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Everything posted by Deluge

  1. Certainly isn't, it's the loss of balance that's screwing with me at the mometn Yeah on the plus side it means I have managed to get some basing and repair work done on my Marcus crew
  2. Not great to be honest, picked up an ear infection in/coming back from Berlin which has put me out of commission for a couple of weeks, starting to feel a bit better and not fallen over in a couple of days so maybe clearing up finally
  3. Modeling injuries are the worst. How can such a small cut cause so much discomfort....45 minutes and KLoggs Karaoke is on
  4. Well I have been in the pub for about 3 hours now and no one form work has rang so can only assume that the network is still down, as an additional upside had a look at the Karaoke List and Danger Zone is on it....... 2 hours until Karaoke starts.... 2 hours
  5. Ha most likely, if its not working by lunch i'm going to the pub
  6. Both good and bad. No work is good but no internet is bad as I am bored senseless. X
  7. Congrats PD. In other news work internet is down wooot no work. Also mobile access to forum
  8. Wet, and cold. But the Christmas Market is awesome, especially if you never visited one. A friend of mine visited the one in London and was severely disappointed. http://static.guim.co.uk/sys-images/Guardian/Pix/pictures/2010/7/13/1279003366380/Leeds-German-Christmas-Ma-001.jpg that is our "German Market" lol literally the only thing German is they sell Bratwurst (most likely from Aldi) and Gluhwein (also probably Aldi)
  9. What is Frankfurt like in December? looking at visiting for St Nicholas' Day
  10. So in an effort to steer things better, Vic, how is that Skype TtB idea coming? Well, as we don't currently have materials for it, I'll just say... yes, I'm running it over skype! But we'll need to wait for the details to be released. We can have up to six players. I know Dirial and Crush want in. Does anyone else? I still want to be the most Sterling Mallory Archer character there is. We need to see snippets in here
  11. Is this conversation screwy for anyone else? Also 1 hour to go mwahahaha
  12. silence you. Your disturbing my silent watching so are you the only bidder so far? Yup
  13. silence you. Your disturbing my silent watching
  14. What Gremlins do you have left to build? oh dear, you shouldn't have asked lol! Wong Box Mah Tucket Box Ulix Box Merris laCroix War Pig 3 x Piglets Burt Jebsen Gracie Special Ed Bayou Gremlin 2 x Slop Haulers Pigapult Told you you shouldn't have asked..Its enough gremlin to drive someone insane! Wow, that's quite the list
  15. Damn sorry man, hope things pick up for you soon
  16. Hello almost caught back up on work form my week off. I predicted returning to smoldering ashes and wasnt far wrong
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