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Ferrus Manus

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Everything posted by Ferrus Manus

  1. As the Title suggests I have an Idea for running McMourning with spirits. Can it work? What would I need? Be brutally honest i can take it
  2. Greetings from the land down under Ive been playing GW games on and off for 15 years amd am a huge Horus Heresy fan. With the sacrifice of Fantasy to the gods I needed something to scratch my fantasy itch and Malifaux hit the spot Im looking to start Ressur Mcmourning and Kirai look forward to your input on the various forums Ferrus Manus
  3. Hey guys Ive recently got into malifaux. Ive only played a demo game and watch several others. Ive been reading up and really like the Ressur fluff. Ive got a few questions When choosing a crew how many of henchman and enforcers can you choose I may be blind but i couldn't find it in the rule book. Im drawn to the McMourning and Kirai crews, where should i start?
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