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Everything posted by ShinChan

  1. Hey, thanks for the words, but I'm just another rando xD I do not think that Mecha Meemaw is bad, just that SpoonMah is definitely better unless you're facing a clear specific matchup full of armored models. Since titles are decided before revealing masters, there is usually no gain to go with Mecha Meemaw over Mah1. Arcanists and Guild have a bunch of armored models to some extent, but most of those fall into Hoffman's crew and they can do a lot of irreducible (so Mecha Meemaw or any of your important pieces are gonna be dead pretty fast). Also, the brutal nerf to Sparks (although the explosives part was needed) is also a drawback to Mecha Meemaw. If titles could be selected after revealing the master, ohhh boy, that would lead to interesting picks where I could see myself picking Mecha Meemaw more often. However, this approach has some issues too (it's way easier to counterpick a keyword). I do really like Rockhopper tho
  2. Totally agree. Weary Road enables a lot of good plays, as well as Companion and Don't Mind Me. Parker1 gun is better than Parker2 when you usually will be shooting with Stat 6+ and 7+ and ignoring FF. Having 6 damage as Severe is nice, but not for a Stat5+ gun that has a ridiculous moderate of 3.
  3. Som'er pre-nerf was winning quite consistently (he still had terrible matchups tho), but apart from that, sometimes things get nerfed because it's just not funny to play against them, becoming a NPE (negative play experience, like Nexus and Ivan pre-errata), and Som'er could definitely but that level of oppression. That they nerfed him into the ground and on top of that they made him lose a bunch of charisma? Definitely. I agree that all the Bayou Gremlin engine from Som'er 2 looks like a lot of investment for such a ridiculous benefit (specially the discarding a card in a crew that is full or discarding mechanics and has a ridiculously low amount of card draw), however I'm planning on trying a full elite list for a couple of games more and see how it goes before putting Som'er back into the shelves. PS: Don't even get me started on the Perdita bullshit-summoning mechanics and how efficient is the card cycling they have...
  4. I still stay but my words that Reva2 is terrible, like way worse than Reva1 before the buff. And I'm saying it without taking into account the RAW interactions that allow to kill herself or the Lampad automatically dying. Also Parker2 is really bad. I haven't played either and I am certain of that, just by having played 50+ games of Reva1 and 30+ of Parker1. Going back to the Bayou, Mah2 is definitely way worse than Mah1 (after 2 games) if we don't take into account the "Rule of Cool". Som'er2 feels bad, but I haven't played him enough yet and neither played Som'er1 after he was crippled by the last errata, so jot jumping to conclusions yet, still trying to figure him out. Ulix2 it's more or less like Ulix1, with his niche good games and other really bad matchups depending on enemy keyword and specially the map. Ophelia2 is great, similar power level of Ophelia1, but now she plays "supportish" instead of a mix of Rambo and Manji (from the Sword of the Immortal). Wong2 is more reliable than Wong1, and so, strictly better, although Wong1 has some nice tricks. Those are my impressions, but as I said again, I still need more games with most of them. For example my opinions on Ulix2 are based on me playing him once and watching 2 games. Zipp&Zoraida are masters I don't play (although I'm falling for their v2 version, I already play 22 masters, need to contain myself... XD)
  5. Hi there! Possibly moving there for a while. Is there any meta around? I would love to find some people to play in the meatspace!
  6. I wanna have 5 games with each new title before jumping to conclusions, and so far the only one that I've played 5+ games in Brewie. I love him! He supports so much better the crew. Being able to spend turn 1 just stacking poison like crazy on your models and still unpack is what makes Brewie2 great. Honestly, after the Sparks nerf, there is little reason to play Brewie1, specially if you wanna stay in keyword, since Tri-Chi are mediocre to bad models in general, with a couple of exceptions. Brewie1 is more durable and hit way better than Brewie2, but the latest just helps his crew so much that I love him. I hope to finish the "first five games" with Wong, Ophelia and Som'er by the end of the month. Ulix will come later. With Mah I have mixed feelings, I love the models but Mah1 is so much better than Mah2 that I don't see the point of Mah2 except of very, very specific matchups. I still have to keep playing all my other factions, but I'm planning on elaborate more with Bayou, after all, they're my favorite
  7. OG Brewmaster is for when you need a beater and wanna build a more independent crew. Right now Brewie2 is definitely better, but I could see than changing with a new GG. Brewie2 supports way (like, waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay) better the keyword, but Brewie1 is better for an "best friends" type of list. I could see how Brewie1 could be better in GG1 than Brewie2.
  8. No, you're messing with probabilities there in a bad way. First of all, the chances of getting a moderate of higher with a negative flip is around 35% with a 54 cards deck, so you're quite close there. However, the chances of getting one in 2 flips are not even close to a 74%.
  9. Alpha the alpha! Otherwise take models with Take the Hit or Extended Reach are the first solutions that come to mind so far.
  10. I totally agree with you. Drunken Kung Fu is almost wasted on him. Popcorn is coming back to my list and the enforcer will be a great pick in Brewie1
  11. Not sure. Ivan can kill a War Pig in a single activation without much effort. Plus Ivan usually benefits from having a lot of forests in the table (the most common form of concealing terrain), which Ulix doesn't like at all. Add to that the fact that Ivan's crew put staggered and distracted like candy... It's gonna be tricky to get to their key models.
  12. If Cadmus is in the mix, that invalidates Tri-Chi completely. Wong has a fighting chance if you can keep the Shambling Nests away in turns 1-2. Also Mah or/and Ophelia have some tools to deal with it. Same for Zipp between the blasts and the moves. Against Umbra bring the Emissary. It's going to be hard for Gluttony to land more than 1 Maddening Drums due to all the concealing. Ophelia is great vs Umbra, since she has only Sammy as a Wp6+ model, so Broken Specters won't happen if you hide Sammy from Ivan. Mah also has a fighting chance. Against Seeker, bring Trixie. Stat 7 Lure is great to get models out of the bubble and then just kill them. Brewmaster is a good pick too, but without knowing who you're facing, Cadmus is truly an auto lose. In general, Zipp is going to be good and probably Zoraida too, but I don't play either, so that's why I didn't mention them much
  13. When you need to have the firepower to delete a model in a single activation within 6" of your master.
  14. Pistoleros becoming Death Marshalls with +1 to all stats that after killing someone they heal 4 and become Monster Hunters. Was this supposed to be intentional? Edit: The fact that when the Monster Hunter kills someone, it gets replaced by a Monster Hunter, healing 2 and gaining Slow and Shielded +1, also seems quite weird and unnintentional.
  15. I never struggled to get as much burning as I wanted with Reva1. The only time I didn't have enough it was because a LJ jumped in the middle of my crew T1 and did the "Restore Natural Order". I usually was using her quick action to remove burning without even healing. Lampads are better, but they're still a bad 8ss minion. Well, you still need to get the card to discard, in a crew that has literally 0 card draw. Let's remember that this Reva now has no mobility at all and no real range for her abilities, so she's gonna need to be in the middle of the action. 11 Wds and the defensive stats of a 5/6ss cost minion (df5/wp6) is gonna mean you will easily lose your master against any sort of beater in 1-2 activations.
  16. You only need 3 activations, which leaves you another 3-5 after you bury someone. Hodgepodge to weary road 33 Tara to drop the echo marker and give fast to 33 Now 33 can easily get into the enemy's deployment zone and kidnap a model (if you have the card for it)
  17. Emissary for deployment to deployment, even in corner (measured in Vassal) attack with 33, bury someone, then go back to your echo marker, close to your deployment zone. It seems brutal. Size: 50 - Pool: 3 Leader: Tara Totem(s): Karina Hires: 33 Hodgepodge Emissary The Nothing Beast Talos Scion of the Void Prospector
  18. I haven't played her, but she looks extremely squishy. If you kill a Corpse Candle, you're giving a lot of activation control to the enemy (1 activation if it hasn't activated + 1 pass token when you get the next one). Other models can do the same with Scrap, Shadow and Ice Pillar markers, which are infinitely better to produce. Lampads are bad, and a summoned Lampad that comes in low health are even worse, plus all the investment to get 1 out... Doesn't seem better. Reva1 was already struggling to survive a 5 turn game (with so much more healing, more movement and to her defenses). This one is going to struggle way more, specially any sort of ranged attack can easily remove her from the game. But by far, the worst thing is that she does (almost) nothing for her crew, and definitely less than before. A keyword that is already struggling to reach a mediocre level.
  19. I've played him twice and did little to nothing. We'll see if Wong2 has some use for him.
  20. I just played a game yesterday vs Nexus. I confirm he/she/it is still a NPE. So many E&E, so much healing, parasites everywhere, card draw, body count, activation control... My opponent was playing a generic list and I even tailored mine to "counter" Nexus, didn't matter much. I honestly won because of some lucky flips and my opponent's misplays (not that I didn't make any).
  21. Change that "US" for "NA" and you got yourself a team We offer free healthcare and maple syrup! @SEV is the man!
  22. I didn't have troubles with the coming back with 6 Wounds, but I always bring a healer. On the other hand, not removing the conditions is overkill, that's my main issue with him. Channel gaining focused sucks, because if before they put Stunned on you and you're toasted, now you have a similar effect with Distracted. It should have stayed as to attack and/or damage but like now, only once per activation. Although I can live with this change. Necropunks are garbage. There's no reason to bring 1 with Leveticus in you need to rely on them for scoring. Now it's better to bring more Scavengers for similar purpose, since they can push themselves. The aura reduction (and now requiring LoS to heal) for Ruinous Repairs was too "gratuitous" and not called for at all... I felt it couple of times actually. Changes to Ashes&Dust make it borderline unplayable in GG2. Von Schill is way better than Leve in any GG2 and same goes for Zipp.
  23. I could think of many good reasons, like from a balance perspective it's not that good, it's insignificant, once it gets engaged becomes useless, requires from external support to use his only trigger in its main attack, doesn't do direct damage and it's just a simple duel... From a fluff perspective, it's a catapult, so it just launches stuff after targeting it in a direction and setting up the tension of the cord, not a gun or a cannon, so it should perfectly be able to drop someone in the shadow of a building.
  24. Five games using 1 or 2 of them, with and without GST, summary: I'm not sold on them. I'm gonna list some reasons: They're squishy as fuck, even with GST (that puts them at the price of a Mature Nephilim). Df 4 means that even the smallest of the Gremlins is going to hit you, and they don't gain that much burning if you actually want them to do something else. They also lost 1 Wound and The final Veil. Flaming body is great, don't get me wrong, but not that much when you still have Df4 and Wp5 and someone can remove all that burning with a single attack (or a tactical action that you cannot resist, yes I'm looking at you Shenlong!). The Demise is nice, but you have to spend 2 resources a Pyre Marker and a card (which Reva doesn't draw in any way). I understand that the card is mandatory (so you can not trigger demise multiple times and go around the board or stay in the same place jumping from one pyre to the next one). Also, having to jump to a pyre marker can be both, beneficial or a detriment to use the demise (maybe you'll end up blocking other models, maybe you'll be in another quadrant for Turf War or maybe you can't even see the Pyre Marker and you die. Their damage track is still quite "meh" for a 8ss model. I don't think that a 2/3/5 would have been overpowered. The "Flame Wall" trigger is a "create" and not a "drop", so you cannot place it touching the enemy you're attacking. Just compare a Lampad to a Student of Viscera. The Viscera ties him or wins at all categories: Mobility: Ambush is more reliable, they have Rush and Unimpeded. Viscera Wins. Damage output: Better Damage track, slightly better triggers. Viscera Wins. Tankiness: 9 Wounds, Armor and HtW. Viscera Wins. Utility: Situational Card, situational healing and pushing the enemies, hands out Stunned and prevents enemies from disengaging. I would say that Viscera wins, but since Lampads provide some targeted utility to Reva with the Pyre Markers and giving out burning, we could consider it a tie.
  25. In the facebook group for Wyrd trades you have plenty of people willing to send any cards to you for a little price (or many times, just paying for the shipping), myself included.
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