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Posts posted by wargames101

  1. I figured as much—that said I hope they consider it down the road. They seem to do quite a bit of secondary handling on these kits, e.g. cutting the sprues to fit pieces in smaller boxes, so theoretically it's not that much work. That said, they've got a huge amount on their plate already so it's probably a pipe dream and good excuse to buy some of the LE box sets.


  2. Wyrd makes the best, most flavorful models in the game. And they do some of the most interesting stuff in terms of limited editions and alternate color ways. Curious if there's ever been a discussion about making more models like Lazarus that combine the translucent grey plastic and some decorative colored plastics for key bits? E.g. The base Lynch box would be awesome if his skeleton/Hungering Darkness was translucent purple by default. Likewise with Kareis' wings. Some figures don't lend themselves well to the translucent treatment, e.g. Perdita, but would anyone else be interested in seeing some multi-color kits that provided some flexibility for hobbyists? Traditionalists could always paint over the colored plastic and completionists could buy the fully-colored kits. If nothing else, it might be an interesting way to do the "bonus models" for the retail promotions. Instead of a fig for a random faction you get something that spruces up the kit you're buying.

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