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Everything posted by Freman

  1. I think Drowned have finish the job, so if you pop them out and they die you still get a scheme marker.
  2. And she can also play as Resurrectionist with models like Bete Noire, Punk Zombies, and the like.
  3. He starts with 11 wounds. In the first turn he loses 3 to get a corpse marker, down to 8, in the second turn he regenerates 1, to 9, then loses 3 to get another corpse marker, down to 6, turn three, plus 1 to 7, and then minus 3 to 4, turn four, plus 1 to 5, minus 3 to 2. Turn five, usually being the last turn of the game, he can just find a bone if it's really needed. I guess it doesn't require any working around as a potential nine extra corpse markers a game, produced from nothing, is more than enough to swing the game in favour of Nico.
  4. No. He'd end his actiation (making ccorpses). Nurse would activate next, heal/paralyze. He'd be paralyzed at the start of his next activation. Is there any way to get around that, or is best to just keep going as long as he can with his regen ability and then heal and accept the paralyze when his wounds are too low for any more corpse marker generation?
  5. With Mortimer, if you use the "you don't need a spleen" ability, and "find a bone" so you've used up all your AP, gained two corpse markers, and finished his activation, if the Nurse heals him with "take your meds" does his paralysis wear off at the end of the turn, so you can take his normal activation in the next turn (generating another two markers)?
  6. Also remember the Strongarm Suit. He's like a mini-Von Schill in many respects.
  7. Sorry to go off topic, but I see everyone with these Event-Faction tags under their names. How are you all doing that?
  8. Better for Jack to use "feel their torment" to copy the Guilty's ability and make Strongarm Tormented. The condition stays until the casting model uses it again, so if the Guilty makes Strongarm Tormented you won't be able to use one of its attacks against the enemy. Jack on the other hand has so many different attacks (including the Tormented Strongarm's) that he is unlikely to want to use "Share Guilt" again in the game.
  9. You can proxy Guild Autopsies with Guild Guard painted appropriately.
  10. Just buy the box. It's a fairly efficient way of getting the models compared to buying them individually.
  11. Is there an episode for Molly? As a summoner she seems to have a bit of utility, less than Nicodem because her pool is limited by what limited upgrade you take, but on the other hand you don't need corpse markers, just high cards (and stones for suit if necessary) unless taking Spare Parts. EDIT: Nevermind. I found it. http://schemesandstones.podbean.com/e/master-spotlight-molly-squidpiddge/
  12. I suppose the answer to that, as with everything in Malifaux is "it depends". This isn't a game won in the list selection (like 40k) but in how you use the tools you have. From what I can tell, Zoraida can use everything in Gremlin faction, and does so very well, but not every Gremlin Master can use what Zoraida does. She's basically the "swampfiend master" with extra options depending on whether she goes Gremlin or Neverborn. I would say start with Ophelia, or another dedicated Gremlin Master. Wong does look cool.
  13. In any campaign the goal is to get your guys to the end of the story without being subject to random injuries. Summoning leaders, who can produce extra models who can go and engage the enemy without risking your regular party are very handy for that. Are there any Henchmen in the Arcanists who can summon, or can be upgraded to be summoners?
  14. I enjoyed putting mine together. Nothing too fiddly.
  15. Double post. Is there a button to delete an unwanted post?
  16. He said he didn't want to carry 70+ models.
  17. Don't forget The Creeping Terror, just for the extra range on all those pulses and auras.
  18. Vanessa, Hannah and Lazarus all work well with the Viktorias, and Hannah and Lazarus also work well with Von Schill which would make him a natural choice to purchase.
  19. I do like Nix. His story is appropriately tragic for Malifaux.
  20. Nether Flux does seem to be a distinct effect, so I think it would ignore all suits that aren't either generated by a card or coming from soulstone use. I don't know if it would work against the "switch chamber" ability Gunsmiths have, or similar abilities in other units (like "reference the field guide" that Freikorpsmann have). She has her own Counterspell of course, which means that units like Belles which require both a crow and mask for Lure which are built in simply can't affect her. They might get a crow or mask on the card, but they can't use soulstones to add the missing suit. I suppose it's the Freikorps way. They might not be the best at any one thing, but they're very good at weakening the things other warbands rely on.
  21. You want Von Schill, because he's awesome.
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