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  1. I keep using them with mixed effects. I like to give them fast in turn 1 from Candy, and they can heal thanks to 'Where's Teddy'. The sequence is Pandora (gives Candy Crows), Candy (fast to 3 models including Kade and Teddy), Kade (2 walks, lure on Teddy, Where's Teddy). Such setup has its drawbacks, namely weird timing of model activation (Master and Manipulative models activate first) and some key models (Candy, Pandora to lesser extent) are left in deployment zone. The issue I keep encountering is keeping Kade alive. He's soft, high priority target, and Manipulative cannot dissuade focused attempts to bring it down.
  2. Tyrant-level characters, anyone? Seriously, Fatemaster has to design combat encounters to give advantages to his characters and disadvantages to the Fated. I see no other way to make a challenging combat encounter in this situation.
  3. That's great and noble endeavour, I wish you a hard-earned success. One of the worst of my experiences as a Fatemaster/MG was being unable to provide my players with a worthy challenge. I think your Fatemaster suffers because of that, too.
  4. Thanks, Kimberly. I knew about Norton I thanks to Neil Gaiman's graphic novel, but I've never planned to incorporate him into Malifaux session... until now. Personally, I would use this Don Quixote-like character partly as a comic relief, of course, but my main goal would not be ridiculing him. Instead, I would like to show him as a harmless lunatic with a great dose of dignity, as well as compassion and high ethical standards. He could be in stark contrast to pragmatic and cynical leadership of the Guild and the Union. Imagine a semi-political campaign, like In Defense of Innocence or Northern Aggression with Norton I in it. I know my players would have a good laugh, at first. Later on, they may experience an unease knowing that all the real politicians in adventures are in many ways lesser persons than a lunatic. Maybe my players would experience a bittersweet epiphany that decency and compassion can be only found in a soul detached from reality. I could also tempt them to start supporting Norton I, though my players are to smart to fall pray to that - after all, he may be a decent person, but he's still insane. * * * Another history-inspired idea: a detective occult crime story featuring Ressurectionist's artefact, infamous Hand of Glory , inspired by the murder on the Wychbury Hill .
  5. Malifaux has a certain Wild West vibe (duh!): ghost towns, great railroad building, pioneers, gold rush, badlands... After reading snippets of Earthside lore (mostly taken from Malifaux and older TTB books) I had an impression that in-game United States were weak and deplorable country, not a rising economical and naval power we know from real world history. I assumed that all the energy, manpower and resources that were spent on colonization of the Wild West in real world, in 'faux verse were redirected to both attempts of establishing settlement in Malifaux. There was another wild, promised land full of riches and dangers, one much more impactful for a history of my region than the Wild West. I am talking about Siberia. I assumed that, like in the Wild West scenario, most resources and manpower spent on development of Siberia were sent through the Breach instead. One of my players created a Fated character, who was a Polish activist with plans of politically unifying Polish convicts sent to Guild mines.
  6. Probably Master's gonna have two keywords
  7. No, no, trust me: you need to suffer in order to experience joy.😜
  8. YES!!! It's still work-in-progress, right?
  9. Your players are not a bunch of wusses: they want to be challenged. In fair fight they obliterate entire regiments of Governor's Finest? Fight dirty. Here are some ideas: Obstacles and difficult terrain that work to their disadvantage, i.e.: - shaft/vent/tunnel/corridor so narrow it limits their attacks, movement and positioning, but does not affect their opponents (snake/centipede-likes, gelatinous blobs, incorporeals); - stacks of unstable rubble/luggage/heavy, hard objects, they have to climb on to get into attack position; - unstable surfaces in general (boats, roof of train wagon on full-speed); - burning tower and enemies immune to burning, make the Fated rescue art museum located there while fending off attacks of fire gamins, pyre golems. - sniper alley with well-hidden marksmen; - collapsing warehouse with Peacekeeper on a roof; here's a catch - they're inside. They have limited opportunity to strike a blow, and have to avoid brick shower; to add more cruelty, let's say their mission was stealing porcelain heirloom vase from the warehouse. - obscured vision, i.e. aquatic enemy performing hit annd run attacks from murky water, fighting in darkness against enemy who does not rely on eyesight; Sabotage: - poisoned food; - damaged weapons/equipment; - scared/killed horses; - destroyed/corrupted grimoires; - kidnapping of helpful FM characters; - generally, apply to them tonnes of conditions; Traps: - boobytraps; - minefields; - attack them when they sleep; Do not make killing baddies a goal. This.
  10. Personally, I LOVE worldbuilding. Creating characters, places, institutions and layers of relations between them. The hardest part for me is inventing a story and inserting the Fated/PCs into it. Too much love for Fatemaster characters/world syndrome. Maybe that's why I find running TTB homebrew campaigns challenging. EDIT: I don't listen to Breachside broadcast, but I read most of the stuff from previous editions books. My favourite point in a timeline is right after events at Kythera, before the Piper's Plague.
  11. Personally, I don't like sandboxes. Preparing one is very time-consuming, and frequently, both plot and pace suffer because of open world structure. That being said, I love when players show initiative and suprise me with their ideas. I think my favored adventures are closed scenarios with some room for player's ingenuity. I also liked In defense of Innocence. I'm definitely interested in the new one.
  12. I tried slightly modified recruitment drive. The fated boarded a train in Breachtown to travel through the Breach for the first time. They had no tickets and didn't want to loose all the money in scrip exchange, so they stole tickets. On board, they had a friendly conversation with another passenger about strange new world of Malifaux. I emphesized how stunning the sensation of Breach-crossing is, described views through the window (they are pretty significant: the General Governor's fortress-manor, the great Hanging Tree, and sprawling metropolis of Malifaux City) ... and then Transmortis minions brutally derailed the train on train station. Because it was dark and an attack surprised everyone, I tried to describe some twisted features of the attackers instead of explaining they were robo-zombies. They struggled to get out of damaged train and fought to survive an attack. After the skirmish, I made it clear that the authorities are NOT interested in chasing the attackers in the sewers. The fated saw the monstrocities abducted people from the train station, AND they could not find their point of contact, who was supposed to meet them on the station... As soon as I find satisfying way to play TTB online, I'll make a re-run.
  13. I play roleplaying games through Discord. I haven't found TTB bot/macro, though. I'll check that roll20 page, thanks!
  14. 9 games in M3E under my belt, so there's a lot of things still waiting to amaze me Thanks to Regelridden for a great thread idea. I use/plan to use models you mentioned and I find it helpful and insightful. I was surprised how killy Iggy can be in new edition. I hired him as a scheme runner/anti-scheme runner, but frequently he managed to take down opponent's support pieces, including Maddox and Amina Naidu. I think both me and my opponents underestimated this model. Of course, I still believe the best use of this model is Arson.
  15. I would really want to be wrong, but because of the date I suspect disappointment. My Guesses: 1) Fated Character Pursuit illustration from TTB Neverborn expansion book. 2) Umbra henchman for Explorer's Society. 3) Model for the Court of Two.
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