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Everything posted by TeddyBear

  1. Hello everyone! usually, who "open" a thread, with a title like this, is a new player that have starting play malifaux.. i'm already almost one year, that i'm playing at this great game, and when i started, i was tied so much that i have bought almost anything until wave 4.. Now i know, that this is a very subjective and improbable question, but how can i choose the right faction for me? I'd like to do some tournaments; like i'm doing now i know generally all master, but none of them very very well.. Parameter for to make a very subjective decision like that, are always for all the same: Miniature's Aesthetics, but i like them all except those have too human's aspect Power level (if you can call), personally i find that there are some master/set up that are better than other but i think with wave 5 will be all more balanced Personal taste, ok this is the most subjective point, i like Zoraida because i like witch figure in folklore. Okay so do you have any suggestions for me perhaps? I've done a cherry-pick of masters that i have, but there are still a lot of them, and i've actually thought (that in anticipation of tournaments) i'll no take summoning master, for a question of comfort Guild: None Resurrectionists: Reva, Seamus, McMourning Arcanists: None Neverborn: Zoraida, Lilith, (Titania, Pandora) Outcasts: Tara, Hamelin, Leveticus (Jack daw, it's one of my favourits but i find him least likely for a tournament) Ten Thunder: Shenlong, McCabe (but i don't know to do with strategies like Interference in gg2017) Gremlins: Zipp Thanks in advance who will want help me and sorry for language mistakes
  2. Interesting, i'd like to try it... a question about rules, bigger they are apply +1 dmg, also on blast (if the blast is placed on an enemy with an upgrade?)
  3. I like much the idea behind your list, but in second turn you have only 5 models, for remaining activations?
  4. As with Arcaniststs and Outcasts sections, how do you think wave 5 and new gg2018 are going to change our meta an why? Thanks in advance
  5. I know, but so in the upkeep step of turn in my example enemy model takes 6 damage? not only 3? And what about "self harm" action, on enemy don't have actions? Many thanks Bengt!
  6. hello all! I'm almost sure to know answers but i ask you some clarifications please: (Amina Naidu) Missing Forms: (0) Missing Forms (Ca 6 / Rst: Wp / Rg: 6): Target gains the following Condition until the end of the game or this model is killed or sacrificed: "Missing Forms: This model counts as a Peon for Strategy and Scheme purposes and may not take Interact Actions." My question is, in frame for murder, if the "sucker" become a peon, player lost possibility to score points for Ffm? (Zoraida) In Quick Murder, if a model die for burning condition (applied by enemies) is considered killed? Qm is valid? Anothe question, (for example) If Voodoo Doll with burning condition + 4, give “Sewn Fate" condition to an Enemy with armor +1 what should solve burning condition? (enemy takes 6 dmg because 4b-1a + 4b-1a??) (Toni ironside) In one of its new upgrade from wave 5, she gains a tactical action until end of turn that says "enemies within "x" must pass a "x" tn when target with an action a different model from toni ironside" Tn needs to be done for every action like manipulative? if my model charge another target for every attack needs to do tn? (Pandora) Pandora can target an enemy with her "self harm" action, also if the enemy don't have action? With voices upgrade she gains the following Trigger to Self Loathing and Self Harm: (Mental Anguish: After succeeding, reduce all damage dealt by this Attack to 0 and the target gains the Paralyzed Condition) After succeding spend soulstones does nothing right? (because this attack can't deal damages)? Many thanks who will have the patience to respond =))
  7. so, with models like marcus or dreamer it's the same thing? (they can't redirect flurry?) or no? And rasputina? (sorry but i'm confused as always ) thanks
  8. Again one question please, (i'm not sure this is the appropriate place to post this question) Models under effect of obey remain friendly with its own crew, then my opponent can choose to relent. Now according to you, this not weaken obey power? there is any trick to overcome this problem? Thanks and sorry for all questions
  9. So with impassable, incorporeal models can walk through it? (but they can move on it like flying models right?)
  10. Imagine this building at the centre of game board in standard deployment. How flying and icorporeal models interact with this type of build? Generally (from book) this tyoe of build have: Structures come in an infinite variety of sizes and shapes in Malifaux. All buildings default to having the enclosed, impassable, blocking, and hard cover traits. Buildings might have climbable areas (if the walls have hand holds), and might have areas that provide a vantage point. Many thanks
  11. Any news about new cards? I haven't found it on DriveThru either Wargame..(??)
  12. No ok, but joking apart, they really needs a Cuddle? Even loose marcenary?? That seems a little bit excessive to me.. and players that already have these models (out of faction) what should they do?? For me Cuddles there should be for things in which there's no solution in game
  13. I don't think so, also because after all, the problem with burt and tavish is only when they are in deployed with T.T. And for this reason should they remove from them mercenary characteristic? Really? Nooooo
  14. Edit. Ah damages on her, from all peons minions, enforcers and henc.??
  15. I still haven't seen new upgrades, When i choose this upgrade on her, her knights receive "damage reduction of 2"?? Thanks
  16. I don't read anything about Raspy and Marcus?!?
  17. In few hours will start GenCon 2017, hoping to not violing any rule, would you use this thread for speaking about new master's upgrades for every factions?(news, changes, exc.) I wish i'd been there, but I live 1 trillion miles away ;((( Many thanks!
  18. Well i know, i hope that new upgrades and gg2018, improve competitiveness of some "overshadowed" masters..
  19. Ah ok, min 8 with 2 Attacks. I like soo much play with Jack Daw, but i find Hamelin and Leveticus better in Tournament.. i'd like to bring him in Tournament, or learn to use him well.
  20. Ah ok but, which upgrade would you remore? Writing torment? Twist and Turn? These two i think are fundamental..
  21. i don't understand well 2/3/4 + 2 from trigger, goes to 4/5/6 +1 of the bigger they are goes to 5/6/7 +1 of his upgrade 6/7/8?? i think also the trigger is not an attack action then the upgrade effect don't work on attack's trigger..
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