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Everything posted by Dimitri

  1. I like sammy in somer crew but as you said before it iis tempting to add more supports in gremlin crews and be ineffective... i always use trixie/slop/cranky and thats it 17ss. I like dirty cheater on trixie because i go recless every single turn so 18ss.. i also like full cashe with somer to guarantee either his offense to be on rams or his defence to be on masks or trixie's lure to be on crows. So another 5ss there (2ss for family tree). So half the crew already... who can say no to burt with dirty cheater?.. so 8ss and then you need 3bayou gremlins so 9ss.. this is 10ss left. Most of the times a second beater like gracie.
  2. Hi guys! I am gonna agree with all of the posts tbh. Great points! I personally have played with all gremlin masters except zoraida and zipp. And i run now exclusively only somer and mah. Mainly because of the esthetics (because they are ht 2 compared to the reat ht1 crew xD) but also because of their skills and abilities. I will go in a single master tournament on weekend and i will bring mah. I chose her over somer because she is more aggressive and she can mess faster with the opponent. Otherwise somer is the king of generalism. So you cannot go wrong with him. Mah is pretty adaptable as well but in a different way. She can reposition your crew during the game.
  3. Is encouragement a good upgrade for "fighter/summoner" somer?
  4. Have you ever tried ulix crew without the corn husks upgrade? Is is a "must"one?
  5. Hi guys. I will go in a tournament at the end of the month. I have "built" a generic list to stick. Can you please tell me which playstyles, masters or models can counter this list? -somer (family tree) -old craky -trixie (dirty cheater) -gracie -burt (dirty cheater) -slop hauler -3x bayou gremlins Are there any specific strats, schemes or factions or even masters you would pick an other master or crew? I don't have many models but the other masters i have are wong, mah and ulix.
  6. Has everyone tried "on yer tip toes" on Mah? How it works? After cheating or after flipping?
  7. Mah should be good in headhunting as well. She can push herself and people as a 0 and she can definitely kill something
  8. I didn't want to imply that is a bad model or people not to use him. I just cannot use him. I ve seen people use him very efficiently. You should definitely go for it, especially if it works for you! And +1 for supporting our LadySpoon!!
  9. I don't like fingers. He is special but normally dies before he does his stuff
  10. Forgot to say the piglet's role. It will tie something or pull a model. It dies difficult against shooters or models that target df and its charge means that it can backup mah and slop hauler by stopping an enemy counter beater. If you suspect armor or movement shenanigans pick somer or wong who are top tier masters
  11. The way I want to play her is: -mah (know the terrain) -old cranky -trixiebelle -gracie (dirty cheater) -burt (dirty cheater ) -1x slop hauler -1x piglet -2x bayou gremlins 47ss/7ss cashe The idea is to go all in turn 2 or 3 and kill big stuff or go home. Kill enemy master or vital support pieces or miranda before she transforms ect. The crew can afford to have max buffs for a given turn. Cheat initiative, to attack, +1ml. High mobile crew anyways. So you can hit&run through a neverborn crew for example. Risky but can be knock out turn 2. Easy win or lose and that saves your mentality for the next rounds in a tournament. Mah by herself is malifaux in difficult mode BUT anybody knows what rasputina (for example) do. Not anyone knows what mah does. So they cannot see the sucker punch coming. The final thing I want to add is that: mah is a simple master. This doesn't mean that she is easy. She needs proper care to work. Her crew must be simple as well. My crew idea analysis is: bayou are scheme runners or bombs. By that i mean they charge and you execute one of them the vital round. Gracie and burt dont need any explanation.. and trixie will do the schemes or disable the model you hate the most on the board. Old cranly will pay back some ss if used correctly or draw fire instead of burt for example. Finally the slop hauler in this list is an offencive piece and not a healer. He may heal after the vital turn but you want to utilise his 8" charge and his df4 blast attack. Imagine now 2 models with df4 getting hit by your ml7 beaters on positive flips. It has to be a slaughter. If you go wrong. .. you just go home and you have half an hour break to smoke amd drink a coffee for the next round! Feedback??
  12. Hi guys! I really like the ladySpoon as well! I tend to use her with mo success but these comments boosted my confidence!
  13. they are coming eventually on February!! question: i got really excited (haven't tried it yet because i wait until february) with the idea of swine-cursed and gracie in wong list. the list pretty much is: -wong(ooo glowy) -old cranky -trixibelle -burt(dirty cheater) -gracie(dirty cheater) -2xswine-cursed 46ss/7ss cashe what do you think? any ideas? improvements? tips how to use this list?
  14. So Dogmantra. I tried it as you said! Thanks! Brilliant advice. I could be more offensive as well because my opponent was afraid of gracie's survivability. Really nice trick! I think dirty cheater works great on her. I was avoiding it because she has eat your fill but this is different. She cannot always guarantee the death of a model but she can guarantee to stay there a little more and finally kill!
  15. Dogmantra can you please give me a couple of tips how to use dirty cheater on gracie and burt? I like the idea of them having it but i never managed to use it properly xD
  16. Hi guys! I am on a hybrid Somer list at the moment. tell me if you spot mistakes or possible improvements -Somer (family tree) -Old Cranky -Trixibelle -Gracie -Burt -1xSlop hauler -3xBayou gremlin -1xPiglet 49ss and cashe of 5ss The idea is that Somer provides gremlins for schemes/strat and/or gunline. Gracie and Burt do the fighting with Somer's help because of or his blasts (Burt can pull weak models for Somer). Trixie is either doing schemes or disabling a model or pulling back Burt. Old cranky can do scheme markers based schmes or shoot but he mainly provides support to gremlins. note: I tried Gracie with saddle and i ended up overextending her. I also tried Burt with dirty cheater but i find my self with no cards to cheat as i activate him later in the turn. I also tried Trixie with quality mass liquor and i didnt use it all. When i started to summon only turn one 2 bayou gremlins and just summon back casualties IF necessary and use Somer as a blaster vs average or lower df models i saw good results as opposed to summon for 2 or 3 turns and have him out of combat and relying on bayou to do my stuff.
  17. Hi chaps!, Happy new year! I want some tips about how to fight against neverborn and mainly against Pandora.
  18. I normally use burt and or gracie with somer. So either i prefer bayou2cards for letting my stronger models use my hand or if bigger hat than you comes into play i go first with bayou. 1-2 die and draw a new hand. I don't want to say that are bad. Gracie and burt play with their strong weak damage on .
  19. Positive is not necessarily better than bayou 2 cards. Bayou 2 cards makes "free" tge chance of unpredictable survivability or offense in cheap models. Positive on the other hand on a big model with 8wd and 4df (you need to be over 5wd for the extra positive) is a magnet of a heavy hitter. A bayou gremlin is a waste of a heavy hitter.
  20. I find my self enjoying a somer list with burt/gracie and bayou slop hauler. Trixie and ood ccranky pretty coomon as well. I find it very adaptable and fun. Gracie has some synergy () but not as much as in other crews but she operates well as solo piece anyway.
  21. "Do it like dis" can affect stuffed piglet's explosion results?
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