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Everything posted by Deluge

  1. Ah Chesapeake Bay, right I know where that is. I'm in!
  2. I'll meet you on the Plane, would have to fly via Amsterdam anyway
  3. I don't think my friends know much about Finland................................... apart from the Monty Python song
  4. I feel the same, my personal space radiates in a radius of about 5m around me. I've been told that I must be Swedish
  5. I dont get this place, where I work we have 2 other people doing the same job as me. There is not enough work to keep 3 people busy but too much work for 2
  6. Hmmm actually Jakob lynch hasn't been on the table yet and I have the box and Mei Feng's painted, might take him for a game tonight instead of Dora
  7. Thinking I might take Pandora for a spin again tonight
  8. Yeah i'm waiting on the Stitched, Insidious Madness, The Twins (also for Lilith) Tuco, all of Kirai's spirits the list goes on
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