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Posts posted by Cadaverousbirth

  1. 1 minute ago, Lugonn said:

    Sounds like a good plan, is there a good substitute if I don't own the Thralls?

    You could do two Executioners for the same price, but you risk Paralyzing them with Lucius, draining your hand, or losing some momentum. Remember that you don't have to do the Horror Duel when Lucius walks, but if you have the card to pass it's a free AP. This also leaves Tail'em in the pool since it has to be Minions and this list would keep those in the backfield-ish.

  2. 12 minutes ago, Lugonn said:

    wanting advice for Hoffman or Lucius game this week.  I don't have Frank or Austringers yet and no Anarchist/Neverborn models.


    Leave Your Mark

    Dig Their Graves



    Claim Jump

    Hoffman would struggle a bit in this pool I think. You can spread out certainly, but then you're missing out on the Hoff deathball of fun. Here's a core list idea:

    Lucius. Secret Asset, Legalese, maybe Secret Objectives too, depending.


    Thrall x2

    Dashel - Arrest Him! and Debt

    Wardens x2 or Riflemen x2

    The basic premise being two groups of meat to take the zones. Dashel and his group - Wardens or Riflemen depending on terrain or model availability) hold one corner and clog enemies up with summoned Guild Guard. Wardens with Dashel can get pretty gross but if the board's right Riflemen can do their thing and hold that ground, hopefully.

    Lucius and the Thralls (great band name) with the Scribe tailing behind can do Dig Their Graves, Tail'em, Leave Your Mark, or Tail'em (terrain/opposing master dependent) and put out a lot of hurt. Any extra stones can get filled in with something cheap or just stones.

  3. Since the OP is going to a Beginner-oriented tournament I think we can back off with the overly competitive attitude. Newcius is good and fun to play now, and with Secret Objectives and his conflux turns into a surprising beater. Not to the level of the Lady J obviously but no one expects Lucius to do min 4 while discarding all their Search the Ruins markers at the same time.

    If the scheme pool isn't very schemey (likely very rare now in GG2017) all Lucius has to do is walk a couple times with his Witchling Thrall squad and that's all the support you need. Put a couple Changelings in there too and you have four scary melee beaters ready to go. Hehe 

    • Like 1
  4. Hello everyone,

    I love writing a justification for non-standard crews coming together. One of my favorites is Mercenary Nellie and I will be bringing both her and Von Schill to the Together Fauxever tournament in February. Here's a little scene about how that unlikely duo came to be, enjoy. ^_^

    Truth for Hire

    “It needs more substance, more vibrancy!”

    Nellie thumbed quickly through the unfinished first draft from her newest reporter, circling spelling errors and inconsistencies with a fat red pen. She made long notes in the margins; filling in details she knew had to be present for the reader.

    “There, that’s a little better.” Nellie handed the draft back to the distressed young girl with a flower hat. She nervously took her draft and stared down at a flood of red ink, crossed out sentences, and re-written paragraphs.

    “Bring me your final draft to me tomorrow and make sure to follow my notes. You’re reporting on the Star Theatre, not some street-side juggler!” The reporter glared down at her paper, how she would make sense of the tangle of corrections and additions she didn’t know. She looked back up to ask how but Nellie was already busy at her own typewriter, fingers slamming the keys faster than she could see.  With a resigned sigh she left the small office with the door cracked open, one small revenge before her inevitable termination. Not many people lasted long at The Tattler, every story had to be grandiose and exemplify The Truth, which was whatever Nellie wrote.

    The Tattler was bustling. A small room crammed with desks and typewriters in a constant frenzy of writing and re-writing. The Printing Press constantly churned out the latest edition, only stopping to refill its ink pots and collect more raw paper. The noise was blaring but Nellie hardly noticed. She wrote a more accurate report on the Star from memory and placed it haphazardly in the “Out” box on her ever crowded desk. She whistle - a door slammed louder than usual. Nellie looked and saw her door open a crack, one of her pet peeves. She got up in a huff and made to yell out on the floor but stopped short.  

    “Who’s big idea was it!-“

    Marching towards her, three Freikorps soldiers pounded across the floorboards. The churning office of the Tattler slowed as people turned to stare. The Printing Press paused its work and peaked around the corner to look. The lead Freikorps was a woman, her raven black hair held back in a tight bun and round spectacles held at the bottom of her nose. She walked with a steady confidence, some would say arrogance, but for the two hulking Freikorpsmen trailing just behind her. They openly carried huge pistols and knives longer than Nellie’s forearm, and were headed straight for her.

    “Nellie Cochrane!” The woman with black hair and glasses shouted as they approached. Nellie could swear she heard it in her mind more than her ears. A faint ringing echoed in her head for several seconds afterward. A chair fell over. Before Nellie could yelp Phiona appeared and pushed her back, raising a massive pickaxe. Her soulstone eye beamed red.

    “Back. Off.” Through gritted teeth, muscles tensed. The Freikorps stopped.  The lead woman raised her hands in a sign of peace, and slowly produced a letter from a pocket on her suit. Phiona glared, but relaxed a fraction. Nellie poked out from behind and her eyes bounced between the woman and the letter.

    “For me?”

    “Congratulations Miss Cochrane, you’ve just hired the Freikorps.”

    Nellie shot out from behind Phiona and snatched the letter from the woman’s hand, her previous fear forgotten in an instant of excited frenzied letter opening. The letter was terse and to the point. ‘I accept’ Written in a quick sprawl by a very busy man with a red rose stamped underneath. A nice touch, thought Nellie. She looked back up to the woman, extending a gleeful hand.

    “Nellie Cochrane, pleased to meet you! You’ve just met my friend Phiona as well.” Nellie turned and waved down her friend and bodyguard, trying to calm her before anything impolite happened. She spun back to the Freikorps to catch the extended hand in greeting.

    “Miss Cochrane, a pleasure. I apologize that Von Schill could not make it in person today, but he will assuredly meet us before the event tomorrow.”

    “No worries, no problem!” Nellie kept shaking the woman’s hand. “Let me just grab a few things and we can get underway.” With a whoosh Nellie was back in her office, throwing supplies in her bag as quickly as she could. Pens, paper, more pens, extra ink, extra paper, extra pens and oh, a little more paper just in case. Nellie fled her office, letting the door smack against the frame and back to the wall. She whistled for the Press as she rushed passed Phiona and the Freikorps. She pointed at the two reporters in front of her.

    “You and you, let’s go. Phiona, you too!” She rushed out of the Tattler in a flurry. Phiona stalked past the woman with black hair and glasses, glaring with her red eye as she shoved past, grumbling under her breath. Hannah smirked and gestured for the two Freikorpsmen to follow the reporters. She whispered to herself,

    “I hope you know what you’re doing.”

    • Like 1
  5. Field Reporters make Claim Jump super easy. Get them in position for the markers, push away enemies, score three turns in a row. Austringers will also get a lot of work done here, as always. It remains to be seen if this scheme is too easy or if it just looks like it on paper. Its definitely harder to do this and Setup or Hidden Trap in the same pool, so your efforts will have to be more focused on your other scheme since all scheme markers are removed from 2" of the center line at the end of the turn.

    McCabe will give up a point for Eliminate the Leadership probably every game - only need to do four wounds to him - but unless he dies that's it so it shouldn't be so bad. Otherwise that one's the same for us as last year. Justice would wink if she could.

    Nellie and Phiona with Transparency should make Dig Their Graves laughably easy. Phiona can do it herself but risks getting taken out before getting 3VP. Fast Franc/Strongarm/Bishop/etc will help out with that.

    Accusation! looks really cool but I think if both opponents take it it will become a 3-3 scheme. Having to target unactivated models means Arcanists/Dopplegangers/Trixi will have an edge for Initiative early but it shouldn't be too hard to tag multiple things and hug them to get the points. I can imagine a Peacekeeper pointing at two models a turn, judging them.

    Tail'em doesn't sound difficult but I think this one will be mostly board dependent. If there's a huge amount of LoS blocking stuff, probably not. Watchers and Field Reporters will be stars here.

    Last Stand looks made for an elite Hoffman crew. Add in Curfew, maybe, for extra fun. Perdita's Enforcer family could be a good contender as well, dependent on what other schemes are in the pool.


    That's my initial thoughts. I have a game this evening with @7thSquirrel so we will see if any of this holds up.

    • Like 2
  6. 7 minutes ago, 7thSquirrel said:

    Also, there is not an exception in Accusation for giving the condition while engaged. So as is you have to be within 1", but not engaged to take the interact action to give it the "Accused" condition... which is hard in my experience

    You can take an interact targeting an enemy model while engaged, you just can't take interacts to place scheme markers (or squat markers or whatever)

    • Like 9
  7. That is a good point on fluff. The lead reporter for the Guild probably wouldn't want to be seen working with the dastardly nefarious enemies of the common good. I like that a lot actually. @JDAntoine great point about Guild/Outcast crossover. Just like Hoffman is "half Arcanists", Nellie could be considered Outcast-lite*TM

    @4thstringer Good thinking about the C7. Wrath could get pretty ridiculous with Nellie I think. Sloth probably not as much but she can still hire 5/7 of the band at cost which would be neat. 

    • Like 1
  8. I really like my Merc Nellie, but the rule on Embedded disallows hiring the Resser or Neverborn mercs at cost. Why? There are five models right now that fit into this criteria...

    Anna Lovelace is the only Resser Merc I'm aware of and she is indeed good. Not crazy good, but this is the most "ok" reason to keep her at 11ss over her original cost. Having Anna, Hannah, and Nellie hang out for cheap might be crazy so ok. I get it. Kinda. 

    Neverborn, there are the four starter box models as Mercs and that's it. They're all fine for their cost but no where near crazy good even at that, let alone with the Merc tax. Why hire the big lad when you can hire Johan for cheaper? Guild don't need Bloodretches especially with their own Orderlies at the same price (or cheaper depending). Angel Eyes brings shooting into combat which is good, but Guild has better shooters anyway. So...*shrug*..I guess? I don't see the reason for that restriction. 

    I'm not clambering for change and crying foul, just curious as to the reasoning. The obvious answer is "future proofing" but that's as accurate an answer as tap water is to soup. 

  9. I don't want this to be a thread about crying over perceived OPness but about suggestions for small changes for the overall health of the game. Don't yell at Wyrd and demand that your scissors gets buffed and your opponent's rock gets cuddled. Relax. Anyway...


    I would like to see Bayou Gaters get the Beast characteristic. I made a thread about this a while ago and was told that in playtesting it was too good with Marcus, so they were toned down but still don't have Beast. Marcus can Alpha a Sabretooth Cerberus, is it really so game breaking to Alpha a Gator? He can Alpha the Sow as well, so yeah. I want to buy these models but I can't justify it if I I'll literally never use it. Small change. More fun. Gators. 

    Let the ideas flow!

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