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Everything posted by Seadhna

  1. Has anyone tried Mad Dog? seeing as how Pipes is a Sh action, Mad Dog's Blown Apart might lead to some very aggressive Lures on Hamelin's part 50 SS Outcasts Crew Hamelin + 7 Pool - The Piper (2) - The Plague (2) - Survivalist (1) The Stolen (2) Mad Dog Brackett (9) - Lucky Poncho (1) Ama No Zako (9) Hodgepodge Emissary (10) - Conflux of Plague (0) Obedient Wretch (4) Malifaux Rat (2) Malifaux Rat (2) (exported from CrewFaux)
  2. Just got my vintage Hamelin in the mail. Super hyped!
  3. You kinda get Waifs in his M2E crew box. No idea where to get them if you only have old metal Levi though
  4. Nix is cool. Not too many henchmen get casts, so he'll live and proceed to be annoying. I'd still go with Aionus as leader because he's teh strongest of them all.
  5. Even Paralyzed, Monty still has his passive ability from Brick by Brick and can be pushed with Jack's Writhing Torment. I've never had him do much damage anyway.
  6. Well, in the OP's case the LoS lines never cross the base of the terrain, do they? A walkway could be mounted on pillars.
  7. Yeah that's a nice clutch option, but I'd rather use that 10 on Jack's own attacks and those 2 ss for damage prevention or plus flips. Still, might be fun to copy some Tormented stuff (the best one I see is Greed's 4 damage nuke)
  8. You can't attach curses with Child because he didn't have any attached in the beginning. He also can't copy Jack's (0) actions, sadly
  9. Does the Child do anything besides a 2ss activation?
  10. I brought two in a recent game vs Viks, and they took a lot of swearing and plus flips from both Viks to take down. They are opportunistic pieces who can chop down about half the models in the game. There's an unexplored tactic of making them Sisters via Howling Wolf Tattoo on Vanessa, then going Dragon's Bite or just attacking with even more positives. But a prime use I've found was to charge into a cluster of enemies, survive an enemy activation, then use You were told to duck with Parker to shoot some faces off and riddle the are with markers sadly, in a Parker crew Sue tends to lag behind and be sad
  11. Yeah I'm dreaming of the time I can get them Outlaws at a store, but there isn't even a release schedule yet. As for Johan, he's a cool guy, but his condition removal is too conditional for my tastes, needing a specific suit to go off. Whereas Specialist's gun is nothing to sneeze at, ignoring cover, setting things on fire (because FfM is a thing) and a bunch of other useful triggers.
  12. How do you fine folks go about activation control with Jack? So far the only way I see it is "Jack kills a bunch of stuff, then you get activation control" I never leave home without Sue, Effigy or Jaakuna, but lacking strong 5ss minions/scheme runners is what hurts my lists the most. Maybe I could bring myself to use Winged Plague, but I so much hate the model it hurts. Should I venture into Crooked Men or Drowned to get to that 8 model count? The Nurse without Specialist I find too risky to use, and that's 13ss (18 if you count the mandatory Guilty for zee flammenwerfer guy not to lag behind) thoughts, experiences, advice?
  13. Had a game this weekend, and Monty tanked like a boss! Took two turns of Sybelle, two Belles, Carrion Emissary and an occasional bullet from Seamus to take the guy down. If I had positioned him better, he would've even survived the ordeal. Too bad Belles aren't Living and Sybelle is terrifying (all), couldn't risk slapping the big girl with his Wp4
  14. If someone were to claim something along these lines, I would a) never play with them again b ) tell them to go play 40k or Warmahordes c ) argue that relative to the models the LoS lines never pass through the terrain d ) never allow models to stand on top of blocking hard cover terrain
  15. All models come with cards, so books are only necessary if you want to have stats for all the models in the game. As additions to Jack Daw's set, I'd recommend buying Sue and Johan, and also Dead Outlaws when they're out. This will put you nicely into 35-50SS range for crew building, you can then play several games, get the hang of what's going on and decide for yourself. Jack Daw is a tough start for Outcasts because he's certainly a top-tier master, but has a a lot of hiring options outside of the Outcast faction. Out of those, the only model I always take is Jaakuna Ubume (Resser model), every other option I've taken (Crossroads Seven, Hanged, Drowned) seemed fun, but suboptimal. I also recommend to check out Schemes and Stones: it's a podcast on Malifaux masters (listen to the one about Jack, it has some nice points) and there's also a blog that has a "Building on a budget" section for Outcasts. I personally don't agree with what's written there, but it's all personal preference, really.
  16. Even without the discard synergy, he's a pretty durable beater. Don't forget the -1 Wp aura, people hate that (especially when Jack or Leveticus shoot them). 9ss with a 0ss upgrade is a sweet spot in Most of my Outcast crews, too.
  17. Models I've used to great effect were Hannah, Sue, Librarian and Effigy. Ashes is always good Scion of the Void could become an unkillable anchor if played properly. If you want a heavy hitter and some control, Aionus is the man. Both Bandidos and wretches/winged plague are decent scheme runners (not necropunk level, but decent) sure, in Outcasts you're not getting Lures or Howard Langston, but there are other ways to shine.
  18. Any suggestions on dealing with Rotten Belles? Is Hamelin a good master vs Ressers? I also spectacularly lost a game vs Seamus, but that was mostly to my mispositioning three key models a lot.
  19. Well it actually was pretty scary by Turn 2. He had a mostly standart setup with some personal variations (Ulix with the Husbandry, Old Major with Corn Husks, Slop Hauler, Penelope, McTavish, Wild Boar and Lust as a merc) I went really generic 50 SS Outcasts Crew Hamelin + 6 Pool - The Piper (2) - Infectious Melodies (1) The Stolen (2) Nix (8) Hodgepodge Emissary (10) - Hodgepodge Conflux (0) Sue (8) - Return Fire (1) Big Jake (5) Obedient Wretch (4) Malifaux Rat (2) Malifaux Rat (2) (exported from CrewFaux) He summoned 2 warpigs and about 4 piglets in the three full turns we've managed to play. He had a wild boar whom he used to push around with Old Major (QUICK EDIT: looks like my opponent misinterpreted the ability, it does require LoS, but indeed has unlimited range) to score covert breakthrough so deep in my deployment zone I couldn't reach it. Piglets can charge as (1), interact as (0), can remove scheme markers at end of activation, have small target (negative to shoot) and are overall annoying. War pigs have 12 Wd, charge as (1) and hit real hard. The pig engine (Ulix, Slop Hauler, Old Major) stays far back and produces 2-3 models a turn (compared to Hamelin's two Rat Kings) Basically I had to concede flanks to Wild boar and Warpig, abuse Don't mind me on Big Jake and Rat Catchers (for Stake a Claim) while stuffing his face with rats so that Piglets didn't have charge lanes. Nix used Drink Spirit to spread blighted on those Piglets who broke through so that Rat Kings could (1) charge them. I barely managed to score Search the Ruins (he ate two of my markers on final activations so I had to Obey a Rat Catcher a lot).
  20. You know what's fun? A tournament game of Stake a Claim. With a scheme pool of FfM, covert breakthrough, search the ruins, accusation and inspection. A 50 ss game of Hamelin vs Ulix. Never have I felt so much like I was playing solitaire.
  21. I tend to think of it this way: Leveticus needs three things to shine: 1. Three anchors, so 6+ss cost models who will also serve as beaters 2. Two scheme runners - just for marker placement and such 3. Hodgepodge Effigy there are multiple good models in Outcasts to fill those roles, so don't listen to people about massive hiring pools. Yeah, he can do it, yeah, there are some great models out of faction, but that's by no means a necessity. So outcasts: Ashes and dust desolation engine sue johan Good out of faction: i'd start with either neceopunks or mech rider+small box of steam arachnids
  22. They have Rapid Fire, so Jack and Hamelin love to put them in position. Sh 6 means they are gonna hit stuff moderately well. Return Fire is just nuts. My Sue does more damage out of activation than during activation! (I recently placed second in an enforcer brawl because I just killed everyone by shooting back; still couldn't beat Hooded Rider's 3" melee tho). Same works for Gunslingers!
  23. Jack is just fine without taking cross-faction models. The only model I always take is Jaakuna Ubume, but that's just my personal preference. Now that Monty's been buffed, go for Monty instead of any Resser minion
  24. I use the exact same clear boxes as shown above for storage, but instead of metal sheets I use thin strips of metal (found a roll of metal strpe in my closet), that way saves a lot of weight. Smaller sections of the boxes are used to store supplies like decks, rulers and tape measure, as well as even smaller tackleboxes for counters and somesuch. I would very much love to use A-Case Victory (which is like the god of magnetic storage cases), but the $150 price tag is kinda steep for me at the moment.
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