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Everything posted by Freman

  1. I try to always shoot one of a Coryphee duet, with a Trapper, Alyce, anyone who comes to hand really. They're pretty fragile, but annoying, and the duet is annoying and pretty killy. A high ram in hand and the red joker will erase a lot of things, and I Pay Better plus Hamelin's Obey allows a lot of shooty shenanigans.
  2. He's good with stake a claim, being able to push models into position so they can use their AP to drop a claim marker. Combines well with the Emissary's Pretty Floral Bonnet so they can perform interact actions even if they're engaged. He's not bad at fighting, although he doesn't like armour. In terms of interacting with his crew he's sits between Von Schill (little crew interaction) and Jack Daw (a lot of crew interaction). In terms of how to play him, I take the Doc, the Emissary, a Bandito or two, and add in models I think I need to get the S&S done. I start with stick up, oath keeper and (if I have a lot of Bandits) coordinated heist for the free movement at the start of the game, alternatively one of his limited upgrades, usually highwayman. Stick up gets discarded to move, then picked up with five finger discount. Coordinated heist is discarded the first chance I get to shoot someone and cycled for a limited. Oath keeper is dropped on the first or second turn. With four AP, and walk from stick up, he can push a lot of models while still moving up.
  3. Unfortunately Von Schill is mainly bought for the librarian and trapper that come in his box. Von Schill himself is... he's a straightforward master to play, but he tends to suffer from being too straightforward. He's an offensive master who provides some support for his themed crew, but he's not on the Viks level of offense, and he's not on the Parker level of support. He needs... something... to make him less average.
  4. She does seem to have had some bad experiences.
  5. I was thinking that an Alt sculpt for Jack Daw could be, "The Honky Tonk Man". It would be designed to fit in with the Crossroads Seven and I envisage it as a gangly man, with Stevie Wonder like shades, jamming away on a piano.
  6. Gunslingers are good, but they sit in that point range where they're competing with Johan and Sue. Both have utility other than, "I kill stuff".
  7. *Pariah of Iron And not Gremlins. Leveticus cannot take Gremlin Constructs or Undead.
  8. Okay, then I have nothing. Maybe putting models in between Core and Cloud so they can't reform. Cloud can't charge and Core can't move so that'll stop or slow their recombination.
  9. It has 9 wounds and Df 6. Once it goes down, if you can ignore the armour, the Core only has 6 wounds. It's a good model, but it ought to be when you're paying 13 stones for it.
  10. Hodgepodge Effigy has an ability "loyalty to the coin" which allows a Leader (if I recall correctly) to get a soulstone when the leader kills something.
  11. Depends how you run him. I have had fun with a list that is Leve, Alyce, Desolation Engine, and Ashes and Dust. Every mid to high crow can be another Abomination. I got up to six last game.
  12. Of course if they were three stones we'd have to get a Rare limit just to prevent us running ten of them. I wouldn't say they were bad as much as they're bad compared to our other four stone models. As a three stone model they'd find a place in a lot of list. Rare 4 like Guild Hounds maybe?
  13. I'm not sure about that. A summon focused Leveticus list could do reasonably well when every min-damage three model (Ashes, Deso, Alyce at range) can turn a rat into an abomination with a crow. I have out-activated Hamelin on turn three thanks to Ashes and Dust summoning three a-bombs off of a stolen and two rats. I like Hamelin, and would probably take him in a take-all-comers list, but large numbers of weak models can also benefit your opponent if they have the tools to exploit them.
  14. Don't forget Desolation Engine and another box of Abominations. I've had six Abominations on the table before, starting with zero.
  15. Student of Conflict, either make her a minion and significant, or drop her cost to 3 stones. Perhaps make her (2) Hand out Fast into (1) Hand out Fast, but only once per turn so she can actually move into range of someone who needs it.
  16. That's a better way to do it.
  17. Though then you'd get lawyers arguing that "up to two" means that they only have to discard one, even if they could discard two.
  18. "If able" The player can only discard one card because they don't have two.
  19. Tail 'Em wouldn't have turned out well for me. Tail 'Em is a condition, which Hamelin (and Nix) can choose not to take, and he didn't have any Henchmen that I could have applied it to. I could probably have done Eliminate the Leadership myself, if I'd concentrated on killing Hamelin, but I didn't expect to end up with Ashes and Dust in base to base with Hamelin.
  20. We were playing Guard the Stash, with Mark for Death, Eliminate the Leadership, Claim Jump, Tail 'Em, Leave your Mark. 9/10//Doubles I took Mark for Death and Claim Jump He took Tail 'Em and Eliminate the Leadership First turn, when he had activation advantage, he dumped Killjoy on Leveticus and "killed" him. He got 3 from Guard the Stash, 3 from Tail 'Em, and 2 from Eliminate the Leadership. I got 1 from Guard the Stash, 3 from Frame for Murder, and 1 from Claim Jump I would have scored better on Guard the Stash if I'd remembered to engage enemies with Abominations while keeping them within two inches of the stashes, but my opponent did well at using Rat Kings to eat my scheme markers keeping me from scoring on Claim Jump. Desolation Engine ended up walking up to a Crooligan, marking it, then killing it with his melee expert, but that left him pretty much out of the rest of the game. He did drop markers and got the point from Claim Jump though. Ashes ended up tying up Hamelin and Baby Kade for three turns, so did a reasonable disruption job too. I had four turns of reasonable hands, but turn five I ended up with 7 being my highest card and no stones left, I was lucky on a few flips, but didn't have anything to cheat with. I think, if Eliminate the Leadership is in the pool, I'll take Survivalist on Leve. People seem to want to kill him for some reason and the extra AP required to bring him down might prove valuable over the course of a game.
  21. Thinking about it, with the majority of Leveticus's themed crew having minimum damage 3 (Desolation, Ashes, and Alyce's gun), and the ability to turn a killed unit into an Abomination on a trigger, the large number of rats that Hamelin runs with are a distinct disadvantage. Even Killjoy is less scary once he's been turned into an Abomination.
  22. I played another game with my "all summon all the time" Leveticus crew and although it was a 8:5 loss against Hamelin it was great fun. Turn three I was flipping crows like a boss, and Ashes and Dust turned a Stolen and two rats into Abominations. Given they were standing around Hamelin and Baby Kade, Hamelin was not impressed. No suits on casting actions, and no (0)s. I actually out-activated Hamelin. Abominations are much better than rats.
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