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Everything posted by mojopin

  1. My little helper, its one of the best resser upgrades and just cant remember to activate it after initiative most of the times.
  2. Must it be a resser living model? Can be mercenary?
  3. Well... Archie (I love the model but he is too expensive) can just heal 4 each activation he has good dmg but only ml6 aaand you need other 3 other models with no chain activation soo it doesnt qualify (in my opinion) for a good alpha strike. Rogue necro is by far a better cheaper beater but without arcanist reactivation, inbuyed energies, or outcast oathkeeper or positive to initiative its not worth it.
  4. Hi, yesterday mi Reva was punched to death by a charging vicky (along with my emissary and poor sebastian) she hit 2 times every target killing those three models in one activation. I thought the charging lane was safe but he managed to move one of my models with taelor and killed other one. When I wanted to react it was to late and my band was dead with just 2 whirlwinds (reva suffered red joker on damage in the second attack). I know that they should have been more than 5' away of each other but sometimes buildings and other obstacles make it very difficult and in any case ony losing reva was bad enough. Is there any other way In resser faction to face those extra long extra deadly charges?. I guess I could use always Kirai or Molly against outcast and killy schemes expecting the viktorias? Any other idea with other masters?.
  5. I cant help you as Im a resser player but I've also experienced this alpha strike tendency in my group and Its by far the most efficient way of playing (one I cant replicate with resser im afraid). Not sure about gg18 maybe it can fix this but arcanist alpha with miranda cerberus or reactivated howard, or a well planned vicky catault will ruin most their opponent plans. I can say from the victim side of the game its not very fun when people have jobs, and strugles to get time to sit together and have a party to end in turn 2 with your master and a couple of models killed. I mean, I understand its frustrating for players to face this but I think the answer should come from wyrd designing defensive models capables of dealing with this.
  6. I was hoping to stone prevent about 6 damage with reva and survive. Against lazarus I only had two AP's available as I had to walk once, so red joker did matter both times and both times showed up with negative flips to damage. Maybe its the enviroment I face with loads of heavy hitters with high dmg spread. My point is that red joker doing only severe might have left reva with a chance of surviving; 5+8+5-6 prevention= 12 wounds. I dont mean of course that it happens all the time, but when it happens it changes games in a way im not very confortable with but its a matter of taste I guess.
  7. just to ilustrate, today I have redjokered lazarus in damage in turn one with reva. Vicky has redjockered reva in first chain activation of turn 2 dealing 11 damage and thus evaporating her who had already spent 3 stones for prevention and giving minus flip to damage. havent enjoyed the game very much, at least it was fast.
  8. hmmm you're right Adran, I think both options would do.But I feel like taking out the always selecting would be antifluffwise (im not supersure about this word XD) so I would stick to the other one. Negative flips are way more common so red joker "ruins" them more frecuently than black jokers ruin positive flips. A black joker on damage wastes 1AP but fliping that red joker on damage gives a very big bonus. I feel like they are not simmetric in that matter. Please forgive any dictionary punching
  9. well, the thing is that in an enviroment where saving you key piece depends on resisting one or two attacks more and you stone to give a negative flip and/or cheat that high card just to force de minus flip, FLIPING a random unexpected red joker doesnt add just the weak damage to the outcome, what it grants most of times is an additional severe which I think is too much. But well maybe being in this end of the beater is what gives that perspective.
  10. Im ok with all other aspects of jokers, i would be playing chess otherwise but I guess its because an specific meta I usually face which is Extremely agressive with my models being hunted from turn 1. I dont mind losing an autopsy or a belle to a red joker, losing masters/henchmans at the begining of turn 2 to a jumping cerberus or imbuyed flurring howard flipping RJ is a different thing I dont enjoy despite the randomness of it.
  11. Hitting a high df model or with hard to wound that most of the times will lead to a weak damage because of the minus flips will require many AP to get that load of damage regularly because you also will need to conect those hits. If the model has armor or some kind of prevention/reduction this Ap efficiency skyrockets. Also, dealing no damage with black joker would probably leave the table as it was, fliping red joker on damage will lead probably to taking out a model in one blow.
  12. Hi, I've been sharing this opinion with some local players. Red joker is fine with value 14, and not allowing the enemy cheating when fliped, wild suit and taking it even with negative flips BUT... we find that severe AND weak damage is too much for a random blow for an encounter. Fliping black joker most of times will lead to lose your AP or taking a hit but red joker on damage means a lot in AP eficiency because you are gonna deal a lot of damage that otherwise would require a lot of AP´s hitting and dealing more than weak damage. What do you think of leaving it as it is but doing just regular severe damage?
  13. Sebastian, rogue necromancy, Kirai, lost love, izamu and... Remake alt sybelle
  14. Hello there, we are making a malifaux league for this autumn. 50ss games, up to 16 players at El Feudo d Pyrenne in Huesca (Calle Sancho Ramírez, 17, 22001 Huesca) . If you are interested in participating dont hesitate to contact me!! Will take inscriptions (5€ inscription fee) up to 15th September. Top ending date to finish the league on 15th of january.
  15. •Round 1 - Turf War, Standard Deployment Claim Jump, Eliminate the leadership, Leave your Mark, Undercover entourage, Mark for death •Round 2 - Headhunter, Flank Deployment Claim Jump, Dig their graves, Accusation, Cover breakthrough, Recover evidence •Round 3 – Interference, Close Deployment Claim Jump, Frame for murder, Accusation, Set Up, Inspection
  16. Hi there!, new tournament to be held on 27/8 in Huesca. At 'El feudo de Pyrenne' 3 gg07 rounds starting at 9.30 ending at 19.30. Inscription fee 10€. Come join us https://www.facebook.com/events/746779308857078/?acontext={"ref"%3A"2"%2C"ref_dashboard_filter"%3A"upcoming"%2C"action_history"%3A"[{\"surface\"%3A\"dashboard\"%2C\"mechanism\"%3A\"main_list\"%2C\"extra_data\"%3A[]}]"}
  17. Also Seamus crew box will fit with your models, Yin and carrion will work well, and you´ll get belles wich are amazing with everything :). But well, reva is a good choice too
  18. I would love to see Tara getting some love. Something giving her accomplice for example
  19. With all those minions I would take carrion emissary with carrion conflux. I love to all attack actions, this include lures, taking medicines, improves activations with MZ....
  20. Overexcited with seams upgrade, somewhat dissapointed with alt sybelle. Putting together alt Mcmourning, alt rafkin and alt sybelle they look like they are all the time the same model.
  21. Now on wyrds chronicles you can see the new upgrade for seamus and it is amazing. really a quality jump for seamus towards targeting wp playstyle
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