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Everything posted by trikk

  1. I started with: Ryle (10) Francisco with Wade In (9) Stalker (5) Brutal Effigy (4) Pathfinder (6)/Austringer This list is flexible as you can play almost any master depending on how you expand
  2. I didn`t see it in the FAQ, but can since Scion doesn`t use an Action but an Ability to remove Conditions, can you remove cursed object/distract condtions with its aura?
  3. I like Francisco, Sidir, Papa Loco, Brutal Effigy buff is also nice, as you get double positive with no charge and positive with charge.
  4. Lady Justice is the model/master that got me into Malifaux so I dig your feelings. I also had mixed feelings about her, but with Brutal Effigy and Badge of Office she becomes a really hard to get rid off. While she might struggle with Armour models she does have high damage and my Gremlin opponent doesn`t like playing against her. With Mi7 she is also quite the area denial /tarpit. Boost her defence and push her around and your view on her gameplay will improve (although I agree that Sonnia and Perdita are mostly more versatile
  5. Infinity is balanced faction-wise, but Ariadna is clearly up in the rankings. Model-wise is bad. you have HMG Spetznas, Grunts etc. which kind of give you an uphill struggle. Infinity is a love-or-hate game IMO. The ARO and order generation mechanics are weird and while I love the ARO, the order generation could be thrown to trash and I wouldn`t miss it for a second. I think the biggest advantage of Malifaux over Infinity is mixed-objective. In Infinity its either "Go and click" or "kill". Malifaux can have both in the same game.
  6. Depends on how much Arcanist Assets do you use. If you have 3-4 M&SU Constructs then he might be worth it. With one or pure Guild he`s a waste of SS
  7. Well, the advantage of Orderlies are that they can win a 1 vs 1 with most Scheme Runners and dead Terror Tots don`t drop Scheme Markers But the Guild dedicated Scheme Runner is probably the Watcher
  8. I think Charles Hoffman is very good in Turf War and with proper setup can rock at Reckoning (Rail Golem, Howard, Peacekeeper and you have 3 homing missiles )
  9. I would also gladly help you with your updates if you need anything. I have all 3 books, have my way around web technologies (.NET, some JS, some HTML etc)
  10. I think since he already uses a bubble the Sanctioned Spellcaster could be nice. The whole HoffBall in SIngularity will make a lot of Belles cry
  11. If I would go against a Gremlin gunline I would probably go Sonnia with double Flame Wall or El Mayor Justice to just engage a bunch of enemy models. Austringers and Pathfinders are also great
  12. Just to clear things up. (I know its a bit of threadomancy). Francisco gives Df+2 Guardian gives Defensive +2 ( to defense)
  13. trikk

    C . Hoffman

    Guardian gives Defensive +2( to Df) and not Df+2. Its the second time I see this and this may be misleading to people.
  14. "Crews with the Arcansit Assets upgrade may hire up to 4 Arcansit Construct models with the M&SU or Mimic Characteristic that are not the Crew's declared Faction" Just M&SU, not Mimics Also typo in Arcanist
  15. Decembers curse requires 11. with a Ca 7. If Sonnia has CounterSpell Aura and you target anything within 3" of her you lose built in suits, so you need a 4+ just to meet the TN.
  16. Same with "I bought Sonnia/Perdita, whats next?" Maybe we should start and pin threads like "M2E Perdita" and "M2E Sonnia" like "M2E Kaeris" in the Arcanists forum?
  17. Well, Criid with CounterSpell Aura can block Rasputina quite well, as she will need a suit to even get the TN in a 7" bubble?
  18. My best wat of denying Power Ritual is derived from Conan CRUSH YOUR ENEMIES SEE THEM DRIVEN BEFORE YOU AND HEAR THE LAMENTATION OF THEIR WOMEN And on a more serious note you leave 5SS behind (and Nino if he doesn`t have great LoS) which might mean they don`t score power ritual, but you might lose the rest.
  19. I would ask more from intention point of view than wording point of view.
  20. Well, "Non-Austringer" is not really a name. Its the negation of a name. While I can agree with you, I think this is something FAQworthy.
  21. Ahhh, forgot about the Emissary. Yes, Still Bodyguard Emissary might be tricky for the opponent and he can heal 4 HP as the action that lowers Destiny is pretty barf +Arnmour + HtK make him a viable Bodyguard target IMO
  22. Why? The "non-Austringer" clause? If yes then for me its debatable and I`d ask for a FAQ for that.
  23. Actually it talks about "target" "Until the end of turn the Attack Action os friendly models apply Burning +1 to the target after damaging, as long..."
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