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Posts posted by SpectreEliteGaming

  1. The new render is friggin' sweet. It's now sleek and sharp looking with a big ridiculous extreme saw blade contraption. Good focal point that really draws your attention. Still looks sharp but now it is alot more interesting and very badass.

    Top marks with this one - as of late I've been pleased with what I've been seeing in general.

    Bonus points for changing the concept upon feedback - did not expect that.

    • Like 1
  2. Nothing is truly outright balanced - the idea is to get damn close to it until you release something else that breaks/plugs it, or some clever bastard comes along and looks at it from another angle and manages to turn everything on it's ear.

    The idea is to get close as possible, and stay on top of it as the game evolves as well as the player base, but unless it's chess or checkers - odds are there are going to be bumps and holes to hit and dive through. 

    This. It's also nice to see sentiments like this come straight from Wyrd, too. It reaffirms a good mindset that both cares about the game but isn't paranoid and nitpicky about little things that more often than not end up amounting to no big deal most of the time anyway. A game being "balanced enough to being playable" is more than enough to ask for. The player base will break any game but who cares? M3E will keep it fresh when shit goes down... and so on.

    I couldn't imagine being a game designer racking my brain thinking about all the little loopholes that exist and have people constaintly on your case about little tiny imbalances all the time. Game breaking? - pretty important... A model being +/-1 stone cost - give me a break.

    On a side note - fluff wise - there is no way that an Ironsides or Viks crew should be able to be balanced with the likes of badass geezers like Ramos or Levy. In fluff, those guys are important characters whereas most other masters are supporting characters at best. Ramos waves his hand and Colette's contraptions turn tail just like that. Do you really think a bad mofo like that is going to have trouble taking on a gambling junky, crazy doctor, or a ragtag crew of mercs or bruisers. Hey cool ghosts and stuff Kirai - check out my freaking world killing Leviathan I just rolled out the cash for nbd. Levy is literally integral to the fate of Malifaux and I think his in-game incarnation gives you that feel. He'd wipe the floor with just about any master irl (if you could call it "irl" ;) ) .  Expecting these guys to be balanced with the others would do them an injustice in my mind. In that sense, having master tiers - when they work out appropriately - almost seems legit.

  3. Woh woh... hold on a second here... These look very nice but I thought the large arachnid was already released though...


    ...one came in my Ramos boxset. >8)


    I'm on the rules reflection side of things. Totally agree with zFiend - I would like to see models being accurately portrayed - then, it is up to us as the hobbyists to modify them as we see fit. 

    Unfortunately, I am very happy with these... they look very sleek and attractive looking... so I won't bother complaining this time.

    Very happy with the fiddy-render, as well. Wyrd, I am most pleased with you as of late.

    Lightning dongs are coo with me. :D 

    • Like 1
  4. Clearly, few people in this thread have played Magic. 

    No such magical thing exists and you are kidding yourself if you think there is a balanced mini game. Unless you just play chess or checkers you aren't going to find even many balanced games. There are well known strategies that break even super simple board games like Risk, Monopoly, and Catan - so what hope does a ridiculously complicated (srsly) game like Malifaux have?

    The only reason games like Malifaux look balanced is because 1: Not enough people play it, 2: Most people who play it do not play it competitively, 3: Small metas over large distances, 4: This game is honestly getting to be way to complicated with a steep uncompromising learning curve so you'll alwas find new things and screw up and make errors etc. ... and blah blah blah.

    Thankfully, you can be a really good player and excel at any crew for the time being. Once there starts being a more distinct seperation between the elite and casual players you will start seeing people flocking to the "netdecks/netlists." That's just part of the game and as an individual who has an "optimal or nothing" mindset, I see no problem with this.

    When you see the lists that the Chicago crew bring out (Brett in particular) or from Icemyn/Godlyness or even ones that win the UK tournaments its hard not to jump on that bandwagon and try to tweak it to perfection for yourself. Otherwise you can can just sit there and try to be content with your flawed but "unique" list if thats fun for you. And, therefore, through optimization of strengths some masters will just come out on top of others and that's the harsh reality.

    So, yeah... I don't really see a problem here. Games are meant to be broken... and then the new edition gets released to sucker us in for more. ;) 

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  5. I suprised no one said "Absolutely nothing!" yet.

    I see them as dedicated terrain pieces. They look like shit on the "appropriate" bases - 40/50mm are too small for them and the big tree is too big for the story terrain piece, as well. 

    They do look rather cool though. They would add a lot of character to a tray diorama for your resser/daw crew to sit on.

  6. "Fauxshow" and "Scheme's and Stones" as well.

    Malifaux's Most Wanted is the best. I laugh the whole episode long and yet they still have good points so long as you are not the sensitive type and can appreciate their points with an openmind. It would be easy to dismiss them because of their brash personalities but keep an open mind because they are smarter than they sound and the often shotgun blast you in the face with the honest truth. :D

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  7. Can't ask for more than that. Simply knowing that you took it into consideration is enough for me - even if it can't be changed in time. I'd hazard a guess and say a number of other people probably feel the same way.

    Bottomline line for me is - geta shoes or not - these are still some wicked looking models. So I'll stop nitpicking for now...











    ... until next week. :D 

  8. I somehow missed this post - your models, as always, are great.

    This is one of those games I'm disappointed about not kickstarting - I never got into the kickstarter craze until like almost a year after it.

    I'm definently interested now though! A number of models are totally despicable and, therefore, right up my alley. With my dive into WWX though - my modelling queue is extensive as is. I need to retire so I can spend more time hobbying me thinks. :( 

    Even so - practically impossible to pass this stuff up and I've got a WP of 3-4 at the best of times. ;) 

    Glad to hear the gameplay matches the quality of the models.

  9. Oh I don't mind a back handed compliment from time to time from a complete dick (see, no kinda about it). :P

    I'm politically correct, or at the very least, aware, just not a pretentious twat about it and can most certainly enjoy the off colored side of things. Not quite good for business, or folks who get their panties in a twist about the smallest of things or imagined slights. 

    Oh, and Merry Christmas. Let that one start up the fervor! Now I'm off to practice being a fermented monk for my lunch break. 

    Heh - I saw what you did there. In addition, you have probably shocked or slighted about 4-5 people with this post and I salute you for it. :D 

    Honestly, I was not culturally aware enough to know the shoes were backwards and would have thought nothing of it. Only now that I know they are backwards it bugs me - one of those dumb brain things you just cant undo. What I think would be cool is if two of them had proper footwear and one was legitimately wearing them backwards - like with the thongs somehow wrapped around the back of his heel. Then it would look intentional - all it looks like now is a mistake. What bugs me a lot more is going to be figuring out how to pin them (+1 for flock tufts I guess).

    I would also like to point out at this time that Aaron incorrectly asserted that they are using soulstones to be able to walk with backwards footwear. Since these models aren't actually capable of using soulstones in the game, I am now wondering if you were right in deciding to let him design your newest flagship game.

    Annnnd let the games begin. ;) 

    Also, Merry Christmas to you as well! :D 

  10. Nah, they aren't geta shoes, something completely different. See, explained, and I didn't even have to get culturally ignorant or insensitive. Easy. :)


    I smell a trap... and I am not biting. ;)

    I do appreciate snappy witty remarks like this, however, I like how the people at Wyrd aren't politically correct and superficial people like those who represent most companies. In particular, I find that Aaron and Nathan are really interesting because they can be edgey at times - and with the addition of Mason and Eric - they are just a bunch of normal guys who enjoy gaming and appreciate the hobby.

    Of course, I am fully aware that I am kind of a dick. So if I appreciate you guys... well, that might not be the best thing for you. ;) 

    • Like 2
  11. The pose on the Spawn mother is quite stupid, What's that supposed to represent? 

    On the Gupps, I get the left one and it's okay. But why are they doing "wastrel" poses with the knuck crackling and the beat up stick? Ugh. Why aren't Silurids doing such things? Oh right they're Swampfiends.. No wait.. 

    I am quite glad all these renders lately are just plain boring / make no sense / are just idiotic. It saves me a ton of money on other gaming systems. 

    Ashes and Dust was good though, but that's the only one lately, well Rooster Riders were pretty damn nice too but apart from that it's a swing and a miss after another one. 

    I kind of felt like lately the poses and general feel of Malifaux is going from less "badass or horrific" to more "goofy/funny/silly" which I am not a big fan of - but then A&D still feels scary and every once in a while we get a model like the Changeling, so its hard to say.

    At the very least, I'd like to see "goofy" stay firmly within the realm of gremlins and not leech out into other factions unless specifically called for (fermented monks - but then even those have a good balance of goofy vs badass).

    Silly cute minis and ones that are really plain or boring or maybe just too static are just not for me. ;) 

  12. Great review - love all the stuff you paint and all the effort you put into the gaming community - keep it up!

    I dove in pretty heavy to WWX but mostly for the models/painting not so much the gameplay. The simplified rules is definently a plus for WWX as I am getting sick of how ridiculously in depth Malifaux is getting with every new model - too much to keep track of and I find myself easily forgetting what I learn between games because I get next to no games in. Losing to a "gotcha" because you didn't know/forgot sucks and I find that Malifaux is too much for me to want to deal with. Having said that - if I paint it, I'm willing to play with it, but still. Having a simple system that is "complex enough" is more up my alley. 

    Honestly, I started buying the WWX minis to proxy Malifaux models I dont like - can't wait for my Marie/Snake to take the place of Z/Juju. 

    Then I backed the second kickstarter for the starter pack and went heavy into outlaws/lawmen for a big giant dual diorama in the future... now I am hooked. The models are just so damn good looking and thry are all very interesting to look at. I spend a lot more time with them now than Malifaux because they are more enjoyable to paint - resins are top notch and even their plastic is deeply detailed and the models aren't 18 pieces, 5 of which are just for the face/head. :/


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  13. I could see Envy taking the place as your gun platform in a standard "all-comers" Levy build.

    Right now its all theoryfaux anyway - I'll be interested to hear what the podcasts have to say about the actual playability of the models. Those Insidious Madnesses are amazing looking and I'll just be glad to paint them.

    I would like to see less Dreamer... that would be cool. :/

    Then again - I kind of would like to proxy the Changeling as the Dreamer because... well obviously... dreamer is a hella boring model and the Changeling fits the bill and outclasses him in appearence. Bring on the conversions. :D 


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  14. I've only ever tried using the Wyrd customer service once - my Lady J box was crushed and 3 of the models had broken parts. This was months and months ago - maybe like 5-6.

    Never got a response so I didn't bother trying again - I can deal with it but one of my Death Marshals has a chunk of flame missing and the Judge's hand and leg are almost broke off and he's missing a finger which really sucks. Kinda peeved about that... pics below - maybe I'll get better response on the forums? :D




  15. They look great but the shoes if based on geta shoes are backwards.

    Uh oh - better fix that up Wyrd. Don't want to be culturally ignorant, afterall. ;) 

    @RarerMonsters - Sounds more like convenient excuses than genuine reasons. :D 

    The smiley face bottle cannot be unseen, either. Damnit.

  16. Bottom line for me is that the only PVC goods I've liked so far are the CMoN base system so I'm keeping my expectations low for this one and hope to be pleasently surprised.


    And yes - I am a sucker and bought this thing for Black Friday. ;)



    I'm still waiting for Levy's real name to be revealed - Leveticus seems like an alias. Much like I'm waiting for Von Schtook to come in as a new master and for Marcus to become dual faction arcan-resser.

    Just thought I'd slip all that other random good stuff in while I was at it. ;)

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  17. Wow, that Gator eating the Gremlin is a bit much for me. Hopefully that one can be assembled without its victim. 


    Take a step back for a sec and really appreciate the subject matter in the Malifaux universe. Honestly, I'm often disappointed that Malifaux models aren't (far) MORE explicit, myself.

    Bring on the conversions. :) 

    Oh... and gimme that Changeling! B) 


    I think Omenbringer's post about how LE stuff has a certain negative/positive view about it is interesting... even though I think of it in exactly the opposite way (and see the post as mostly complaining/don't agree with a damn thing he said ;) ). I'm kinda wondering how everyone else actually thinks of these Limited Edition models.

    I like my limited edition garbage! Specifically because I have it and most other people dont/aren't able to reasonably acquire it. I'm not sure why, but when I see "special/limited edition"... its pretty much an auto-buy even if I don't like the damn thing (like Dufresne... she'll just keep the tray warm). Is it elitest - impressive - neat - just a marketing scheme that I got sucked into?

    Tell me you aren't going to be envious of that Barbaros when you are sporting the much smaller and far less desirable "stock" version. Annnnnnnnd that's how they get you, and you will shell out 300$ and get it... or you won't and you'll have to deal with it.

    And... well... these are the harsh realities. :D 

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  18. Aionus as PVC made me grimace a bit - absolute worst material for miniatures - unless its something huge like the Reaper Krakken or Old God, then its justifiable.

    Otherwise - the sale is good enough for me. I intentionally held out on buying a bunch of stuff I wanted at Gen Con - only buying the really important stuff - knowing that this sale was coming. Otherwise, I might be griping about the price points too - but I've got a list of stuff I want that would push me well over 300$. :D 

    Shitty deals for those who don't, though. Can't wait for Barbaros.

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