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Everything posted by Nikodemus

  1. I'm getting into oils myself soon. Feel free to write more about using oils. Triumphs, tribulations and all. I'd like to hear how it'll work out for you. Toni's looking good.
  2. That's a lovely smooth & desaturated look. Very good job with the Cooper Totems' skin.
  3. Apologies for dropping out of the challenge so quietly this year. I respect what you've done these past two years for us here. Hopefully someone steps in. As for @Diddick, here's a picture of me and my baby from some years back. Napping on my lap, figure resting on his bum. It can be done But you're not me. I'm not you. You do what you can do. Cherish the early years.
  4. Fun lighting effects. Always great to see a painter enjoying the process.
  5. Looking good with the ogres. Great work with wizard's backside. Purples add a lot to it. And I hear you on the assembly. I've mostly built and painted GW this year. Tonight I've been building last few models for December keyword. Night and day. Night and day.
  6. 4/4/6 beater Marcus was my late 2e love affair. This seems tamer than that but I'm happy to see a nod towards the past.
  7. Slumps come and go. Good to see your work here.
  8. There's a lot of cool designs in the range. Your Damned looks sweet. Hopefully we get to see more from you.
  9. Now they're showing up. Looking good! Seems you put a bit more effort into Schtook.
  10. Lovely work on the acolyte. It's a fun core box to paint. Gotten anything more done on the painting front after march?
  11. I occasionally did 3ss hound spam with Marcus. I can't say if it was international top table competitive, but it did well enough locally.
  12. Ooooh, nice blacks 'n whites. Best of luck with the keyword.
  13. I painted six of the basic Tzaangor last year. Pretty minis. Awful to paint. Yours looks good. Nice gloomy emissary.
  14. It can be tricky to get darker skin to look right. I really enjoy painting them. Toni looks good. Orange jacket fits the scheme well. Really good job on Howard.
  15. When I did Miss version of him I pinned the mini to the base. Pin was attached directly to the centre mass.
  16. Goes to show how great things can look if you depart from "expected" colours.
  17. Lovely texturing on the Teddy. Joy to look at.
  18. Image doesn't show up properly for me. Link is still legit though. Good painting.
  19. Nice chunky style on the Yan Lo crew. Digging it.
  20. And I worry I've forgotten how to paint after a few week's break. Great stuff. I guess it's like riding a bike. Will be interesting to see what you can manage with the Colette crew.
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