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Everything posted by GoldenWG

  1. TT has the better minions to reactivate and their emissary dove tails perfectly with what McCabe wants to do. He is a really strong master either way, TT just makes him a notch better. Also, the TCW breaks some mechanics for McCabe and makes him very strong
  2. Will there be a scorpius for the winner? They seem to be sold out everywhere, apprently a large order was placed this week.
  3. Ashes in Daw can do some interesting things. You can ping him with aboms and draw cards then use a nurse to heal him full without suffering the paralyze condition. He seems to always be used in strong Daw list.
  4. Fair question, cards are always great. It is super nice to know you can cheat high damage or have the 13 to make an attack miss. The stones Are also card draw. This list in effect draws five extra cards a turn with the stones and emassiary.
  5. The emassiary is drawing three cards a turn off the low river monk. Yu is a dead 11 points because Shenlong does the same thing. The emassiary is also a super solid fighter when push comes to shove. Why put more random upgrades on a master who sits on the the back of the board? He operates in his bubble in this list his one limited and the low river monk upgrade are enough. Also, the plus 1 shoot on snipers from Yu is a bit redundant when at a double positive flip. Sometimes Izamu does trade with Hans. Not the worst.
  6. This is my sniper list. It is great in collect/reckon games. Can can run a decent amount of schemes. Hans can smoke the big robot.
  7. With the tournament season coming to an end and all the new wave models getting ready to shift TT, I wanted to take the time and reflect on my experiences with TT over the past year. The easiest way to start is by discussing where I see the masters. To me Shenlong and McCabe are by far the strongest in a variety of schemes. I am a huge fan of the Shenlong sniper build in reckoning/collect games. There is often enough in the scheme pool to score between 4-6 points and since the list does not lose on collect or Reckoning, it is enough to pull ahead. McCabe is flexible enough to cover the stake/interference/squatters rights games. Both list can also be built to play the other strats. Overall, these two are best in faction right now. With Shenlong and McCabe being overall the best, we do have masters that are great at specialized roles. Lynch is great at guard and turf war. His burst kill and all the TT models that synch so well with him often means he is in a game or two for me at an event. He tends to do better when needed then the more general McCabe/Shenlong builds in the right pools. The most surprising master that I have added over the last few months is Mei. I think vent steam is such a game breaking ability when played into the right match. I have often dropped her into guild or ressers and she dominates the game by walking and venting twice. I have tended to the death ball build over the summoning one. She is a gamble. Sometimes you expect Sonnia and get lady J. I like Yan Lo a lot and think some of the new models will boost him in TT, just not there just yet. Misaki is just not special. She dies easily and her kill potential is not great enough to offset her easy to kill nature. As a faction TT is in a great place. The faction has a strong balance of masters and strong pieces. We seem to be strongest in the 4-6 minion category and power support pieces. TT bros and Tengu are amazing scheme runners and the emassairy and Yu are extremely strong support pieces. We also have high end minions that are amazing. TT seems to lack the strong henchmen of other factions. In my opnion we currently do not have the quality hench of other factions. Betty helps a lot with that. Looking to the future, Asami will slot into that third master spot in events. Shen/McCabe will stay at top, but like lynch there are pools where Ten points is trivial for her. I hope this was okay to read. I really just wanted to lay out my thoughts as my Malifaux year ends. If nothing else, this is still a kick ass game and I am glad a certain world descended into chaos or I may never had found this one;)
  8. When I think about it on a master by master basis I brake it down like this: McCabe-Emassiary because of the free upgrade and the fact that with the upgrades everywhere anyone can be made fast. Mei Fang-Emassiary because of the drop scrap marker in a summing list and the zero push is nice. The Emassiary can also make Tashiro fast which means he can summon three times with the right list. misaki-Yu- the long push and the second stalk is her bread and butter Shenlong- I have found neither because he can do it himself. Yan Lo-Emassiay I like the Emassiary because of the melee boost but I can see Yu's usefulness Lynch-Yu I really like coping Mullgian and extra AP for lynch, the Emassiary is also good. Brewmaster-YOLO
  9. The two together is interesting. In my opinion, that is a lot of support. Typically when I build crews I have a master with 2-5 points of of upgrades. The uber support piece in n Yu or Emassiary, a 10 point power model, Izamu or the dawn serpent in McCabe, then 4-6 3 to 8 points models to fill out the crew, finalizing with 5-7 stones. If inwould take both support pieces I am typically giving up that power beater of several little guys. I agree there are cases wher both are useful.
  10. I know, overly dramatic title. Over the last few months I have played in a number of events and I have found that I am more and more leaving Yu in the bag. The main reason for this is I typically find the Emassiary with the master specific upgrades a better all around choice. The overall benefits are that the Emassiary can push and make fast with a single AP that does not require cards and that when needed the Emassiary can dish out damage. The amount of times the Emassiary has double focused at start of activation, pushed Izamu made it fast, then took a shot doing six damage has blown a numbers of games open for me. I always prefer the Emassiary with McCabe, Mei fang, yan Lo. These masters benefits immensely form their specific upgrades. Yu ends up with Misaki and Lynch. This is due to the benefits of pushing leaders and his 0 action taking advantage of these masters' powerful 0s. Have others found similar usage?
  11. Shenlong with 2 snipers and his totem is brutal. The peasants can focus them once. Shenlong can move them and make them fast. Then the snipers shoot once at 28 inches with focus. Take the 0 focus from Shenlong and take a second focused 28 inch shot. The shot is ++ and the damage is a +. This is four shots a turn.
  12. I have had this conversation a few times when it comes to event play. Is it better to be very strong with a single master? aka I play Shenlong all the time. Or be good with say three masters? There are benefits both ways. By playing a single master you know the ins and outs of match ups. You know how to handle Tara and lady j because you have played your master so much. However, having a few masters you are good with allows you to specialize more. My example is dropping Yan Lo can really throw people because he plays a unique game. Which is where I feel Mei may have a similar role.
  13. The two best TT masters are shenlong and McCabe. Yan Lo is a great third master because he is dominate in certain scheme pools. Rather than just restate what those above said I'll share the list I typically run with each. Shenlong-wondering izamu 2x snipers 2x illumated TT brother peasant Mcabe-promises, saber, badge emassiry with upgrade Dawn sperant luna 3x dogs Effigy torakage Yan Lo-reliquary, misdirection, brutal Emassiary Izamu with hidden spoul porter 2xtengu TT brother Lone Warrior with recalled Lynch is a great damage dealer and is strong. He is very competitive. Misaki is an all or nothing master. I dislike how one demensinonal she can be. Mei Fang is interesting with the new pieces coming out in wave 3. Her vent steam is a great counter play against some powerful masters. I think she deserves some deeper play testing.
  14. Tengu is the alpha chi farmer. I always start my Yan Lo games by whacking it. By end of turn one I have 2 chi which become an upgrade. It comes with regen built in and has a low defense. It is also a spirit. It is a thankless job but important to the list.
  15. I live a quarter mile from the Forest Glen Metro. PM me some info and I'll get you added to our weekly email setting up games.
  16. Where do you live Goth? A bunch of us are in the DC area. We play at Play more games every Wednesday.
  17. Some key things with Yan Lo: 1. When you attach his two defense upgrades he is excessively hard to kill. 2. When those upgrades are attached he should be played as a front line master. By turn two you should have those upgrades attached. 3. Lighting dance is amazing but takes play experience to learn to use effectively. 4. I tend to have two ancestors and this makes his summing upgrade very powerful. Bringing back the shadow Emassiary and Izamu over the course of the game is very powerful. Install youth is great to bring these summoned models back to full. 5. The soul porter is a great little totem.
  18. I have made a goal for myself over the next month of practice games of broadening my model pool and getting more models on the field to test out. The hope is that this will deepen my skill and game knowledge while also exposing me to models that will be useful at events. The first two I tried out were Ama No Zako and Sue. The scheme pool was Turf War, Take Prisoner, Show of Force, Frame for Murder, Search The Ruins, Convict labor This list I took was Yan Lo Misdirection Brutal Khakkhara Reliquary Soul Porter Ama No Zako Recalled Shadow Emassiary Ancestral Sue Recalled Yin Recalled Tengu Opponent list was 5ss Cache McMourning: Evidence Tampering, On the Clock Francisco: Wade In Sebastian Master Queeg: Promises Nurse Heartsbane Zombie Chihuahua Austringer Nurse Rather than get into the play by play of the game I will focus on just the models I was trying out. Ama was great. She was my frame target. Turn 2 she flew into Frank and put him on hard to kill. She took a beating before a henchmen had to put her down scoring me 3 points. Her high damage track is great. The long flying charge is good. The heal trigger is nice to have as is terrifying 13. Overall thought, she is a solid beater who has some nice tricks. Her O action terrain is cool when occupying space. Her obey is powerful at the right time. Sue’s merc tax has always made me hesitant. But the fast that is avaible in TT means that he is shooting 3 times at 12 inches with + to the attack flip. He is a nice gunfighter. His support actions are good. In any game some of them will be useful. His “Hurt” card draw was very nice because I was able to use the tengu’s regen ability on him so I drew three cards without losing a wound. I hope these thoughts are useful on some less used models in the faction. I will next try out Wonder weasel. He seems so good.
  19. A summoner would be awesome. Yan Lo does it in A contained way. A true summoner would be unique in the fraction.
  20. For what you are going for that is a solid list, maybe throw wings of wind or misdirection on Shenlong and cut a tengu to get a different play experience for a game. But great start!
  21. Mind sharing a Misaki list?? You have me curious
  22. I have found the Emassiary great with Lynch for the Huggy Push and Go. McCabe for the extra upgrade when gives me all the ones I feel I need. And the with Yan Lo he is a beast in how they interact. The extra melee stat makes Yan Lo a legit combat master and then making the Emassiary fast lets it push and make a model fast walk and shoot all in its own activation. Also bring it back from the dead is handy. Shenlong has been very "meh" the card draw and condition removal is nice. Misaki moves way to fast to benefit in my experience and it is good with Mei. patzer, how do you find it with Misaki? Maybe I am not playing it right.
  23. I love Yan Lo is any strat that requires holding a point, so guard and extraction are amazing. There are 4 points to be had just by standing at a certain place on the board. Misaki is way more of a wild card. In my experience she either blows a game wide open, like poping Nico turn one, or she goes out with a whimper. I tend to drop Misaki when I think the opponent will drop a model that if I kill the game is really one sided, a summoning master for example. She is much more of a gamble and a high variance play
  24. Adepticon was my first big Malifaux tournament and I was very excited to see how I would do as someone who played WHFB for 10 years on the GT scene. Since, the TT board has been very useful over the last few months picking up the game I wanted to share my experience with TT at Adepticon. I will give my list and some overall thoughts on each game. Game 1, Reconnoiter, I picked take prisoner and set up Crew Shenlong with wings and wandering Yu with Promising Izamu with Hidden Shadow Emassiary with Shenlong Upgrade Lone Warrior with Recalled Peasant Opponent- Set Up and Exhaust (I think) Crew Kaeris 2x Gunmage Sabertooth 2xMoles Cassandra This was a fantastic game and it ended in a 6-6 draw. At the end of the game I had Shen, Yu, and Emassairy left and he had Cassandra and the Gunmage I was taking prisoner on. What I had to do was try and mighty gust one of his models on the line so he could not contest one of the zones while making sure the Gunamge was 3 inches away for max TP points. So it ended it in very tight bundle of models on the bottom center of the board trying to push and no be pushed. I enjoy this beater crew as a nice all arounder. It Alpha strikes very well and can run schemes pretty well depending on the opponents crew. Shenlong in my opinion is the strongest TT master in Competive play because of the variety of things he does well. Game 2: Extraction, I picked Search the Ruins and Mark Territory My Crew Yan Lo, Misdirection, Brutal, Reliquary Yu wandering Emissary with Yan upgrade Izamu with Hidden 2x Tengu TT Brother Opponent- Search the Ruins and I don’t think he scored the second one so I can’t recall Resser Tara 2x Flesh Constructs Hanged Hans Datsue Ba Seishin In my opinion Yan Lo is an extremely strong master that does not get the respect he deserves. However, he is a specialist where Shenlong is a generalist. There are certain strats where Yan Lo is amazing and extraction is one. I have Yan Lo full power by top of two and he sits in the middle of the board and takes hits. With the Yu copy heal he is so hard to kill a canny opponent will not even swing at him if the actually do the math on what he can survive. I also think the emissary was a massive boon to Yan because of the Melee boost , Yan making him fast three times a game and bringing back from the dead. This game was a Yan Lo game through and through, he sat in the middle of the board swinging on the models he locked down and directing traffic with lighting dance. The highlight was when my opponent took a focused swing on Yan Lo that I misdirected to Kill tara. I socred Seach with Yu tricks and then scored Mark with an annoying Tengu that spent the game walking up on edge of the board. I won 9-5. Game 3- Collect the bounty, I took Make and occupy McCabe with Promises, Black Flash and Saber Shadow Emissary with McCabe Upgrade and the Exlir Luna 3x Dogs 2x Tengu Dawn Serprent Opponent Show of Force and Quick Murder Ophilea Gracie Lenny Trixy Francois 1 or two Mini Grems This was a super frustrating game for my opponent who was a very nice guy. He deployed first and put all his models on the Swamp Kit walkways which where dead center of his zone. I then took 2 dogs and 1 tengu on the left side of the board and everything else on the right. By the end of turn two I know I was going to score all six from the schemes because of how I was able to run my minons and then bury them. This is where the game became super furstarting for my opponent. The Dawn Serpent is a 10 SS minion that really isn’t worth it in nearly every list, however, with McCabe he goes God Mode quickly. In this game I was able to reactivate and make fast a model that was nimble, had flight and had multiple attack actions to take depending on what he was hitting. He also was regeneration +2 with a zero heal. The Dawn Serpent rolled around picking off models and not dying. I won 9-3. Game 4 Reckoning and I picked Show of Force and Frame on Izamu My list Shenlong with Wings and Wandering Yu with Promising Izamu with Recalled Lone Swordsmen with Recalled Johan with Recalled Tengu Peasant Opponent- same as me with Frame on strongarm Misaki Hannah Strongarm 2x Freikorps Trapper Hodgepodge Effigy Shang At this point in the tournament I am looking at the scores and realizing that I can make a run at second place. However, I made some massive mistakes this game. The key on was at the end of turn one I had a fast Izamu and a fast swordsmen that could charge something. The lone swordsmen killed the trapper while Izamu went for Hannah, here was the mistake, Hanah lived by burning soul stones, and Izamu when down next turn for only 2 frame point and not enough of a trade off to make it worth it at that point in the game. I should have had Izamu kill one trapper and then the Swordman kill the other and then have both stay mid board in safety and have 8 activations to my opponents five and just grind out the game. I ended up losing 6-5 and my opponent ended up second overall, so some salt to that woundJ Overall, I was very happy with my performance and I came away with some big picture take aways. In competive play Shenlong and McCabe are the strongest masters in Faction because they are so flexible. Yan Lo and Misaki are good specials that can fill certain strats and schemes really well. The Shadow Emissary is super strong with Yan Lo and McCabe because of their master specific upgrades. I am happy to talk about anything and answer any questions.
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