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Posts posted by SpectreEliteGaming

  1. Pretty not so good in most regards. His pose does give off a bit of a commanding presence but he is "leaning" (or not so leaning) unnaturally on the sword too. Can't stop looking at the dumb curl at te tip of his beard. That's one big hand cannon he's got going on, though.

    Take that back Math - this looks far worse than a WWX sculpt. And besides - Skinny Santa here has no rivets on his outfit nor metal plates unrealistically attached to his clothing. Get real. >8)

    • Like 1
  2. Votes are in...


    ... and now that they are - I'm looking at the trend in votes - some no brainers but others I am surprised about - seems like a lot of bias coupled with little consideration.

    A couple of points - I'll maybe be nice and not reveal anything...


    - What is it with this community and your fixation for Dreamer crew? >8(

    Hard to argue when the entry is as good as the glowing dreamer (that is freaking awesome!) but seriously - at least I don't see any lime green or hot pink anywhere.

    - Spiraling Cadaver sticks out like a sore thumb... a really pretty and very impressive sore thumb. 

    - Surprised at the lack of dioramas - If i was going to do an entry... it would have been a diorama. Sadface.

    Overall - was definently hoping for more entries... but as a non-entrant I guess that shits on me. ;) 

    • Like 2
  3. Hopefully, since they are all standing on one leg, the feet are sturdy enough to pin.

    Holy crap - that's a good point. Yeah, I'm really not liking, what I believe to be, the inevitability of these dudes. I mean, how many killjoys do you see at conventions that still have their chain (and at full length... ;) - you know who you are).


  4. So is no one voting or is that hidden until the end?  Also noticed lack of ability to comment.  Is it me or is that turned off mainly so SEG doesn't go "HaHa I know who you are!" And spoil it?

    Sheeeeeeeeeeeee-it. It's sad because I was actually going to do that, too. In like a "Obvious Omnicarbivore, Is Obvious" fashion, no less.

    Well now I'm bummed out... :/

    • Like 2
  5. Ooo - interesting thread...

    1: For Jack Daw to get a Nightmare Edition box that doesn't suck (my only wish, really).

    2: For Marcus to be dually Arcanist/Resser and look like Baron Samedi in a Special Edition model. Cum get'da voodo.

    3: For all of the masters to have a more commanding presence in the way they look on the table top. 50% of the masters are boring as hell and many minions look far more badass or intense than the masters do. To be fair - the new masters as of late are getting increasingly more interesting (Kaeris) but there still are boring, simple, uninspiring ones too (Ironsides). If your minions look scarier than you do, you should probably pick your shit up, as it were. ;) 

  6. Definently noticed this, as well.

    Since my desire to actually play the game started dying I've just been coming here for the Monday previews and miniature showcase. The new Wyrd events that pop up every once in a while keep me checking in, as well - can't wait to see Rotten Harvest pics.

    I should be updating my paintig thread with the stuff I've done but I've been too busy as of late.

    Annnnnnd that's about it. There's just nothing going on here, really. ;)

  7. I look forward to voting - even though I didn't contribute this time around. The funny thing about not posting WIP or letting people know that you painted it is that there are many people on the forum where I can just look at it and know from the style that it was them who painted it... or even just from how they took the photo, honestly.

    SC, Omni, Mario, among others. ;) You can't hide from me.

    Can't wait to see the entries :D 

    • Like 1
  8. Glazes for the win.

    My method of painting is glaze heavy to the max. I usually paint 2-3 similar models at the same time. 

    I think glazes are the best - you can do a lot with them (layering or even using glaze and washes for effects) and I always begin the glazing with a base coat that will be my "brightest" highlight and glaze to darkest then add a bunch of effects (blood, rust, weathering, battle damage - whatever looks appropriate and makes it a little more busy and interesting).

    I'd rather have a busy model than a simple one and working from bright to dark is great because I never want my models to be too pretty or too bright. Sometimes I do have to bring the highlight back up because I make it too dark but I tend to go one or two ones downs from "typical" - trying to stay away from a cartoony look.

    Blanchitsu was a major influence on me when I first started to actually give a shit about painting - creepy dark scary ugly stuff with lots of personality. I like to think that my stuff is a more mainstream take on Blanche's work and more conservative or choosey on the effects side.

    Dark and nasty all the way. Pretty is for elves. >8)


    Good find on the comparison.

    Blending might be faster but I'm too stubborn to change my ways.

    I've never tried a wet palette before... hmmmmmm... didn't think much about it honestly - but if dgraz says so it must be good. I think I'll look into it . :D 

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  9. FYI, this discussion is now a discussion on the new SE models not the Wyrd Chronicles issue.

    Mr. Stanley - I too see where you are coming from, and I gots no problem with that. >8)

    Honestly, I think its all those years of batch painting static, basic or "simple" miniatures - I've gotten to the point that if it doesn't make me excited immediately - I just don't care enough.

    Having said that, I'd probably get the stupid pewpy chick doctor model anyway and just be really pouty about it a place her at the back of the tray because I am a completionist and "Special Edition" might as well be "Instant Buy" for my dumb brain. >8(

  10. That Barbaros is as good as it gets - 100% satisfied - I looked at the pic, raised my eyebrow and did a mental "Awwwwwwwwfckyaaaaa!" Go ahead and try to dislike it.

    Getting sick of seeing the purpley-blue color scheme throughout the Neverborn range... booooooring. Easily rectified when I get my hands on it, though. >8)

    Dufresne and Frank are both boring as hell - and that chick will never hit the table with the original metal Doug in existence. Never. Also - getting sick of this female/male alt fad going on right now. The more it is done the less "special" it is. Keep it to the Miss models. If I really want a female [insert model here], I can proxy.

    Having said that, I can't say that the female Firestarter isn't right on the money too... couldn't be happier with the art. And yes, I am listening to The Prodigy right now because of that pic.


    I am convinced that I like/dislike exactly half of what Wyrd produces. But half is good enough for me. ;) This also tells me that they are probably trying to appeal to a larger audience too, so I get that. Why people want boring static models is beyond me, though.

    I'll read the stories on my flight next week. Thanks for the Halloween spirit, Wyrd.

    Finally, with all these special editions I'm really hoping that the first non-gremlin Easter Special Edition is Luther next year... otherwise this will come out to play:


    I want my big bunny! You've been warned. >8)

  11. At the moment we can only work out one badge at a time - we are looking into another program that'll let us do so, but there seems to be some bugs in it at the moment and we're still playing with it. Idealy I would like to have it where you can get a few badges for participation, etc, just needs more tweaking which we haven't gotten sorted as of yet.

    So short answer, no, not for the moment. Maybe if we can get it sorted at a later date.


    Fair enough. I definently wouldn't want to replace my Iron Painter, if that were the case.

    • Like 1
  12. I made a promise to myself like a couple months ago - no more zombie or dog miniatures... ever... no matter what - I've got way too many of both and little to no desire to actually paint them.

    I don't like these at all, so that helps too. I'm indifferent to the poses but the choice of armor is pretty damn blah. Just not interested. I've got 4 robot dogs from the WWX line now so I couldn't be happier with them proxying any "dog" character in any game from here on out.

    .... Also, in before thread lockdown. :rolleyes: 

    • Like 1
  13. The contest rules state everything must stay anonymous - no wips, no identification beforehand. Same for announcing what you will be painting.

    Well... oops...

    Okay, so... FYI... I am definently not painting anything related to Jack Daw or Montresor... just so that everyone is crystal clear on that. >8)


    Here's the most important question - does everyone who submits at least one entry get a sexy forum badge of some kind? The answer to this question shall make or break my participation in said event. :)




    EDIT: Fine then... 

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  14. Many times these TTB Monday previews make me sad that there isn't (likely) going to be a mini of the art. The more I look at this fellow, the more I like him.

    Needs a pimp hat and a cane and then I am in total agreement with you.

    I guess I'll just put a a pimp hat on ol' Marcus - he can be my Baron Samedi. >8)

  15. Ugh... I don't have time for this... but I'll probably try to whip something up for at least a couple categories.

    I'm taking the "Trick or Treat" category as a sign that I should finally get my Jack Daw/Monty proxies done up.


    Question: If I post pics of my submissions in my WIP/hobby thread on the forums before the voting date - does that count as disqualifying my submissions or is that only in regard to submitting your stuff in other painting competitions?

    I don't want to wait a month and a half to post my pics of what I've done into my hobby thread if I don't have to.


  16. I'll probably just find myself a big hige centerpiece proxy (like a converted mourngul or something /shrug).

    Old Confrontation Fire Elemental would make a pretty damn spot on A&D.

    I was actually brainstorming and thought of that fire/water/wind spirit elemental thing from Descent 2nd Ed. But that's even better!

  17. I'm officially ending all talk of spirit clothes as it relates to making sense or not.

    You can like or dislike the model freely and express that freely, but let's move on from whether or not it "should" have clothes.


    But what if you like or dislike the model specifically because it does/does not have clothes? 

    For example, I specifically dislike a large number of models specifically because they are wearing clothes. >8)


    Seriously though - I'm slowly starting to realize - purely in terms of aesthetics - there is no doubt that rezzers have the best looking models - this isn't opinion - this is practically fact. Like it or not - pound for pound - if you want to be the sexiest gamer at the tables you gotta play with dead hookers and badass necrophiles.

    zFiend - feel free to like this post... I know you want to. ;) 

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  18. I'm not making any official judgements until I see the plastics in person - I have a feeling it will suffer big time from Wyrd Plastic's lack of depth of detail - the fact that the renders show A&D's layers to be smooth is pretty forboding proof of this. I might have to detail it up myself or proxy with a huuuuuuge centerpiece... honestly I might just stick to the original.

    Not to say that the concept isn't great - the clean cut concept of this one blows the original out of the water - I just feel I should have definently been a resin model with deep rocky/ashy/sandy recesses like the original but with this beautiful concept. 

    If this ends up being another baby-smooth model like Plasty Chompy Bits, I'll probably just find myself a big hige centerpiece proxy (like a converted mourngul or something /shrug).

    I'm starting to learn that I'm not a big fan of Wyrd Plastics when it comes to models that "should be" heavy detailed.

    Already know I will not like Dust Storm - I actually really like the original dust storm so I'm cool with that.

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  19. I've used unofficial proxies in gaining grounds tourneys before - even at adepticon... no one really cares, honestly. Its all just overly official rules that don't make into practical use that often. Just ask your opponent before you play.

    I'd be pretty *raised eyebrow / rolling eyes* if someone told me I couldn't use a badass proxy/conversion I did up.

    Also, official Wyrd stuff is all legit anyway - you can use any Twisted stuff officially.

    Apparitions as Guilty is as good as it gets.

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  20. So when they were living beasts and not spirit beasts they also wore clothes? How does that argument even make sense? :D

    Marcus and Myranda are both Beasts, and they wear clothes. :P

    So what you're saying is that Marcus and Myranda both have some interesting secret past times?

    From what the internets tells me - some people enjoy dressing up as animals in order to fulfill certain fantasies. I now choose to believe that these winged creatures are dressing up as humans to achieve  such a goal in a paradoxical fashion. Let us not discriminate, people. :) 

    Also - I can't remember - have we seen the winged plague yet? I'm hoping for a Stephen King's Graveyard Shift treatment, myself. :D


  21. Pretty sure the guys at Wyrd are unconsciously super huge Batman fans - pretty sure that isn't a night terror so much as it is Kirk Langstrom the Man-Bat. There is a suspiciously large amount of characters in Malifaux that seem to be steampunk't DC characters... or maybe its just me?

    At least two of us are way more Marvel fans than DC fans. :P

    How disappointing... :(

    Maybe if you told me that you were 90's marvel character fans I could be okay with that.

    zFiend - At first I thought I disagreed with you for once but now I think I'm indifferent - I like the sculpt but the more I think about it its probably mostly because I can make it into a Man-Bat - which is kind of a silly reason - otherwise I guess I'm indifferent to the clothing but I do think its more interesting.

    Also... holy crap - you just made me realize that my Howard is missing a robot penis - is that what all those tentacles are for?

    ... but I digress... >8)

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