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Posts posted by Carter

  1. I think most people go with Local as normally shipping bumps up the price a fair bit, I've been comparing a lot recently to try and find one that will match my basing ideas.

    Are you in US or EU based?

  2. Had to comment again after the new Batch of pictures, Truly brilliant. I am definitely going to steal the "Johana" proxy sorry if i missed the info before is it made up of the TTB Female box?

    The thread inspires me to paint but also fills me with dread that I can't even get close to this level of fantastic painting.

    Cannot wait for more. (The Lilthu gives Curtis' a run for it's money) 

  3. I thought this was a great demonstration of the starter box, when a friend first told me about MTG I looked at the cards and decided it looked to much to learn for just a card game (I enjoy the painting of hobbing) but then I noticed the "starter" videos on there website which ran through the simple mechanics of how to play and I realised it was a lot easier than I'd first thought (or at least broken down enough so that I didn't feel it would be a huge effort to learn). I had wondered why Wyrd hadn't done the same for malifaux.

    while I already play malifaux,I'm sure some will watch this and think/rethink to start playing malifaux so well done, if you make any more then please post I enjoyed the friendly atmosphere of the batrep. 

    Thanks again.

  4. I think the "quality" is in the eye of the beholder I much prefer the aesthetic of wyrd models so believe the sculpts to be better and the only area where GW have an "advantage" is in models ease of construction/assembly. Don't get me wrongf I love Space marines as much as the next man but I really don't think there is a huge gulf between the 2 productions that some have suggested.

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  5. 1 minute ago, Franchute said:

    Yes, I will. I also have the Latigo Posse, two autringers and the witch hunters from the starter box to paint. I'd like to post some more pictures, but the forum does not allow me anymore. Is it because I have to wait for a week or something? I should try to use lighter pictures next time.

    Sounds great looking forward to seeing your guild progress. Not sure on the picture front I've never posted any images here. Possibly a restriction?


    30 minutes ago, Rathnard said:

    I have. It fills the gaps alright, but it also shrinks after drying. So you basically have to over-fill the gap and scrape off the excess after drying...assuming you don't need to add even more to refill the gap again. 


    1 hour ago, Sordid Strumpet said:

    Have you tried liquid green stuff (also by GW, incidentally) - I've heard great things about its ability to fill gaps. Never tried myself though, green stuff is annoying but I get bucketloads of it for a few dollars and I use it to make bases, so I figure I might as well use it to fill gaps.


    23 minutes ago, nunorod said:

    Don't use liquid green stuff... It doesn't work for joints too noticeable. The LGS shrinks and shows the gap all over. It creates a weird texture on the zone apapplied and files poorly. Putty that dissolves in nail polish remover like Squadrons White putty is much better. You can dilute it, apply it with brush, and files better. But I guess it depends on the level of perfection you want.

    Thanks for all input, will stop in at lgs on way home and pick up some stuff to mess with and try out.

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  7. I've pre-ordered these just based on the pictures looking so cool, I am a little nervous now as assembly is my least favourite "part" of the hobby. That said I love how dynamic and interesting the wyrd line of models are and am willing to take a few hours and lose a little sanity to have them finished, I've always generally used plastic glue for everything plastic but I think I might experiment a bit more now having read through all this thread.

    Does anyone have a good solution for filling gaps? I heard milliput a little watered down makes a great filler for the little gaps here and there? I've used Games Workshop Green stuff but I'm starting to dislike it as a medium to work with.

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