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Everything posted by Totzro

  1. Many months later I started painting the crew again. Finished up Francois and a Young Lacroix tonight.
  2. First model for the crew is done! Raphael is one nasty looking fellow. Love his grin! Feels great to be painting gremlins again ^^
  3. I’m doing some serious threadomancy here but here it goes. Due to busy life with a newborn and job I didn’t get back into playing malifaux last year but now with the new edition and life has slowed down a bit I’m jumping back in. Im fortunate to have an active community in my town and they’re just starting a slow growth league which I’m planning to partake in. So since last year I painted my converted 4 extra Bayou gremlins to round out the som’er m2e crew. With the changes to So’mer and the Bayou Gremlins in M3E, my crew is not really working anymore and I’m waiting for some new releases to flesh it out. In the meantime I’m putting together Ophelia and the Kin which I’ve had laying around for ages. I’m planning to use her as my crew in the slow growth league. basing and assembly is done and they are ready for painting!
  4. Thanks! I haven't thought about painting Mah as Maman Brigitte, maybe. Mah reminds me very much of Madam Mim from The Sword and the Stone so I was thinking of maybe painting her like that when I get around to paint her. Here's a better pic of Som'er, he's a bit tricky to take photos of due to his pose. (This one is from when I still was painting him, the base is still wip in this pic but it was the best that I had)
  5. Hi everyone! This is my gremlins crew so far, which right now just consists of Som'er's crew box. When I started Malifaux I was immediately drawn to the Gremlins of the bayou, I've been wanting to create a swamp/bayou themed army for a long time and this was the perfect opportunity. I painted Som'er as Baron Samedi to tie him more into the whole Voodoo bayou theme of the army. Right now I'm working on Burt and Gracie, plus a bunch of extra gremlins for Som'er to spawn.
  6. I mostly use GW Citadel paints because that's what I'm used to. It's annoying though that their bottle design makes them dry up from time to time. I'd rather have them in drop bottles like vallejo, however I have found that vallejo paints are a bit too runny for my taste. I use a lot of washes from army painter and I think they are excellent, especially their, soft, strong and dark tones.
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