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Everything posted by admiralvorkraft

  1. Guild does have keywords that can turn on the speed - Witch Hunter, Augmented, Guard, Elite, Family... Guild's biggest weakness is a player base that starts every crew with Pale Rider, Lone Marshal, Steward, Lawyer. It's strength as a faction is in its depth of counter-tech.
  2. Perdita I just want to have "Nothing's Stronger Than Family" - If this model is the crew's leader it is treated as having the Half-Blood keyword for the purposes of hiring." For Lucius I want something like, "Love to See a Plan Come Together" - if this model is the crew's leader the crew may score the EoG point on revealed schemes at the end of any turn.
  3. "Euripides is a low model count crew, without stellar defense, Ice Pillars which do not stop your Incorpreal models, just don't forget the Totem can let one model per round ignore Hazardous terrain. I think you will be fine against him, at least I had no issue." I tend to get tabled via simple duels on tactical actions. The indirect damage can be...a lot. I think the right play is to be more aggressive and just kill him first. I'm bad at those plays though.
  4. Glad to be following this write-up. Mobile, skirmishing Daw is the approach I prefer so I'm looking forward to your take. I'd play him more but my two regular opponents play Ten Thunders and Euripides respectively and I don't know that Daw has game into those matchups.
  5. Cooper, Ivan, and McCabe all share a faction so I'd start with one of them. Though Perdita is about the most affordable master to start the game with - her box plus stones and upgrades gets you to 50ss. I like Family a lot and have successfully played them almost exclusively in-keyword so there's that too. Hoffman shares a faction with Perdita so either is an okay start from that perspective. And Hoffman might be the easiest master in the game to get your head around.
  6. Honestly, Family can play into most things if you aren't expecting Terrifying.
  7. Not really. It turns out that tempo and positioning abilities are just always good. There are scheme pools and matchups that other keywords like better, and she has some distinct holes in her kit (minimal ranged damage, situational offensive repositioning, relatively low survivability, etc). I think Von Schill is the other one I'd drop into any pool - I just don't like his aesthetic though.
  8. I get you, working full time, two kids here. If my partner didn't play I'd never get a game.
  9. Having played against the crew a number of times, Cyclops are the bane of my existence. They are some of the hardest-to-counter schemers in the game just sitting in their own backfield. They have bad stats, sure, but their defensiveness is positional. It also puts them in a great place for counter-scheming.
  10. Actually, to that end I think Marshal screws with people's heads - if they're at a certain level. The amount of counter-tech in that one keyword is wild.
  11. I'm looking to round out my Void collection if anyone has; Talos Aionus Void Hunters Let me know! Thanks EDIT: Gadzooks had the Talos/Aionus box so it's just the Hunters I need.
  12. Welp, you managed to hit a lot of my weak points with this one. I'll be keeping a close eye on it for sure.
  13. Hoffman is the big tech-check we've got in faction. Maybe Marshal? But really Hoffman is the one that demands the most counter-building.
  14. Yan Lo is a great starting point, he's mechanically deep and has a huge toolkit. He doesn't have any really obvious weaknesses that you want a second master to cover, but Molly has a very different playstyle and focus so that would be my suggestion.
  15. I'd always interpreted that to mean move or push, but not place. Am I playing that wrong?
  16. Stagger doesn't prohibit places does it? So FWM will still work - it does shrink his threat range but not catastrophically.
  17. Marshal may not be the best keyword for BtL but it may be the best in a matchup/scheme pool/player's repertoire. Or you just want to give it a spin. I think with Symbols you can probably do a full court press with Marshal that presents enough problems for most crews that your DMs might get through.
  18. Death Marshals are good value for a 5ss body. Certainly into Ressers/in keyword where they're likely to get Fast two or three turns for free. They seem particularly good into Break the Line and Symbols.
  19. Then you're not playing the resource game as efficiently as you could be. Your opponent doesn't have to come to you, you can see where they are going to be in two turns, and start setting up to make the scheme easy with your AP advantage. You need one Blown Apart marker. If you need to move it you just use the ability again? I'm confused by this statement. Elite and Family both have the ability to concentrate AP which is what turns on schemes like Death Beds/Dig Graves. I wouldn't use corpse markers from dead models, I wasn't making that argument. But you absolutely can use your opponent's markers. Kaeris' models want to stand near/in Pyres, Savage wants to end their activation next to Ice Pillars as do several December models. Umbra creates markers close to themselves. If you're playing the game and alive to the evolving game-state you're going to be able to pounce on your opportunities in a number of matchups. You might struggle to create/capitalize on those opportunities if you're sinking 1/3 of every crew into the Pale Rider and Guild Steward. I don't mean to be combative, I just mean that there are a lot of tools in-faction that Guild players on the forum seem to forgo in favor of a pretty uniform crew build. If you look at all schemes through the lens of what that one crew can do, rather than looking at the whole faction, then you're going to find a lot more "dead" schemes. I will say that I don't like Outflank for the same reason that I don't like Claim Jump - it forces my positioning game when I'd much rather be playing a in a more fluid and reactive style. It's totally doable (particularly with Deadly Pursuit models like Hunters/Monster Hunters/Santiago) it just doesn't jive with me.
  20. Detonate charges and Outflank are doable for Dashel, Hoffman, and Family. Free points for Elite/ Journalist basically. Research Mission is easy for Family and Hoffman (Blown Apart markers). Death Beds is viable for Family and Elite. And Death Beds is viable for anyone against a marker master - just use their markers against them.
  21. GG2 requires a greater variety of tools. I don't think there are any dead schemes in the packet - you just have to learn how to use the models that can score them.
  22. I'm hoping Lucius loses Issue Command, Entourage, Misinformation, and (sadly) Arcane Reservoir in exchange for Commanding Presence, That's What Lackey's Are For, a Backstab trigger on his cane that deals +2 dmg to engaged models, and the free action off his old Hidden Weapons upgrade to take discard scheme markers in an aura to generate additional attacks.
  23. If you like Tara I'd say play Tara. Outcasts are plenty tricky - Jack Daw, Hamlin, and Von Schill all have tricky combo-y playstyles that are plenty deep.
  24. Maybe a weird sort of upgrade master? Cut body parts off other people, staple them to your dudes.
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