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Everything posted by -Loki-

  1. Pandora has issues with things that want her to spread out, like Interference, as she likes to be in a bubble for stacking WP debuff and damage auras. That's not to say she can't do them, but her gameplay makes them difficult. Masters/crews to be wary of are ones that can do a lot of Ca actions as these will blast through your Sorrows and Madnesses as Ca actions don't halve their damage against Incorporeal. About crew composition, like I said, you'll figure out what works for you, after you've started playing and have experience. It's good to have a plan of what to try now, but you'll probably evolve your builds as you play.
  2. That was the metal line. There's plenty of alts in the plastic line, including for some masters - the aforementioned Kaeris and Perdita, as well as alts with different names like Nicodem, McMourning, and even the vintage line. There's plenty of alts for various henchmen and Enforcers as well. There's a huge quantity of alts, not even considering Miss and Nightmare models, in the plastic range now. Far more than the metal range ever had. None of them are general sale alongside the standard model, with the exception of the Tortoise and the Hare, which is a very different type of release. I really don't see Nekima being different. Not to be a downer. The fact that this model is being made, I'm assuming in some capacity due to the fan outcry over the plastic, is very positive. But I just feel holding on to hope that it'll be general release will just lead to disappointment when we finally get the miniature, since there's no real precedent for it to happen with the plastic range. Unless, of course, she's a Twisted Alternate.
  3. The sword I assumed was going with the 'living blade' angle with all the veins. But a sword blade swap is a fairly simple conversion if it's not your cup of tea. Im one of the few that likes the current plastic Nekima but this is much nicer. About the art,it could have just been a little tease by Wyrd, like the Shasta Vidiya in the digital rules manual. I can't see them phasing out the current 2E model nor carrying both as regular stock, so I'm still thinking it's an alt.
  4. @Sybaris There is. it was shown at adepticon. She's not as big as the old Nekima, but she's bigger than the current plastic. I'm curious how she's going to be released. A $150/$300 incentive on Black Friday would irritate me, as it took me a long time to get Barbaros. Part of a Nightmare crew would be amazing.
  5. That's a great start for Box Opens Pandora. You'll figure out how you want to build a crew around her as you play games. For example, some people love Candy, some aren't a fan. Some people use no Sorrows, some always use them. Just play games and figure out how you like to play her. Advice would be to not be too concerned about getting all three Sorrows and Insidious Madnesses. You'll find what balance you like, but a max of 2 of each depends on schemes is generally enough. 2 Madnesses if you need to get markers down in far away areas (their Wk 7 and Incorporeal makes them very quick, ignoring terrain when moving makes a huge difference), or i you've got schemes that want you to bunch up you might only want 1 to hit models for Wp debuffs. Remember Martyr! Sorrows and Insidious Madnesses are pretty squishy even with Incorporeal, so siphoning wounds over to Pandora and Iggy can help keep your Sorrows and Madnesses alive. It might sound bad siphoning a wound over to your Master, but Pandora effectively being Df/Wp 7, she's not going to get hit often, and her 4" push when you pass a Wp duel really helps keep her alive, so a wound here and there from Martyr shouldn't be too bad. Also Iggy can siphon wounds off Pandora, so he can help keep her going.
  6. What I want to see is more things like Twisted Alternate sets. It was a great idea, packing in story scenarios for both Malifaux and TTB with a couple of miniatures and some special cards for those scenarios, and a couple of proxy cards for general use. They could do a lot more with the idea. The more non standard releases they do, the less they need to release more core stuff for Malifaux but they give something different to the community to have fun with.
  7. So I did end up backing for the Flamebirch box. However, some questions came up in the comments @Aaron. First, they're saying the Malifaux logos are at the moment for the kickstarter campaign only. Are there plans to let them use the designs long term? I could only afford one, but I'd love to get one for my Gremlins as well. Also people have been asking about the designs on deck boxes for matching deck box and skirmish box. Have to accessorise! Any plans on that front?
  8. We've already seen the card in the play test. She's Neverborn Tormented.
  9. She doesn't actually have Black Blood herself. Probably just bruised skin.
  10. I've bought a fair amount of stuff from them, and seen even more. Other buildings I've gotten and seen from them do not having moving parts. If there's an interior, there's no door. If there's a door, it's meant to be glued in place because the interior is not accessible. There may be other buildings I've not seen that have operable doors and interiors, but my guess is it's static. The door pieces are separate and it's up to you o decide how you want them positioned, and then it's permanent.
  11. This happens occasionally with popular crews. I remember the Viktorias having the same problem about a year ago. Sometimes your sales forecasts just fall short.
  12. I'd honestly rate Pandora. Insidious Madnesses and Teddy above Lilith and Titania, but that's because I adore Pandora. I'm not overly sure how Lilith would go with Autumn Knights, but she's pretty crew agnostic and they're generally good , durable minions who can dish out hurt. I think with this combination you'll be lacking a true beater, however. You might want to see if you can squeeze Teddy or Nekima in with this.
  13. Lilith and Titania isn't a bad combination. As you already said, Lilith gives Titania Barbaros and Terror Tots, but Titania also gives Lilith the Autumn Knights (Liliths box is lacking strong minions) and Aeslin. It's a fun combination.
  14. Any of those combinations is good. Rapid Growth is in the Nephilim expansion box. It was put there because you can't do a Grow list without those models, so it's useless in the Lilith box. Nekima comes with her upgrade The True Mother which also helps a grow list by creating more Terror Tots.
  15. Eh, I'm sure a lot of people feel that way about a popular model or two. I'm not too enamoured with Wong and Lightning Bugs.
  16. Seconding crewfaux. It's fantastic. Also can't wait for Wyrds official app.
  17. Trickster lady is Neverborn Tormented, so she's technically dual faction as well. Self Righteous Man is technically triple faction, as a Neverborn Lucius can take him as well as a Guild Lucius.
  18. She's not. She's strong in the schemes and strategies that suit her, but it's a narrow selection. Pandora is strong in mostly the same schemes and strategies and she's hardly 'dominant'. Very unpleasant to face in those that suit her, but she's not wrecking tournaments.
  19. Facebook. There were quite a few photos from adepticon floating around. I was pretty sure it would be a Nekima alt when I saw the model so it was nice seeing the art confirmed it. I'm curious how she will be released. Obvious choice is a Black Friday incentive but I'd love to see a Lilith Nightmare crew with rearranged contents ala The Wild Ones. Barbaros replaced by Nekima, Tots replaced by maybe Young Nephilim.
  20. They don't need a separate female kit. They're very similar in build to male Gremlins. Given how much they can pack onto a sprue and how small Gremlins are, they could have easily pack a few more torsos, heads and legs into the box. Some female specific legs in short shorts, some female torsos with boobs, and some female heads with long hair. Arms would just be the same arms as the males, and female torsos could match male legs too. I guess you could put males in short shorts too.
  21. Even saying 'which is the strongest master if all schemes and strategies go their way' isn't a good way to judge them. If all the schemes and strategies of their way, they don't necessarily go the opponents way, and it's still lopsided. This is why I like the tier method used on this forum, basing it on how many schemes and strategies the maser is actually good at. Outside of a very few masters, every master is strong in its own way, and even those masters have their supporters. Some are just better at a wider variety of schemes and strategies, so they are more likely to hit the table.
  22. Test print at Adepticon was pretty ace.
  23. The biggest thing I see coming of this - it seemed Wyrd didn't want any direct transitions of factions. They had Neverborn, but as Gibbering Hordes, and who are also now the army of the Tyrant Meridian. This let the game stand on its own, rather than use Malifauxs' popularity to drive its own. Now? That's gone. We have a faction making a direct transition. What could this mean? Two words. Whiskey Titan.
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