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Everything posted by Seadhna

  1. Why the Child though? I don't think he can copy Jack's (0) actions, and there aren't any curses on him to pass around. Sue with Return Fire is a nightmare for the opponent though. And I wish I had ordered the Outlaws from Black Friday (
  2. Oh, good call! I totally forgot to look at the Pariah ability.
  3. He sacrifices if he buries himself (1vp) if he gets killed, that's reduced to 0 wounds, so 1 vp as well
  4. I think it's brilliant! Is there a version that's more eye-friendly, such as a PDF or a text document? Images are pretty bad when it comes to text.
  5. Got in a couple more games, tried out Coordinated Heist and Woukou Raider. I don't think Coordinated Heist is really a competitive choice, but it's pretty fun to see your entire crew just launch forward. There's also alpha strike potential (VERY card intensive) where Doc goes first, gives Mad Dog HtW, then Parker goes, obeys him three times into position, then Mad Dog unloads with rapid fire and blasts and cover blown apart. Then he dies, but that's a different story. On the Raider: those gals (I don't like the male model, so I'm sticking with the two gals) are probably actually worth their SS cost. They synergize with Parker well in that he can propel them through the enemy lines because of all the markers dropping. Df 5 is a bit on the weakish side, but no cheating is pretty huge (the irony is that my opponents never flipped anything lower than a 10 when hitting them), and they do lay down some hurt. I also wouldn't run them anywhere where Parker can't see them, because without the movement shenanigans they just drop and die to a lot of things (in my second game, my Raider got brutalized by Rafkin and Sebastian pretty hard). They also have a very decent shooting attack in case they need it. So, an expensive and extremely mobile glass cannon/tarpit, depending on what you face. Another observation: NEVER, EVER take Claim Jump against Parker in non-diagonal deployment. One of my opponents today took Claim Jump and I was like "I'm gonna help you out, friend" and proceeded to place about 6 of his scheme markers around the centerline. Sadly, they were all within 4" or closer to each other, so they never counted for Claim Jump. Such an unhappy coincidence, really.
  6. It's a great thing that you've made this video, but this one just lacks the spark and flair of your Leveticus video. Dunno, you sound so sleepy and exhausted here (no offence intended, just my personal impression). On the content side, a very solid overview of what the Bandits do. Still, taking into account my personal experience playing Parker, I'd say it is absolutely necessary to list the things he can do in a little more detail. Maybe at least describe the two limited upgrade playstyles (schemes+soulstones or shooting+cards), as well as his control options (hail of bullets + hands in the air with a trigger). All in all, a good video, but I somehow expected more.
  7. I can only speak for Outcasts, but I'd rather give Parker sheme manipulation 1, control 2 and resource manipulation 3 he's no slouch in combat, but you won't be shooting too often with the new scheme pool, especially when there are incredible control options around (Hands in the air just plain shuts down up to three models a turn), and he's definitely not a melee expert as your table would suggest. I would also swap Tara's Control 3 to Mobility 3, because her primary means of control is applying conditions, which is already represented in the table, while the Beast Bomb playstyle is very mobile and specific to Tara. On a final note, I don't see any resource manipulation in Leveticus apart from card draw, so I'd go with Damage Casting 1, Mobility 2 (which also covers his resilience, since he will be taking damage and dying instead of enduring a punishment), Summoning 3 (Desolate soul and A&D are surprisingly reliable summoning tools, albeit only good for summoning abominations; but no-one is trying to be Nicodem in Outcasts anyway; because why would you the bald guy can't even Unmake anyone). Otherwise, an extremely accurate table for Outcasts!
  8. I'd rather use Desperate Mercs, Void Wretches or the Effigy in the 4-point slot, but mostly because I really hate the Plague's models, they look profoundly crappy to me. I also like to stay moderately in-theme, so I'd only take them with hamelin. Still, with I pay better they look really good
  9. Nice show on the new schemes! great discussion, too. Are you going to finish the Ripples episodes?
  10. A few thoughts after a couple more games with Parker: 1. If you can Rapid Fire with a damaged Mad Dog, things will die a horrible blasty shotgun death. To that end, Parker can act a a pseudo-Obey master by telling Mad Dog that THE JOB'S NOT DONE YET 3 times. Still , Mad Dog is a conditional pick for me because there's FfM on suits now, so horrible blasty shotgun death for the enemy might be a problem for me VP-wise. 2. Hail of Bullets is worth its weight in gold if you activate Parker early. The fact that it's 2/3/4 hazardous is good enough (had my opponent foolishly unbury Killjoy with Tara into one of those, he facepalmed real hard), but the trigger on Hands in the air is just downright amazing. action 1, Hands in the air the enemy control piece. action 2, do some scheme marker shenanigans (like Dynamite). action 3, either Hands in the air another model or just shoot at something. action 4 (0), five finger discount and tell a Bandido/Mad Dog to drop a scheme marker for Claim Jump. Pure gold! 3. Bandidos are silly good with Run and Gun. It's a Sh5 with in-built Focus and 8" worth of movement, so it's like 4 AP worth of action for 2 AP. Sure, you need them as scheme runners, but they can drop those markers through Parker's Black Market Obey later. Still, they are super squishy, even less survivable than Void Wretches. 4. Want to humiliate your opponent? Go Parker+Aionus+Emissary. Sure, it's 22SS, but Emissary can do Claim Jump by himself AND shoot at something with Ca6 and give them Slow, while chain activating Parker into Aionus (give him the Memento upgrade) just spells devastation. If they make the mistake of clumping up together, blow up some dynamite with Parker, then do Aionus's mass Slow trigger and see how many card they have left. And then Aionus can charge at a model within 10" and show them his 3/4/6 damage track or do something useful instead. 5. If you're playing against Parker, kill the goddamn doctor ASAP. He throws out so much healing it's not even funny. On a tangent note, I think Wyrd has done an amazing job with A Fistful of Scrip box. It's probably the only Outcast box that can be efficiently played as-is in smaller games (well it's 32/33SS with max upgrades and 2-3 stones for the cache, which makes it exactly 35 SS) and fits any scheme pool perfectly. Add Aionus and any other small box (Sue, Johan, Woukou Raiders, Big Jake - they will all fit nicely and work with any future crews you might be getting), and you're at 50SS with a really versatile lineup. Now, there are other concerns such as whether this is power creep or just good design, but I think Parker is pretty balanced (he's excellent at control, but he can't tear stuff apart like Leveticus or Jack Daw). Despite him being a rather complicated master due to the amount of text and triggers on his card (you gotta rememeber all the times you get a free soulstone), his box is a perfect choice for an Outcast beginner who wants to try Malifaux.
  11. It's actually much easier than that: most upgrades give passive abilities to models. Bigger they are gives the Scion an ability which only applies to the Scion.
  12. I'd love to see them either gain the Mercenary characteristic (so I Pay Better would be a thing) or the Bandit characteristic (for Parker shenanigans). They're still an okay model and an awesome scult, just they get outshined by every cheme runner out thefe.
  13. Except you see the Hare once, you learn it's a Blessed of December. Next round, you see the Hare again, you know what it is. You see Pikachu one game, that's a Bishop. Then you see a Pikachu the next game, that's a Malifaux Rat. You still don't know what he represents and you can't learn. I also don't know a single skirmish game that has so many rules and abilities attached to a single model. Full conversions in 40k and Warmachine are okay because there are other indicators of what models do (like squad size and base size) and even squads generally don't do much besides move and shoot standart weapons.
  14. It's acceptable if you have an official card that I can look at and not worry about two things: 1. Remembering what it stands for (I have other things to remember during the game, it's complicated enough) 2. Being able to read its stats beforehand in the book, so I look at the card and go "aha, this is that guy from Shifting Loyalties or whatever". i.e. I want to be able to put an image to a model to a stat card, which is impossible even with a well-painted pikachu. All that for tournament games. In a friendly game I'd let you run a crew of Daleks in cowboy hats instead of the Ortegas.
  15. Those aren't proxies in that they are universally accepted as substitutes. Moreover, each of the alernative models has its own stat card with a corresponding image, so you can treat it as a stand-alone model. Not like you know all of the models' stats anyway. Having a "this Pikachu counts as a Cojo" jump up at a tournament game will make things worse, not better.
  16. I don't know if Crew Faux is officially endorsed, but it's a great, up-to-date and accurate app.
  17. As @Ludvig mentioned: fixed list is the way to go when starved for time. Also, a good way to speed up games is to prepare tables and deployment zones already set up beforehand.
  18. As clear as proxies may be, they add an unnecessary layer of information in tournaments and further increase setup time. You have to discuss with the opponent what model you use and get his approval, maybe even duscuss the matter with the TO - all at the beginning of the round which is short as it is at 2 hours including crew selection and setup. Proxies are bad for non-friendly games. Still, nothing wrong with say a completely different model (a 40k ork or a heroclix batman) used as a proxy in friendly games "to try out the new stuff", but only provided there's a printed card. Without a printed card it will be torture for both players.
  19. Looks like a fun idea! otherwise, just use SS to give them a [-] on the damage flip and laugh maniacally
  20. The general consensus seems to be that "Associated" refers to both printed suits and suits gained from abilities such as Resonance, while "printed" means printed, i.e. it doesn't include suits gained through Resonance, so you're good. In addition, neither of the abilities removes suited flipped on a card or added via soulstones.
  21. I always take to the earth return and oath keeper on Leveticus, but never take Alyce herself, she's a boring model. Tried Desolate soul on Levi once, made 3 abominations out of Freikorpsmenn, was fun!
  22. As much as I love the rules, aesthetic and storyline of TOS, I finally put my finger on what's been stopping me from backing the KS: i was subconsciously expecting another tactical skirmish game (because i love Malifaux), yet this is a strategy wargame. So there is the different feel, different playstyle and triple the cost to play which ultimately scares me off. Which is a shame, since I loved the Cult's mechanics and the Lord of Steel's model and rules. Which, in turn, brings me to a further question: are we going to see TOS fluff and TOS-related characters in Malifaux? From what I gather, Dreamer has witnessed the Gibbering Hordes attacking London and Kirai got into bed with the Court of Two, but are there going to be actual Malifaux models with pure TOS flavour? I'd love to see some Raving Madmen on the table who aren't just another soldier on the bigger field. And the Lord of Steel, obviously, but I know I'm not getting that. It's on the website that the game won't be compatible to Malifaux (because it's an entirely different game), but maybe there will be models with two sets of stat cards for the two games? All the smaller Commander models just scream to be adapted for Malifaux use. Anyway, just wanted to share an epiphany I had about TOS and provide a counter-argument to people who say it's too expensive or too simplistic or too <insert rant subject here>, because it isn't.
  23. I've multiple times encountered people saying that winged plague is the best scheme runner in outcasts. but looking at their card I just don't see what makes them better than Wretches. could someone clarify?
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