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Posts posted by TeddyBear

  1. 39 minutes ago, Dogmantra said:

    If you want to end on top of the building, then you have to move upwards 4" (because it is Ht4). But if you just want to move past the building, you don't have to spend any extra movement as long as you can get all the way to the other side in one Walk action.


    Well, then a (Flying or incorporeal) model can moves through? like this

    Also in a terrain like a sewer (in top of thread)?



    Edit. Also Solkan wrotes:

    "If you declare a scenery element "enclosed", that scenery element has to have an interior where you can place models"

    Impassable: "Models cannot enter impassable areas of terrain, wich includes moving through the walls of a builing or into other solid object. (no mention about incorporeal or Flying models)


  2. Sorry if i open again this thread, but i read a trick with zipp.. and i still don't understand some movement dynamics..

    Incorporeal and Flying Models move in this way, on non-enclosed terrain? is it correct? (and also Jack daw??)

    First i see the distance of the model from the build and then ht of the build (in this case if the distance is 2 and the flight or incorporeal model walk 6.. the model can finish in one istance of move on the structure? is it correct?)



  3. 3 hours ago, Ludvig said:

    You could probably solo Lilith or McMourning and be quite comfortable.

    In ten thunders you can handle interference by tanking up at your own table edge with Katanaka snipers and possibly trappers and just making sure you get the two quarters you deployed in while denying some enemy scheme points, that is how guild and TT tend to have to play it. Hounds help McCabe get more activations and do most marker schemes. Tournament tables tend to be a little light on terrain so your snipers will get a chance to dictate a lot or movement and/or pick their preferred targets. Add some melee threat to counter the enemy alpha strike and you're set.

    I like much shenlong and mc cabe, i'm trying them in these days.. i need to understand how to magnetize some of tt pieces like yasunori or emissary..because just purchased i've broke them in classic foam-case

    • Like 1
  4. Hello everyone!

    usually, who "open" a thread, with a title like this, is a new player that have starting play malifaux..

    i'm already almost one year, that i'm playing at this great game, and when i started, i was tied so much that i have bought almost anything until wave 4..

    Now i know, that this is a very subjective and improbable question, but how can i choose the right faction for me?

    I'd like to do some tournaments; like i'm doing now i know generally all master, but none of them very very well..:(


    Parameter for to make a very subjective decision like that, are always for all the same:

    • Miniature's Aesthetics, but i like them all except those have too human's aspect
    • Power level (if you can call), personally i find that there are some master/set up that are better than other but i think with wave 5 will be all more balanced
    • Personal taste, ok this is the most subjective point, i like Zoraida because i like witch figure in folklore.


    Okay so do you have any suggestions for me perhaps?

    I've done a cherry-pick of masters that i have, but there are still a lot of them, and i've actually thought (that in anticipation of tournaments) i'll no take summoning master, for a question of comfort :P


    Guild: None

    Resurrectionists: Reva, Seamus, McMourning

    Arcanists: None

    Neverborn: Zoraida, Lilith, (Titania, Pandora)

    Outcasts: Tara, Hamelin, Leveticus (Jack daw, it's one of my favourits but i find him least likely for a tournament)

    Ten Thunder: Shenlong, McCabe (but i don't know to do with strategies like Interference :Pin gg2017)

    Gremlins: Zipp



    Thanks in advance who will want help me ;) and sorry for language mistakes






  5. 33 minutes ago, DXXXVIII said:

    Yes, but  hopefully opponent has only 2-3 models for remaining activations :)

    Interesting, i'd like to try it...:D

    a question about rules, bigger they are apply +1 dmg, also on blast (if the blast is placed on an enemy with an upgrade?)

  6. On ‎19‎/‎09‎/‎2017 at 11:52 AM, DXXXVIII said:

    What do you think bout this list?

    Misaki: The Thunder (1SS), Oathkeeper (1SS), The bigger they are (1SS)

    Yamaziko (7SS): I pay better (1SS)

    Hans (8SS): Scout the field (1SS)

    Rat catcher (6SS)

    Winged Plague (4SS)

    Void Wretch (4SS)

    4x Abomination (16SS)

    What this List is supposed to do:

    Prepare for a good alpha strike turn one by gaining activation Controle, a good Hand and a good Position for our Beater (Misaki)

    You Spent 1SS for 2 additional Cards.

    You will need at least one tome and one low card. The rest of the cards should be as high as possible.

    1 Activation: Abomination draws a Card by damaging another Abomination and hits Winged Plague once. Winged Plague relents.

    2-3 Activation: Abomination draws a Card by damaging another Abomination.

    4 Activation: Abomination draws a Card by damaging another Abomination. Then Sacrifices itself and 3 nearby Abominations to summon a Desolation Engine.

    5 Activation: Desolation Engine takes a defensive stance.

    6 Activation: Rat catcher reactivates Winged Plague abd hits Winged Plague. Winged Plague relents.

    7 Activation: Yamaziko walks but stays within LoS and 10" of Hans.

    8 Activation: Void Wretch hits Misaki. Misaki relents. Void wretch cheats in a Tome to burt her. Misaki cheats down with low Card on the TN13 to get buried.

    9-10 Activation: Winged Plague flies 24" to a Place where you want to deploy Misaki for the Alpha.

    11 Activation: Hans discards a Card for "I pay better" to get a free focus. He focuses again. He then discards "Scout the field" so he doesn't need LoS to the Winged Plague and shoots the winged Plague. Winged Plague relents. Hans gets a double- to the damage Flip which neutralises his fouble positive due to the doublefocus. (This is done to minimise the chances to getscrewed by BJ). Winged Plague dies, Misaki gets placed within basecontact of Winged Plague.

    12 Activation: Misaki discards Oath keeper spents her last stone for a Plusflip and charges a low def-target to blast off 4 times. She declares her trigger to allwas cheat and cheats in the highest cards you can afford. She tries to deal as much damage as possible. Don't forget that her Attack and Blasts deal +1 additional Damage to non Leaders with Upgrades and that her  blastdamage can't be reduced.

    Turn 2:

    should you loose initiative. Try keeping misaki alive. Dont forget that shes on + to Defense due to no Stones left.

    Activation 1: Void Wretch hits Desolation engine. Desolation engine relents. Void Wretch cheats in tome to bury desolation engine. Desolation engine cheats down the TN13 to get buried. This is our Backup should Misaki die. If she dies, Deso engine unburies in Base with her and takes over as out beating tarpit.

    Activation 2: If misaki is still alive, shell keep blasting stuff. If she's dead Deso engine hits and pulses Stuff.

    Yamaziko, rat catcher and Void Wretch run schemes now.

    Hans can try to focus-shoot to support.

    What do you guys think? :D

    I like much the idea behind your list, but in second turn you have only 5 models, for remaining activations?

    • Like 1
  7. 5 minutes ago, Bengt said:

    Conditions already on the Voodoo doll are not passed on when it uses Hem.

    I know, but so in the upkeep step of turn in my example enemy model takes 6 damage? not only 3?


    7 minutes ago, Bengt said:

    Yes, after succeeding doesn't care about damage.

    And what about  "self harm" action, on enemy don't have :ranged actions?


    Many thanks Bengt!

  8. hello all! I'm almost sure to know answers but i ask you some clarifications please:

     (Amina Naidu)

    Missing Forms: (0) Missing Forms (Ca 6 / Rst: Wp / Rg: 6): Target gains the following Condition until the end of the game or this model is killed or sacrificed: "Missing Forms: This model
    counts as a Peon for Strategy and Scheme purposes and may not take Interact Actions."

    My question is, in frame for murder, if the "sucker" become a peon,  player lost possibility to score points for Ffm?



    In Quick Murder, if a model die for burning condition (applied by enemies) is considered killed? Qm is valid?

    Anothe question, (for example) If Voodoo Doll with burning condition + 4, give “Sewn Fate" condition to an Enemy with armor +1 what should solve burning condition? (enemy takes 6 dmg because 4b-1a + 4b-1a??)


    (Toni ironside)

    In one of its new upgrade from wave 5, she gains a tactical action until end of turn that says "enemies within "x" must pass a "x" tn when target with an action a different model from toni ironside"

    Tn needs to be done for every action like manipulative? if my model charge another target for every attack needs to do tn?



    Pandora can target an enemy with her "self harm" action, also if the enemy don't have :ranged action?

    With voices upgrade she gains the following Trigger to Self Loathing and Self Harm: (Mental Anguish: After succeeding, reduce all damage dealt by this Attack to 0 and the target gains the Paralyzed Condition) 

    After succeding spend soulstones does nothing right? (because this attack can't deal damages)?


    Many thanks who will have the patience to respond =))

  9. Again one question please, (i'm not sure this is the appropriate place to post this question)


    Models under effect of obey remain friendly with its own crew, then my opponent can choose to relent. 

    Now according to you, this not weaken obey power? there is any trick to overcome this problem?


    Thanks and sorry for all questions

  10. sewers-walkway-set.jpg

    Imagine this building at the centre of game board in standard deployment. How flying and icorporeal models interact with this type of build?

    Generally (from book) this tyoe of build have: Structures come in an infinite variety of sizes and shapes in Malifaux. All buildings default to having the enclosed, impassable, blocking, and hard cover traits. Buildings might have climbable areas (if the walls have hand holds), and might have areas that provide a vantage point.

    Many thanks


  11. 14 minutes ago, Nikodemus said:

    I see you've never faced either with Fast and Debt to the Guild before :D

    No ok, but joking apart, they really needs a Cuddle? Even loose marcenary??

    That seems a little bit excessive to me.. and players  that already have these models (out of faction) what should they do??

    For me Cuddles there should be for things in which there's no solution in game


  12. On 30/8/2017 at 0:16 AM, the tick said:


    1) Burt: lose Mercenary. I know it's not that much of a cuddle to us as a faction but if he's better out of faction.....?


    On 30/8/2017 at 9:31 AM, daniello_s said:

    Burt and McTavish should loose Mercenary so they wouldn't be abusive choice in other factions and Burt should go +1 cost definitely.


    On 30/8/2017 at 3:16 PM, Math Mathonwy said:

     As for Burt losing Mercenary - I think that Wyrd would be reluctant to do so since it would invalidate the model from some collections.

    I don't think so, also because

    after all, the problem with burt and tavish is only when they are in deployed with T.T.

    And for this reason should they remove from them mercenary characteristic? Really?:huh:


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