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Status Updates posted by Ariamythe

  1. Today is feeling like a day where I should just sit back and ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ the world.

  2. As the #SuperBloodMoon peaks, somewhere a cult is completing a dark ritual to release ancient evil … but there’s a hero about to stop them.

  3. @bccook Contacts has to do with which contact account it was in. I had contacts scattered between like five email accounts.

  4. @rebeccawatson Basil Rathbone looks down his proud nose at both shows.

  5. Holy heck, the keyboard to trackpad function is phenomenal, if you’re as prone to typos as I am. #iphone6s

  6. RT @JennyBoylan: I suspect people who don't vaccinate kids because of fear of science still have their dogs inoculated for rabies. Because…

  7. This seems totally appropriate, since the movie completely missed the point of the original #PKD story. https://t.co/JIP34g9Khz

  8. See? Toldja so. https://t.co/VqID9Nsa2i

  9. Ahhhh. #PSL soy, no whip. #Tasty

  10. @BrianDunning Beautiful Russian spambots are known for their inquiring minds and keen critical thinking skills.

  11. Question for those objecting to "cis" as a partner to #trans ... https://t.co/Fw0D2KKp49

  12. I hate that #IStandWithAhmed is even a thing we have to do in this country in 2015. However, since it is ... #IStandWithAhmed

  13. @EvaOdland How about a dirndl and some tasteful haferlschuch? Would definitely catch people off guard. :-)

  14. Damnit. I hate it when my high draft picks are still questionable two hours before the game. Gotta make the hard decisions. #FantasyFootball

  15. I've hemmed and hawed about it, but she's a sweet little furball and she checked out okay at the vet. So Slurpee has a permanent home.

  16. I looked deep into my soul, into the parts I don't like ... and I asked a question ... and the answer was "rose gold." #iPhone6s

  17. RT @skeptoid: OK you can start following @skeptoid now -- the official Skeptoid Media twitter feed. Much new grooviness to come in the comi…

  18. Things the rescued stray cat is doing with its Labor Day vacation: Trying really damn hard to convince me that I need a second cat.

  19. Too. Damn. Funny. http://t.co/Z18V1NSubH

  20. @bccook Truly you have a heart of gold.

  21. @Dean_Stahl Damnit now the song is stuck in my head.

  22. RT @JennyBoylan: No one, trans or not, deserves to have to take part in an abstract discussion about their own humanity. What we all deserv…

  23. True fact: ever since 2008, my fantasy football team has been called the South Side Fightin' Barrys.

  24. @RudyCaseres I choose to believe that they were artisinal chilled chicken wings made with locally sourced, cruelty-free hot sauce. Mmm!

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