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Posts posted by Stewbert

  1. 13 minutes ago, Richard matthews said:

    1 isn't really an issue as I play quite defensive so im not usually spending cards turn 1 other then to summon  

    2 I normally use my model to hit the statue then heal him with LRM to get 2 komainu a turn,

    3 the push and fast is good but with him the statue is my only real hitting power the rail worker can do a bit of damage but kang is ml7 min 3 which is a lot more consistent damage output.


    I thought the statue only dropped scrap when it was damaged by an enemy attack action?

    • Agree 1
  2. 6 hours ago, tomhorstmann said:

    This is exactly the kind of setup that would make me consider Spirit Molly. There are so many choke points that encourage your opponent to bunch up or trickle in, allowing you to either summon into a cluster or slow their crew down as you eat through models with Hanged. After the carnage, you have flying and incorporeal to grab Surround Them and/or Covert Breakthrough. I think I'd run:

    Molly, Forgotten Path, Take Back the Night, Wronged Spirits, 6ss cache

    Philip and the Nanny, Haunting Cries

    Madame Sybelle, My Little Helper

    Carrion Emissary, Carrion Conflux

    Rotten Belle

    Rotten Belle



    I don't always love Crooligans, but they look excellent here. With this pool, they can feed Philip turn 1, set up Dig Their Graves on turn 2, and work on Ply and Surround Them/Covert Breakthrough if they make it to the end. At Ht 1, they should be able to interact and place to hide in most circumstances. The Mist could even see play here, if our opponent decided to run the newly buffed Tuco, or if they run Changelings and Trappers to abuse fire lanes themselves. Are the platforms on the East side really not climbable? If so, I'm happy deploying second to place Sybelle/Molly/Belle reactively. If they are climbable, I would hope to deploy first in order to avoid being forced into deploying on the West side, since the opponent can spill over the platforms and spread out. I think I prefer the North and East sides in general, as they funnel the most, but against Lilith I would deploy first and choose South, since there's no way for her to set up forests and advance safely turn 1 from the North.

    Against Neverborn, in this pool, I would expect either Collodi, Titania, Dreamer, or Lilith. We can also expect to see Nekima, who is a very real concern at WP7, and almost certainly carrying Malifaux Provides, so we will have to successfully whispers twice to stop her from healing. Try to deploy as far as possible from her and summon a bunch of models off of something else. Once you out-activate your opponent you can run a Crooligan next to her to reduce her WP and then shut her down. We can also use Molly's Revelation to Paralyze her once Malifaux Provides is gone. Thankfully she can't Blood for Blood to kill our 1wd models, so we can trade trash summons for her AP until she is vulnerable. Expect to burn through stones like crazy turns 1 and 2 in order to contain her, but afterwards we should have a lot of models and our opponent will be down 15ss. I like our position against Collodi and Titania, but against Lilith, it really depends how patient they are. If they overextend even a little, I think they will collapse very quickly, as Lilith can't really afford to lose models for nothing. We're also compelled to deploy first, so dealing with Nekima will be messier.  If they manage to grab South, they can hide behind forests until they can explode out, and our crew does nothing until it summons. Against Dreamer, as against all summoners, try and pressure as quickly as possible. Spirit Molly vs summoners is always unpredictable, but our card draw is much better, and if we manage to get the Emissary in range by luring it forward with our Belles, we have a big advantage. If the opponent takes any other master, this shouldn't even be close. 

    EDIT: As a side note, I think this list would demolish anything but Neverborn. Against Neverborn, however, if I had access to all Masters, I would just choose Kirai. Nekima is the real problem here, and Kirai can just sit back turn 1 and summon Goryo and Shikome to threaten her. Ikiryo is also a problem for Nekima. Since she doesn't need to take Sybelle as a taxi, she can take Datsue Ba, who looks great into this pool and on this map. If they aren't running Nekima for whatever reason, you can use Asura or Datsue Ba to summon chaff models and forward summon Hanged to close off the many choke points on this map. 

    I don't believe crooligans can interact to feed Philip with scheme markers turn 1 if that's the intention. From the shadows puts a stop to that :(

  3. Hi All,

    We have a 50ss Fixed faction GG2018 tournament taking place at ABZ games in Aberdeen Scotland on the 17th February. Details are as follows

    Location: ABZ Games, 197 Rosemount Pl, Aberdeen AB25 2XP

    Tickets: £10 and must be purchased in advance from the ABZ games website. https://abzgames.co.uk/collections/pre-orders/products/tick-18-009

    Format: 3 Rounds, Gaining Grounds 2018

    Start time: 11am, 10:30am registration

    Places: 16


  4. On 5/22/2017 at 5:44 PM, Ergonomic Cat said:

    Yup.  I was new to Malifaux not too long ago, and I found that there's a curve that experienced players forget.

    You start off with a master or two (In theory.  I started with 4, but normal people don't, I assume) and a couple of models.  So your first set of games are literally "I have these models.  I will play them."  Your choices are basically "Do I use two or three Illuminated?"  

    Then you start to ask the "Okay, what do I add?" questions.  And you pick up the Neverborn All-Stars, or something to shore up your weak spots, or whatever.  And now you have maybe 90ss worth of models.  So you need to latch on to a core build, because you just can't keep what 90ss worth of models do and don't do compared to 5 schemes and a strat.  So you know "If it's killing, I take these guys and if it's schemes, I take these."  So you have a core of 30ss or so that you get, and know how to use, and then you add another 2-3 models to try out, mostly based on "Uh, these Terror Tots seem really popular."

    Then eventually you move to having opinions about models and positions.  "This game needs 2 scheme runners - I always prefer Gupps unless I'm playing Lynch.  I know people like Nekima, but I'd rather have Barbaros and a Changeling for the points.  Everyone loves Collodi, but I just don't click with him."  At that point, you've entered "It depends on the schemes and strats" territory.  But there's a whole process to getting to that point.  And honestly, once you're to that point, you think in terms of packages, I think.  "I need a 'hold-the-center' package and a 'scheme-runner + denial' package here." "I want to bring the pounce package of Tooth + Lilith + a Pouncer."  Stuff like that.

    This here is a great description of the curve and the point where new players have a crew box or two built and construct their first crews to play a game is often where we lose new players because the investment to compete looks daunting.



  5. Quote
    1 hour ago, silicon_dioxide said:

    Although I replied already to this, I came up with another alt sculpt I'd love to see. Seamus as his alter ego Sebastian Baker (obviously just Seamus with a ridiculously large moustache) perhaps in a kit with dead showgirls. 

    THIS! I would murder for some dead performers and icedancers. Oiran not so much.


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