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Posts posted by gelter

  1. 9 minutes ago, Ogid said:

    The fact these effects are resolved in the phase C1 doesn't imply they are checked more than once, there could be 2 readings:

    1. Check effects that affect every model at the start of the phase, resolve them model by model.
    2. Check effects that affect every model at the start of the pahse, resolve them model by model. If a new effect is now affecting a model that wasn't affected before, resolve that new effects model by model, and so on.

    You think the right is the nº2, i think it's nº1. Without a formal definition (FAQ) of what Wyrd means with the  trigger "at the start of the activation" we could discuss this for 100 pages.

    Yeah that is exact that what i mean. There is no special timing im which way you resolve those effects. 


    So lets hop for a quick answer from wyrd

  2. 13 minutes ago, Ogid said:

    Maybe my answer wasn't clear enough. For me "At the start of the activation" is a point, a "photograph" of the table in that moment, so anything that may trigger in that moment triggers; anything that doesn't triggers here miss its oportunity. However as there isn't simultaneus effects, the order of these effects resolving can affect other effects. There could be other readings (any effect added in this phase that could trigger, would trigger; that's something that Wyrd have to clarify).

    The key is I thought we had to resolve it per effect. For example, an effect that reads "when this model activates, deal 1 damage to each model in :ToS-Aura:2." If the other player have 2 models in that range, then I choose to resolve that aura, and both suffer 1 damage. But the pg34 rules instruct us to proceed per model, not per effect; so in this case the other player have to choose 1 of his models, suffer 1 damage; then choose the other model and suffer 1 damage.

    By going with my first thought, resolving by effect; if you resolve "Showstopper" before "Source of the Contagion" then Colette ends in the aura's range when it triggers. But going with the rulebook way of solving it "per model" (pg34) Colette is only affected by the effects placed on her "at the start of the activation". After she is placed, the trigger "at the start of the activation" is gone for her and the placement cannot affect other effects that happnes at the start of the turn; (for example, if she had the damage aura I wrote above, then Hamelin wouldn't be affected before that effect wasn't placed on him at the start of the activation)

    However this is a timing issue that could be read in more than one way, and for the other users answers it seems in other editions this worked differently... It'd be good that this would be adressed in a FAQ, because depending on how you understand "At the start of the activation" (a point or the entire C1 phase), the way to solve this will be different.

    C1 is a phase. Not a point. 


    The phase c1 dont end with the placement of colette. It is still phase c1 and then the aura comes in play.

    • Respectfully Disagree 1
  3. 5 minutes ago, Adran said:

    It is simultaneous because both effects have the same timing point (at the start of a models activation)

    The question is about is there a fixed point at which you decide what all the relevant effects are, or can something add extra effects that have the same timing point.


    The at the start of the activation is just saying it is resolved in phase c1

  4. Ok i reread it again. 


    In c1 they tell about effects. So it is ok


    It is all happening in c1:


    colette unburys, at this point there are no simultanoeus effects because she just can unbury. If she unbury inside the aura it follows the sequential effect that she get blighted because she is inside of 6“.


    remember it is still phase c1. 

  5. I found this:


    Sometimes, an effect will create additional effects as it resolves. 
    In these cases, fully resolve the initial effect before mov-
    ing onto any additional effect. Additional effects are 
    then resolved in the order they were generated, after 
    any effects which had been previously generated have 

    page 34



  6. 25 minutes ago, Ogid said:

    Ah ok, I did miss that; ty for pointing. Then if all effects of one model are resolved in that step at the same time, she will not be affected:

    • C1 Choose Colette to resolve effects which affect her: Only Showstopper because she isn't in range of the aura
    • Colette is placed (she is now in range of the aura but her effects had already been resolved).

    If you do it this way, she is still affected because the aura is not „her“ effect. 


  7. The point is phase c1 do not end with the unbury of colette. In c1 she checks if she is buried. Yes. So she can unbury. If she does, she will be affected by other effects. 


    Else it have to be a timing when a special effect is timed. So if unbury is the last in this step i would say she is not affected. But i think how it is written all effects have to be resolved

    • Respectfully Disagree 1
  8. 5 hours ago, Flippin' Wyrd Jamie said:

    I like them in Urami

    My issue with drowned currently is that they aren't worth hiring in either keyword they belong to 

    I like them in Urami too. They are worth every point. Kirai profits so much. Retarget an attack on a drowend force the enemy to do a terrifing test and if it was melee he cant even cheat. It is so nice.

  9. I had a game on Friday evening. 


    I played daw vs basse. The guilty worked very well. He deployed near my deployment zone so we had action in turn 1. 

    the guilty i sent straight to engage basse and frank( his henchman). In turn 3 i had 9card handsize. He killed them but they come back every time. Sure where they go again, straight to the master and the henchman. 


    Montresor wasnt that effective because i deployed him a bit far in the back. Jack daw was doing his minion movement stuff. Lady ligeia didnt do much too. 

    I had a jaakuna with me, and she was really nice. Incorporeal is a wonderful thing, charge through buildings etc.


    in the end i won 4vs1. We both go a bit killy. 


    For me the crew feeling was nice. The models are good. At crewbuilding stage i dont know why to take a hanged, for me it seems he is to expensive for what he brings on the table. Maybe i oversee something. Daw was very nice and frustrating for my opponent when he did 3 or 4 dmg and i reduce to 1. sure there are crews with more ping damage and then it will be frustrating for me. 

  10. 8 hours ago, Saduhem said:

    Glad you like them! 

    How do they score points in your games in a tormented crew? What do they do that other tormented don't for you? How often does projectile vomit hit? Do you keep them back for it?

    I can see their value as summons though, Although I always go for Goryo, Shikome, or Onryo first, in that order.

    Projectile vomit hit very often. It is against mv and you give out a lot od staggered. You can relatively easy get 3 blast markers and spread distracted. They dont score but they are perfect for denying points. You engage so enemy cant interact and they are durable. Terrifing, and enemy cant cheat. 

    And that they are slow isnt and argument because you can throw them with daw. 



  11. Pls do not change the drowned.


    i love them like they are. Cheap and durable. Ok they are slow but that is not a problem for daw. 

    And for kirai they are essential like they are. A good target for the protection ability.

  12. Its really not needed. 


    Yeah i know there are many counterplays to not trigger the demise ability. But when it goes off, it isnt bad that he is in your Deployment zone. A lot of schemes are needed to be done there or nearby. So it is a defense thing

  13. 8 hours ago, Thangoruin said:

    She has two in-keyword beaters, Archie and the Rogue Necromancy, plus the Grave Golem, Dead Rider, and Carrion Emissary (not really a full-fledged beater, but an excellent source of damage still) as versatile models. HtW is good and definitely way better than it used to be M2E; here's my quick analysis of it from another post:

    So it does defend Archie because you can keep Focused attacks at negative damage flips with the investment of only moderate cards, as opposed to needing to tie their attack.

    Otherwise, yes, Molly will die quick if any decent threat gets to her; I really don't understand why they dropped her Df to 5.

    I had the grave golem with me. But he died to brewmaster in one single activation. 

  14. On 1/18/2019 at 7:16 AM, Platov said:

    Ok, i have 2 crews for brewie right now.

    First one - just Tri-Chi with 2 monks and 1 tanuki.

    Second one - construct-based, with Akaname for scrap markers, Cooper and Sparks.


    Overall, i find brewie good. Like, really good. One of the most damaging Bayou master now. He's still tarpit with his slow aura, he have lure, obey-like trigger, attack with 4 minimal damage(with trigger), EVIL blood poisoning ability with 6 damage max, and best stats. Like, as far as i know, he's the only master with 7 df, 9 wp, and 8(!!!) attack action stat(via ability, but still). And, he can heal himself.
    With such utility, he can do alot of things, and he is good at everything he does. In my opinion, he might be new Tier-1 gremlin master.

    Yep, i played vs him. He is so strong. Do a lot of dmg and heals so much. Maybe he is to strong? 

    Against Pandora he will suck i think

  15. The sad thing is, that molly need the dmg for this ability. You have only a short range of models to chose from. You have only one beater(Archie). The point ist he hits hard but die quickly. Hard to wound is way more bad than in me2. Focus is everywhere and so it doesn’t defend him. Molly has the same problem. She die very quickly. 


    Even with no los needed, i wasnt aware that you can charge even no model in range. So no Problem to get your models where you want them with walk and charge. 

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  16. I had a test game yesterday. Molly isnt worth it to take as a leader. It goes off the whole game only two times. That was at the moment he attacked molly directly in her face. Short time later she was dead.

    It isnt a big problem with los needed. 

    Two moves were affected. And were easily solved with walk charge instead of walk walk.

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  17. Yeah, give an opponent cards is always bad. Its the key ressource in game. I try to avoid it, thats why i use only NM because you see what he will get. Fore sure it isn’t optimal. 

    It wouldbe better if it work the other way. That you get + if you have more cards. You can control it better

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