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Everything posted by Joachim

  1. Hello guys, I'm going to give writing some battle reports a go. The main reasoning is that usually after playing a game I try and think about what plays made me lose/win the game, and what are the points I need to improve on. Therefore I'm trying to write out some battle reports and incorporate my thoughts building my list and picking schemes as well as pointing out where I made mistakes. The goal is to learn more about the game by doing this and to have some fun in the process. I hope you enjoy reading these battle reports and all feedback is very welcome. Greetings, Joachim (aka Jope)
  2. @Franchute Is it too late to join? If not, I'll join at the enforcer level again.
  3. Wanted to ask here how you guys think the errata affects titania. I think she's already in a good place but I'm going to a tournament mid february and I was wondering what neverborn models I might put on my shopping list. The most interesting model in the errata for neverborn I think is the hooded rider. I think at 12ss he had too much competition from other neverborn beaters, but at 10ss now he seems really good and now quite a bit cheaper than for example a nekima. I think he has good play with zoraida since she can make him charge for 1 ap and he has an enormous threat range so I'm probably getting him anyway, but what do you guys think is his place in a titania crew, and is this a better option in certain situations (if so, which) than her more thematic options. For example, now I'm bringing a cyclops usually as a budget beater. Unfortunately he is a construct and so doesn't gain fae from royal indignation, but that might have been a bit crazy. There are some nice interactions: - Titania can overextend a bit early depending on the opponents crew if she's running royal indignation and bring some models in using audience with the queen. This gives the rider some safer access to enemy models without exposing himself too much. - Titania can use the trigger deal with him, to give hime some extra mobility and attacks. Especially later in the game that becomes more valuable. - The most important things that titania brings to the hooded rider imo is protection. Titania can get opponents out of position using audience with the queen, she is also good at tying up some models and tagging the opponents damage threat with behold my glory. - Titania can run queens champion, though I'm not sure how valuable it is on the rider. The armor becomes less important later in the game, the plus flips are nice though. It costs 2ss and an upgrade slot and I think that titania has a lot of great upgrade options so I'm usually not able to fit it in. I think the upgrade has some potential though I don't think so in combo with the rider. - Titania can also heal nearby friendly models on a trigger when using bloody command. This pairs well with deal with him and audience with the queen. In conclusion, I believe that the main benefit of running him with Titania is that she disrupts the enemy a lot, between all the duels draining the opponents hand, tying models up and handing out taunts she takes a lot of heat off of priority targets. Thoughts?
  4. I've been able to finish the grootslang, didn't do as much as I planned but it's just that time of year. So I finished datsu bah (8ss) and groostlang (6ss) for a total 14ss. @prof_bycid I've used glazes for the darker colors in the face and the end of the arms/legs. But it causes a gloss for a couple of hours, so when I took the pictures it was still glossy, when it's not like that in reality. I do agree that it looks really nice in the pictures :).
  5. I agree, I think the barbaros combo does work great if you know where the opponent will be. I like the cyclops but they're a risk, though don't underestimate the healing in a titania crew, emissary, titania cyclops himself, so the opponent really has to put him down. I sometimes ran him somewhat to the flank so it's harder for the opponent to commit that damage. I also like to run him up into a good position and drop ice pillars. I'm excited to try the bultungin, they seem very good with titania and give her some nice cheaper minions. About the emissary, I do not believe he is broken by any means, but he is very strong with titania now and I always bring him with titania. I do agree that most people underrate him. It's not unlikely to bring in 2 changelings turn 1. You'll be further back, on 6 wounds and down 4 ap and down up to 3 cards, but you gain 2 solid significant models. It makes me a bit more comfortable bringing some of the bigger stuff. Also people underestimate its offense, which does not lie in the damage track (though moderate 4 is ok, not that many models have moderate 5), but in the triggers, removing all scheme, corpse and scrap in a 4" pulse can be awesome. Opponent is buffing himself, offensive condition removal is not that common and can catch the opponent off guard. All in all, I think titania is up there at the top but probably still a bit below collodi. Her wave 5 upgrades are crazy good for 1ss, though I also think that now she can actually tank, which she couldn't before.
  6. It is close to 5". It are absolutely valid concerns. I was worried about the stability, but it amazed me how stable the model is. The wall is also pinned into the base with quite broad pins. Heightwise, it is already quite a big model, now it is higher but not as wide. So only if there is terrain where you can stand under this could be influenced.
  7. I've decided to try and work on whatever crew I'm playing next as to try and get some completely finished crews out there (which proves to be annoying as a lot of cool models are coming out, looking at you grootslang). Tomorrow I'm playing titania and I'm doing my best to finish grootslang and (probably not) barbaros by tomorrow. For barbaros I used some brighter colors, I'm using this color throughout my neverborn though here it is a bit stronger. For grootslang I'm using the same color but toned down to a more greyish tone as bright colors don't fit the mini imo. I'm really glad with the base. A lot of work went into that thing. Tell me what you think about the color schemes especially.
  8. Indeed, kirai can easily run a crew with a lot of models that don't look like typical zombies, like the emissary, izamu, datsue bah, lost love, seishin, shikome, goryo, onryo. I also think that painting undead in a different style can be cool.
  9. I used him in my last game with lady j versus ressers and he actually performed pretty great. It was flank deployment and the lone marshal move up on one flank and shot into the middle, while contesting an entire quarter for potential claim jump. He can just push shoot and then push into engagement with a scheme runner or close to a marker. That makes his 2ap very efficient. I also wouldn't count its shot, sh6 2/3/5 with focus isn't bad, but indeed, if moderate would be 4 it would be a lot nastier, nevertheless you have + on attack and crit strike, so when you're hitting crit for 3/4/6 that's a nice shot, unreliable but it will come up or at least make the enemy cheat more if you flip a mediocre ram. My last game he was able to hit something every turn, and he pinged 3 damage on mcmourning, 5 on a nurse with a severe, and 2 on a guild autopsy, then I needed him for scoring vp. I agree that there is a lot of competition from other models, but i think to really apreciate him you need to take his mobility into account. And again, even if he was better, he's priced pretty high, I bought him cause i absolutely love the model as well as the guild marshal theme so I'm a bit biased here. I think that guild has better options for his cost, what he brings to the table though is his mobility, I really like the mechanic of still contributing with your 12" shot and remaining mobile to engage stuff or deny scheme markers. You can push out of engagement anyways next turn.
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