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Posts posted by OneLittleThunder

  1. Anyone else unable to save Setups or create games from them on an iPhone after the latest app update (1.6.0)? I can set the deployment, strategy, schemes, etc., but the only button I have at the bottom is "Cancel" - "Save setup" and "Create game" are missing. I do see a tiny line at the very bottom of the screen that might be the top of another button, but I can't access it. It does work fine on my iPad, though, so I suspect it's a screen rendering issue.

    May be an image of text that says 'App Store 11:54 PM < 91% SETUP... GG SEASON 2 RULESET GG SEASON 2 NAME CORNER DEPLOYMENT SYMBOLS OF AUTHORITY STRATEGY GAME SIZE: 50 SS + SCHEME POOL 6 Hidden Martyrs 13 Bait and Switch Discard'

  2. 4 minutes ago, santaclaws01 said:

    And what's aggravatingly non-specific about "terrain in base contact"? It's as specific as it needs to be, it only affects terrain that the goo's base is touching.

    Sorry, not enough caffeine yet. I was thinking about a case where the Goo was standing in the open, but the surface of the play area isn't itself terrain, so that's a non-issue. I am aggravated that a single 40mm model can make an entire building Hazardous by touching one corner of it, but that's at least clear/consistent with game rules. :) 

  3. There are a number of abilities that treat something as something else, specifically some kind of terrain in this case. For example, Grave Goo's Trail of Slime ability reads, "Enemy models treat terrain in base contact with this model as Hazardous...".

    Crypsis Corps' Beneath the Leaves ability takes this up a notch, reading, "While this model is within :aura3 of Severe, Hazardous, and/or Concealing Terrain, enemy models treat the area within :aura3 as having those same traits."

    Let's postulate a Seeker vs. Apex match where a Crypsis Corps model is within 3" of a Grave Goo model. Trail of Slime means that the Crypsis Corps considers the terrain in base contact with the Grave Goo to be Hazardous ("terrain in base contact" is an aggravatingly non-specific term, but that's another matter). Does that, in turn, mean that the Grave Goo  and its teammates consider the terrain within :aura3 of the Crypsis Corp to be Hazardous, because of Beneath the Leaves?

    I feel like RAW would say yes, but that seems like a weird, counter-intuitive, and hard-to-parse ruling. Thoughts?



  4. My Gen Con order just arrived - that's a new sale record! (I'm sure it helps that the staff weren't in Indiana this year, and it doesn't hurt that I'm less than 10 miles from Wyrd HQ). Everything I picked up (10T and Guild Fate decks, Lynch core box, Guild core book, and of course Miss Guided) looks great.

    I do have one question, though. The 10T Fate Deck (which is gorgeous, by the way!) has a different Ten Thunders model on every card...except that the 3 of Crows depicts a Seishin for some reason. As far as I know, even Yan Lo can't get one of those into a Ten Thunders crew...is this just a minor mistake, or a clue into some sort of future cross-faction model? (I'm betting on the former.) ;)

  5. 1 hour ago, dannydb said:

    If it's a sign up please do it here so I only have to look in one place 

    No, this was the question about choosing between 3+ teams for a country. Will definitely post any sign-up info here, though. Thanks!

  6. I tried deleting the app from my phone and reinstalling it - it kept my login info, but cleared out all the crews (duplicates and otherwise), so that's a solution. 

    Unfortunately, when I rebuilt a few core crews on the phone, those are no longer synching to my other devices. 🙄 

    I suspect my app may just be cursed...

  7. The Georgia Malifaux team is finishing up our M3E grow league, and we're capping it off with a 3-round, 50ss, Gaining Grounds Season 0 tournament on Saturday, February 29. at Heroic Gaming in Roswell, Georgia (just north of Atlanta). All comers are welcome whether or not you participated in the league, and this will be a USFT event (assuming we reach the 8-player minimum, which we certainly expect to).

    Registration begins at 12:00 noon, and play begins at 12:30. Plenty of raffle prizes and fun to be had in a great new venue. $5 entry fee goes directly to store credit for winners. Full details on the event's Facebook page.

  8. 58 minutes ago, Artiee said:

    Were you in the beta?

    No, I wasn't.

    Interestingly, if I make changes to a crew in the new PC/browser version, it creates a new copy of the crew with the same name...and THAT copy propagates to other devices. But deletes don't. It's generally very odd.

  9. At least as of iOS build 1.0.9 (and possibly earlier), changes to data one one device (game setups, crews. etc.) are not being reflected on other devices using the same account. I've done a force-close and restart, sign out and sign back in, etc. on multiple devices with no joy.  Previously this seemed to happen pretty quickly, but I'm not seeing changes reflected even several hours after making them.

    Let me know if I can provide any more information.

  10. I definitely agree that there are a lot of good, versatile options within 10T, and I can certainly build a crew that uses them. Unfortunately, avoiding Walking Forge and giving up (most of) Rail Walk means that I'm basically surrendering the Foundry keyword's signature action, which is a significant handicap. A lot of other Foundry abilities rely on Scrap markers as well; there are a few ways to hand out Stunned in the crew, which would handicap the Bonus Actions Von Schtook's people rely on to remove Scrap, but most of those also rely on removing Scrap markers.

    I guess what I'm saying is that when an opponent declares Von Schtook, they're basically saying, "You no longer benefit from having your keyword," which seems like a potential NPE. Maybe at some point the Foundry will get a model with a similar ability to the Ten Thunders Brother's "Protect Our Holdings", but for Scrap Markers.

    Although as I look at the 10T Brother, I notice that they have Diversion, which prevents enemies within 4" from declaring Bonus Actions. Pretty much all of Transmortis' actions that eat Scrap Markers are Bonus Actions. Hmmm...there's a possibility...

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  11. I've been talking to one of our local Resser players, and he has a theory that Von Schtook is a hard counter to Mei Feng. With Von Schtook, Anna Lovelace, Undergratuates, and (especially) the Valedictorian all able to turn Scrap Markers into their Scheme Markers (and get card draw into the bargain), I wonder if he may be right.

    Anyone here have experience with, or suggestions for, this matchup?

  12. Wargames Vault is showing that a number of non-alt cards seem to have been added/updated recently. On the Ten Thunders side, for instance, the Ten Thunders Brothers, Tengu, Ama No Zako, and Amanjaku all show as having been added on 8/26 or 8/27. Can we get confirmation if these are updated cards due to printing errors (as with the High River Monks), or if there's nothing we need to worry about?

  13. Now that we're all settled in, it's time for an M3E tournament! We'll keep it low-key - no entry fee - but let's see what we can do with all them fancy new cards! This will be a low-pressure, 3-round, 50ss, fixed-faction tournament. Painting is not required, but will be rewarded with raffle entries (hint hint). No entry fee this time - come see how Fate treats you!  You'll need a 50ss crew and a Fate deck. DMH models will be allowed, but no unreleased models (e.g., those that don't have final cards available yet).

    Check-in starts at 10:30, Round 1 starts at 11:00. Please RSVP via Facebook if possible.

    Giga-Bites Gaming Cafe

    1851 Roswell Rd

    Marietta, Georgia 30062

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