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Posts posted by klatschi

  1. I am going to paint some Gremlins again, with:


    • 2 Young LaCroix (I do not know where the third one is) - 2 Soulstones each
    • Raphael - 7 Soulstones
    • Rami - 7 Soulstones
    • Burt Jebsen - 7 Soulstones
    • Piglet - 4 Soulstones

    and maybe something of that list:



    • Lucky Emissary
    • War Wabbit
    • Aionus
    • 1 Kroko

    so that's a minimum of 29 Soulstones :-)

    • Like 2
  2. Hey,

    sorry if this topic came up already but a quick search did only answer some of my questions. So I would also be glad to get a link from a friendly helper :-)

    We have the following situation:

    Piglet Albert and Piglet Bertram are on their way to do some filthy Scheme Grabbing on a flank of the board. They are completely on their own, so not Gremlin nearby to safe them from "Set'er Off".

    Set'er Off "When this model has the opportunity to declare an action, if its not engaged or within 2" of a friendly Gremlin, it must take a Charge Action if there is a legal target available."

    and just because we will need it afterwards:

    Charge: Target a model within LoS. Move this model up to its Cg in a straight line. This model must end the move with the target model within its engagement range or this Action may not be taken. This model then takes two Range (claw) Attack Actions against the target model. Each of these Actions must have an AP cost of 1. A model may not declare this Action if it is engaged (see Engagement, pg. 48) or if it has a Cg of “—”


    So we imagine Piglet Albert activates first and now it has to charge Piglet B. For some reasons, the player decides to do the Pig Charge. Maybe he thinks he can kill Bertram, maybe he has misread it. But he does it. So Albert is charging Bertram, hitting him two times. Now comes the interesting part: The two are standing base to base but they are not engaged ("Models are never engaged with models that are friendly to them." p. 48). What can Albert do with his second  Action?

    Let's break down Set'er Off:

    • "When this model has the opportunity to declare an action, (it has one AP left - check)
    • if its not engaged or within 2" of a friendly Gremlin, (Piglets are not Gremlins and it is not engaged since Bertram is friendly)
    • it must take a Charge Action  (it can charge Bertram)
    • if there is a legal target available." (Bertram is so legal right now)

    So, basically, Albert charges Bertram a second time. And Bertram would do the same, although the Gremlin player would now decide to not use Pig-Charge in order to save two attacks.

    Is this correct? This would go on and on until one pig is dead or a Gremlin comes to say "order!"?

  3. On 7.11.2017 at 10:18 PM, Curropepe said:
    On 7.11.2017 at 9:51 AM, Tenshi said:

    Great news!

    My group of players wants to know if there's any plans to translate the cards to other languages? As some of them aren't good at all with english.

    THIS, please! I'm Spanish, and a lot of my game mates don't speak English. It saddens me that the rulebook is available in Spanish but only the Wave 1 stat cards are (and only in the book). With this app in my language, a lot of people that are interested in the game could play. I think it's difficult, but even if we had to pay extra for the language pack, I think we would do it gladly.

    PS: I've already downloaded the app and purchased the cards. Great work!

    Same here. Had a long talk yesterday and people said: I'd like to have it in German, makes things easier :-) If you could give us some insight whether this is planned at the current stage at all or whether you are not planning on doing that would be great ^_^


    Another thing about the app:

    maybe I am just too stupid but when looking at the Model List, I'd like to be able to access the updates available too. But maybe I just cannot find that function? Otherwise, the app is very intuitive and I really like it!

    • Like 1
  4. Oh boy, what a month. Next month my wife and me will move, so I hope I can finish my pledge by painting some masters and pricier models :-P I'd like to not take any mulligan this year but we'll see how it turns out :-D


    • Izamu the Armor (10 Soulstones)
    • Yin the Pentagalagonihavenoclue (8 Soulstones)
    • 2* Hanged (je 9 Soulstones)
    • 3* Drowned (je 6 Soulstones)
    • 1 Crooligan (4 Soulstones)
    • Like 7
  5. Whoops, due to holiday preparation and working on our building site (we try to finish our house until the end of September), I completely forgot about the hobby :-/

    Anyway, here's what's left of the Ressers:




    I will paint as much as I can, the total stuff is:

    • Seamus and Mad Hatter
    • McMourning and Undead Dogs
    • Sebastian
    • 2 Nurses
    • 3 Drowned
    • 2 Hanged
    • this strange "I only consist of organs" crap miniature
    • 1 Crooligan and Bishop
    • Izamu the Armor

    let's see what I can finish :-)

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