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Posts posted by TeddyBear

  1. 10 hours ago, Seadhna said:

    Hit once, do 2 damage, attach Firing squad. Hit second time for min 4, rip off Firing Squad for 2 more.

    Ah ok, min 8 with 2 Attacks.

    I like soo much play with Jack Daw, but i find Hamelin and Leveticus better in Tournament..

    i'd like to bring him in Tournament, or learn to use him well.

  2. 15 minutes ago, Jinn said:

    So 2/3/4 + 2 damage (from the trigger) goes to 4/5/6 + 4 damage. 

    i don't understand well:P 2/3/4 + 2 from trigger, goes to 4/5/6 +1 of the bigger they are goes to 5/6/7 +1 of his upgrade 6/7/8??

    i think also the trigger is not an attack action then the upgrade effect don't work on attack's trigger..

  3. 22 minutes ago, Seadhna said:

    At min damage 8 on a charge with Ca 7 and a 19" threat range he's a perfectbeatstick, rivaled only by Viks, Levi and Killjoy

    Min 8 damage and 19 threat?? How??

    The problem i see with Jack is: Ok he is resilent, but his crew? If i play him with temathic models, they have ridicoulous wp..(neverborn have a good time! ;)) if i choose to play him with stronger pieces of outcast i have a maximum of 6/7 activation especially if there is A&D and/or Emissary.. 

    the question is, why should i use Jack when there is Leveticus? (in a tournament contest)

  4. Just now, trikk said:

    1) this was a joking post

    2) I had Burt and Tavish with Nellie. I played against them in a Shenlong crew. I just sold all my Guild and those 2 with the rest. I will probably continue playing with them more

    3) I`m having my first two games with Somer next thursday ;)

    then i'm sorry, but i read Always new complaint about gremlins, burt, tavish and reckless.

    i'm already tired of Cuddles.. also for arcanists (and i don't play gremlins)

    i'm very keen to se how happens with gg2018 :)

    that's all. (off-topic mode off)

  5. On ‎08‎/‎08‎/‎2017 at 4:45 PM, trikk said:

    Howard is 12 SS. Francisco is 8 . Francois is 7. Burt is 7. Its not the damage output that people are complaining. I`m not going to get into another discussion about Gremlins because its boring but the issue with Howard and Frank vs Burt and Francois is: how much other stuff you get can in the crew. Now this is not a complaint but I just put it as food for thought.


    Burt with TT? Oh my, did you see Tavish in TT with Recalled Training, Smoke Grenades and all the fast/focuses each turn? ;)

    "The grass is always greener on the other side.." 

    We might do better to stop complaining, and play more..

    I'm not mad at you and i hope i give no offence: but 3 topic and you (but also others) Always say the same things.

    Why don't you get Burt or Tavish??;););)


    • Thanks 1
  6. 10 hours ago, santaclaws01 said:

    As for why he was saying no to ignoring models during a charge, it's because he was wrong. Simple as that.

    Ah ok, i don't know why..but often i take for granted all that is written in rules clarification section ;)

    if i want to re-writing correctly Flying and incorporeal mechanics:


    Fall Damage:

    •    YES: Flight ignores fall damage

    •    NO: Incorporeal does not ignore fall damage

    Ignore Models During Moving (Charge is a moving action):

    •    YES: Flight ignores/is ignored

    •    YES: Incorporeal ignores/is ignored 

    Ignore Terrain During Moving (Charge is a moving action):

    •    Yes: Flight ignores/is ignored

    •    YES: Incorporeal ignores/is ignored

    Ignore Models During Push:

    •    NO: Flight does not ignore/is ignored

    •    YES: Incorporeal ignores/is ignored 

    Ignore Terrain During Push:

    •    NO: Flight does not ignore/is ignored

    •    YES: Incorporeal ignores/is ignored 


  7. 15 minutes ago, PositronMike said:

    I have had some success with Jack at tournaments. My Jack crew always has 3 models in addition to Jack these are a Guilty, Sue and the Emissary. Other models that are often make the list are a second Guilty, Johan, Ashes and Dust, Malifaux Child, Nurse and Crooked Man. 

    The Emissary is a great scheme runner for Jack and the curse it can put on models can cause some serious problems for your opponent. Sue is amazing and Jack speeds him up which his main weakness. I almost always put the regen trinket on him to make hurt pseudo free. 

    The guilty are there to make models like Sue and Johan tormented to speed them up. They also are passable scheme runners and can be quite good at holding points as well. They will go down if focused upon but usually you try to give the opponent too many other high priority targets. 

    Thanks, How do you use malifaux child? And why Sue?

    i try him with Ashes & Dust but  i find it not synergistics.. Do you use torment on ashes and dust?

  8. 11 minutes ago, Ludvig said:

    Yes, a walk is a tactical.

    There is no specific rule for flyers charging over someone, you need to put it together from the rules involved. First of all you need to be able to declare the charge so you need line of sight (since you need to target the model) and you can't be engaged. Then you perform the move part of the action and as the flying rules say that you can ignore all models and terrain during a move and the charge action says "move" it means you get to ignore all models while doing the move. You still need to be able to stop and attack at the end.

    Last thing please, if an attack have a tn is considered a tactical or no? (because it is also an opposing duel but it is also a simple duel..)

  9. 1 hour ago, Ludvig said:

    An action with an opposed duel is an attack. All other actions are tactical actions. There is a list of the general tactical actions available to all models in rhe game, it's in he base rulebook, can't remember the page but it's where you will find walk, charge, interact, defensive stance etc. 

    So, when a model takes drowning ijustice upgrade (for not takes damages) can only attack jack or another models?


    1 hour ago, Ludvig said:

    Any action that says "move model" is a move so you can charge over other models if you have flying or incorporeal. A push is my action that says push. Flying models still cannot declare a charge when engaged however since that is another stipulation on charges that needs to be considered even if you are Flying.

    Please where i can find the rule about Flying models and charge over other models?

    And why here:


    they say, no??


    1 hour ago, Ludvig said:

    What other types of actions were you referring to?

    I find all them on pag 38 of big rulebook..many thanks Ludvig!! ;)

    • Like 1
  10. Hello again, 

    this afternoon in my Group has arisen a doubt..

    can a model with Flying ignoring models during a charge action? someone says yes, others no.. so i ask you..

    I find this old topic but i don't understand well 


    (apparently yes)

    But i find also this:



    (so, no??)


    Secondly i would like to ask you:

    On Jack's "drowning ijustice" upgrade there is this ability, "Death by Drowning" After declaring a Tactical Action other than Penance (including Actions such as Walk, Charge, *etc) this model immediately suffers 2 damage which may not be reduced. This model suffers 2 damage whenever it fails a Simple Duel.


    What type of actions are Walks and Charges? Thay are also considering Tactical or Tactical and what else? Chargé is also a moving action? What it means *etc?  Are there other type of generic tactical action like charge and walk?? or with ect means all others tactical action (where they are specified like tacticals)???

    Thanks again!! =)


    Edit. please to be moved in "Malifaux Rules Discussion" my mistake        





  11. Personally i like malifaux so much, that i have almost all miniatures..

    I don't know if these Errata were necessary, (honesly the one certainly right was "rat engine" on non-nihilis. masters)

    In my area whenever there was change for guild/outcast i saw some players stop playing with their factions, and switch to other factions.. now i fear that by doing so, slowly, all factions will be depowered (why forum change my word??)


    i've a little experience in Magic (i know is another game) but in one format, depowereds and bans have completely changed (or should i say) lowered game competitiveness, becoming so a game where think lesser.

    (i hope you will understand, what i'm trying to say) 

  12. 4 minutes ago, Ludvig said:

    You are never allowed to cheat anything that you have a negative flip on. Relenting automatically gives you a double negative flip to the damage so you would need to be double focused or have some really good plus flip effects on damage to be able to cheat.


    Now i know well, thanks Ludvig and sorry for all these stupid questions, but i prefere asking here, and looks like fool, for learning well to play!

    • Like 1
  13. 24 minutes ago, Ludvig said:

    Every model i the game has the same rules for relenting, you need to flup three cards and pick the lowest because that's how the accuracy modifier affects damage.  if you flip three good cards you could damage your own model for severe damage qhen you relent. I'm not sure I understand what you are asking. If you relent to Pandora it works just like relenting to any model with a damage track. Not sure why Pandora wouls go attacking her own modls in the first place.

    ah ok, i'm sorry i'm little confused on relent dynamics.. 

    if in attack there is a tn,  

    i have to make the tn, also if friendly defending choose to relent? (unless there are black or red i imagine)

    Can i cheat on attack and damage flips when i choose to relent?

  14. 8 hours ago, Ludvig said:

    If ypu relent to her attack you will flip three cards and pick the lowest for damage.


    8 hours ago, Nikodemus said:

    You declare: "Iggy attacks Voodoo Doll, Doll relents"

    You then flip one card for Iggy's attack flip, as normal, and apply burning because it succeeded.

    That's it. In case the attacker would have a damage track to use, you would flip damage as normal and consider the result to be a tie (ie. :-fate:-fate flip, assuming no other positive or negative modifiers).

    That refers to which part of the opponent's damage track to use. Weak/moderate/severe. If Pandora beats her opponent with 1-5 difference she deals weak damage, 6-10 it's moderate, 11+ it's severe.

    Many Thanks!

    sorry for this other questions, but so Pandora is consider like she don't have damage track?or no?

    "If ypu relent to her attack you will flip three cards and pick the lowest for damage." ------> but in this case, she is the only model can doing highest damage on relent??? (although probably she never will need attack friendly models...)

  15. Hi mates!

    One clarification please, (i know, question sections that's where i'm more active..)

    When for example: my Iggy attacks a friendly voodoo doll, can i choose to relent? How does it works? iggy's attack don't doing damages, so i have always to flip 3 cards?

    and another question please.. how does works pandora's attacks? does have she to flip for damages?

    Many many thanks and sorry for mistakes!

  16. lately i noticed that where i play unfortunately, (in my group) we played doing some minor errors..whereas, however can change some game dynamics..

    now i have a doubt (for example) with practised production, and two markers regulary within 2 of centerline, can i score point for claim jump (or i have to remove first the marker placed with practised)?

    Thank you!


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