hoping to get either bottom right or top left for my deployment zone.


    I thought a lot about Kaeris to try to get around all the difficult terrain as well as Ramos for unimpeded spiders, it's also really hard for me to not just say "Sandeep" for every single game, but I really like Toni and wanted to get her involved.

    • Like 1
  9. Thanks for the suggestions! 

    I can definitely see Sandeep being a potentially easy EtL target and needing to protect him with positioning with that in the pool. My opponent and I discussed that if I hadn't activated Sandeep before he could have activated Lynch on the last turn he would have wound up with at least 3 more points because he was EtL-ing as well and had the resources to kill Sandeep with ease(4 aces and an 8 card hand) and rebirth Huggy in the process. 

    The metal gamin for Johan(na) is a very good idea, I'm surprised I didn't think of that actually bc I have both in a campaign right now and literally all the gamin does is follow her around buffing her defense and giving her the pluses.

    The reason I went with the silent one was to have 3-4 heals on the table so that if the situation called for it I could play SVGuard and Johan(na) on the front lines and have easy ways to get them above hard to kill/force my opponent to kill them in a single activation while also having multiple engagement ignoring ranged damagers (without committing to 3 oxfords). 

    I strongly considered soulstone miner instead of either librarian or silent one for leave your mark, but I do that basically every time it's in the pool so I didn't want to get too predictable. Also since it was reckoning I wanted to be able to dedicate my AP to just straight killing instead of interacting. I haven't quite gotten the hang of balancing my AP use like that yet, I tend to play pretty evasive in scheme heavy pools and then just in my opponent's face for those that are kill heavy. 

    I don't have Carlos yet, but I do have Angelica. I tried to find rules about this on the rule discussion forum but couldn't quite figure it out, can a PP marker be used to score without using an AP to drop a marker? Or does that go away before scoring? I don't want to get too far off the sandeep topic here so if you're afraid of derailing the conversation feel free to ignore that one.

  10. Played my first game with Sandeep last night and it was a lot of fun. I'm pretty new to the game so any suggestions on what I could have done better would be appreciated.


    Reckoning v Ten Thunders, corner deployment

    -claim jump

    -quick murder

    -set up

    -eliminate the leadership

    -leave your mark? (i forgot and don't have my phone to check)


    My crew was:

    -Sandeep + Commands/Arcane Reservoir/Unaligned Sage

    -Arcane Emissary + Arcane Upgrade

    -Johan(na) + Imbued

    -SV Guard


    -Silent One

    -Ice Gamin


    His crew was:

    J Lynch + huggy rebirth/wanna see a trick/woke up with a hand





    2x Beckoner

    I don't remember his other upgrades if there were any but I know he had a cache of 6.


    I think his crew selection was a little strange, but I guess his intention was to force me to kill huggy every time he appeared instead of using my AP to kill targets that would count for the strat? I think he should have brought harder hitting and/or tougher models to support hugs/Lynch since the 2 of them can get 2 kills per turn easily. Knowing his available model pool I think he should have dropped a beckoner, tannen, graves for an illuminated, Shadow Emissary, and maybe a 10T brother?


    My basic plan was to drop banasuva into engagement with as many of his models as possible, while having the silent one and librarian provide ranged damage with SV guard, Emissary and Johan(na) playing to counter charge/tie up anyone that big B couldn't reach.


    We had the same amount of models to start but he won activation turn one and made me go. I started with a killer hand so after I moved my gunline into position I summoned an immobile poison gamin as an additional gunner from a different location, enabling me to save sandeep for the last activation to summon banasuva dependent on where he positioned his crew. That worked amazingly. I was able to summon the big b engaged with 3 models including the quick murder target (Kang). With my non-slow banasuva I just took swings at the beckoner and kang, since I couldn't cheat I hit with 2 out of 3, hitting each of them once. 


    Turn 2 he won activation and tried to kill Banasuva with kang his first activation, but failed to do so because I got some ridiculous flips. I then killed the beckoner with b, he killed b with huggy. Since huggy and kang had already activated and were very close to each other, I used the ice gamin to get into range of the silent one/where I would bring banasuva in again (surprise, exactly where he was before!) subsequently use the silent one to cast at huggy/blast onto kang. This was a great plan because I got to ignore Kang's primary defensive tech and still hurt huggy. I got the trigger to cast again and this time flipped red joker on damage, removing huggy and getting kang much closer to death. I saved Sandeep til late this turn again and dropped him in the same spot. I did this when he only had lynch left, and the position was such that the combo of banasuva/kang/terrain blocked LOS to the rest of my crew, so he killed B with lynch before I could activate it (which brought huggy back), then got closer into range. I finished off Kang with the librarian, scoring my 3 for QM. 


    So end of turn 2, there was a bloodbath and I was winning 4-1. For turn 3, I stoned for cards and wound up with a MONSTER hand. I wound up tabling him and winning 10-1 by using johan(na), emissary, and SVGuard to clean up tannen and graves after silent one softened them up a little, librarian furious casted to kill the remaining beckoner, and Sandeep + another Banasuva ate lynch for dinner. 


    So I think against a more experienced opponent this probably wouldn't have been such a one sided game, but does it sound like I played it right by using Banasuva to basically just soak up my opponent's AP? 

    How was my hiring? Do you find it to be a waste of stones to hire a gamin to help get Banasuva out? My alternative idea there was the use the effigy, but since this was my first sandeep game I wanted to make sure I did everything possible to be able to summon the big guy as early as possible.

  11. At a minimum I'll be painting:

    (15) Sandeep

    (8) Banasuva - I don't want to paint this the standard box colors, but I really don't know how I want it to look yet. Which is a problem bc I really want to get Sandeep on the table this month...

    (7) Kudra

    (15) 3x Poison Gamin - thinking to make these like poisonous tree frogs? 

    (5) Ten Thunders Brother

    (6) Large Arachnid

    (15) Rasputina

    I'll also finish Kaeris, whose paint job is inspired by X-Men's Archangel.


    Hopefully I'll also get to Ice Golem, Wendigo, Snowstorm, Angelika, Sparks, and a few other minions that I've already painted one of.

    • Like 1
  12. Ok, so in March I painted about 195 soulstones...

    (15) Mei Feng

    (10) Arcane Emissary

    (7) Firestarter

    (15) 3x Rail Worker

    (12) 3x Fire Gamin

    (12) 3x Wind Gamin

    (12) 3x Ice Gamin

    (7) Mechanized Porkchop

    (7) Gunsmith

    (9) Kang

    (3) Emberling

    (9) Sensei Yu

    (15) Shenlong

    (4) 2x Peasant

    (7) Beckoner

    (18) 3x Monk of High River

    (24) 3x Shastar Vidiya Guard

    (6) Soulstone Miner

    (3) Malifaux Raptor

    I also started working on Kaeris yesterday but I don't want to count her yet.

    I still haven't taken photos of some of those but most are in my album.

    I painted my first ever miniature in January and I'd like to get better at it, so I'm getting as much practice in as possible. I depleted my queue quite a bit, so it looks like I'm going to have to spend more money :D

    • Like 6
  13. thanks @Swinerider and Enter the Realm for another awesome tourney, highly recommend this place to anyone in SE PA or within reasonable distance from surrounding states both for tournaments and as a store, they keep literally every malifaux model in stock. 

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