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Posts posted by asrian

  1. Welp...at least you tried, right?   

    About all I could do. I was hesitant going in to the game, knowing his disposition, but as I haven't played him personally I figured I'd give him a chance. Who knows, I might of just encountered him in the past on bad days (multiple bad days). Nope. He's always that way. :(

  2. 35 SS beginner game. 


    Deployment: Corner

    Strategy: Squatters Rights

    Schemes: LitS, Breakthrough, Murder Protege, Distract, Plant Evidence


    My Crew: Lilith, Barbaros, Cherub, 2x Terror Tots, Mr. Graves

    My Schemes: LitS & Breakthrough, both announced (mainly due to him being new and wanting to give him the advantage of knowing what my intents were)


    My Opponent: Sonnia, Nino Ortega, Samael Hopkins, 3x Witchling Stalker

    His Schemes: LitS and Distract, neither announced.


    Terrain: Multiple buildings and walls scattered throughout, but a very large "court yard/crossroads" in the center (advantageous for his crew as there were sniper spots up high for Nino and an open firing lane for the rest, but I was planning on bringing Lilith anyway, and knowing my opponent, he would probably go gung-ho for her)


    First off a little background. The opponent I was playing has only played a couple of games of Malifaux in the past with a friend before. He's also someone I would rather not play against as I see him as caustic (He's very militant and typically plays only killy style games. I once saw him yell at a twelve year old in the store for doing something "F'ing stupid" while trying to teach said kid how to play another game). So, when he asked for a game, I figured why not as everyone gets one chance with me, no matter how leery I am of them.


    I tried helping the opponent throughout the game. I gave him my scheme cards I'd made so he could keep them in hand and could remember what his goals were. He laid them face down and never looked at them again. I also tried giving him options throughout the game (You can do this or this. Be aware I can do this or this, but my announced goals are this so I will be going for them. Also, remember the schemes you picked and think about what you need to do each turn to accomplish them). He did what I thought he would, however, which was focus intently on Lilith, so I made her my "Rabbit" for the game and tried to see how far down the hole he'd follow.


    Turn 1: He shot some, I moved some. I can't recall the play by play of turns, but basically I sent a Tot up each side toward the far corner Squatter Markers, and sent the rest up the center as a big distraction.

    Turn 2 and 3: Are basically wash and repeats. I moved Tots up, dropping 5 scheme markers and flipping 4 of the 5 Squat markers between them, Graves, and Barbaros. Lilith dashed to one side of the board behind a building and placed/moved her forest as needed, basically just using it to box her in cover and remove LoS from everything he had. Even despite me trying to prompt him to go after the objectives, he basically ignored everything except her, occasionally doing a blast/shot at Graves/Barbaros to wound them some (neither of which even bothered to attack). A blast did finish off the Cherub though, who had gotten hit late Turn 1. 

    Turn 4: I decided to go aggressive finally with Barbaros and Graves. Barbaros Charged, killed a stalker who was getting near the center Squat Markers, did his AoE knock back and pushed Sonnia into a building causing her slow. She focus fired him down. Graves charged a Stalker, killing it. One tot hauled butt to the enemy deployment and dropped a marker for Breakthrough, the other moved up to help defend the center.

    Turn 5: Still playing Catch Me If You Can, Lilith finally died. Graves went down, eating up more of the enemy AP. The far Tot dropped a second Breakthrough marker, then both Tots died to incoming fire from the enemy crew.

    Final Score: 10-0 Lilith.

    My opponent never even bothered to move toward the center, except with stalkers, which he only used to attack/kill my guys.
    Death Toll: Lilith crew completely wiped out. Sonnia Crew, due to her summoning stalkers, ended with the exact same number as it had started with.

    My opponent's response when we ended was basically, "F you. This game is stupid. I killed everything. I win."

    I suggested he try other games then and made a mental note to never play him again. :(

    • Like 3
  3. None at all. The only issue I could foresee is having only 1 model of something and you both wanting to use it in your crew. :)


    Also, not sure who had this on their site/post/blog/whatever but I  looked at this quite a bit the first few weeks of trying to figure out which masters where in what factions, or dual factions. Rather handy to have. 




    PS - And to whomever made this pic, in case you see this post, Thank You! :D

    • Like 1
  4. To add my two cents: 


    First off, WELCOME TO MALIFAUX!  :)


    Secondly, I definitely agree with the others and suggest checking out the wiki. I just started this game myself a few months ago so understand the info overload at starting and trying to figure out what is what. The wiki helped with that. 

    If going with the big rule book for a purchase (as you said you were), realize it has all the wave 1 models only in it. For a bit of clarification on what that means (as it confused me at first when someone said Wave 1, Wave 2,  etc). Wyrd just moved over to 2nd Edition rules (balanced out the game, cleaning up odd rules, making it better overall). They are also phasing out all pewter models and replacing them with plastics, in waves. The Main Big Rulebook has about 1/2 the masters and crews in the game in it (Wave 1 releases of the transition). The current Wave 1 Arsenal decks correspond with those models found in that book.


    The new book being released at GenCon this year (In a couple weeks) and Arsenal decks I believe as well is called CrossRoads. It'll have more fluff, art, and all the Wave 2 Masters and crews (all the rest of the models in the game that weren't in the main Rulebook/Wave 1). So, you'll soon have the rules on hand for those as well. Wyrd had all the Wave 2 cards online in PDF format until yesterday, but said they were coming down because the book/Wave2 cards go on official sale soon. Check the Downloads section to see if they're still there though in case the forgot.

    Basically, you picked a perfect time to start playing. Be aware though, as I said on them converting to plastics, that they are no longer making the pewter models. You can still buy/find them at stores and online, but no more are being made. Wyrd is steadily replacing all crews with new plastic sculpts.

    Anyway, Best of luck to you. Read over the forums and the Wiki. Feel free to ask questions on here, and on Facebook here: A Wyrd Place

  5. Try starting off explaining in steps. Have 2 models start off in engagement range (say 1 to 2 inches apart to demonstrate that you don't have to be base to base, as that threw me at first coming from Warhammer). Then just do a simple back and forth attacking. Better still to have 2 models that have different abilities for defense (triggers, armor, hard to wound/kill, etc).


    Once set up, each play draws 6 cards (just like start of a turn), flip for initiative (so they can see that), and go with the understanding that all that will be done by either player is attack/defend until you are satisfied, or one is dead. You can even have two identical guys per side (2 Marshals vs 2 Illuminated for example) so they can see the back and forth nature of the game (I go, You go. I go. You go).

    This way the other person gets to see:

    - Draw Phase (no stoning for cards yet, let them just get a general feel),

    - Initiative flip (so they understand that the person who goes first changes per turn potentially), 

    - Combat  (Attack and Defense, potentially even defense/attack triggers, but I'd hold off on things like "bury" and "decapitate" for example)

    - Cheating and Accuracy Modifier (They hit your guy. Don't beat his flip, but cheat it up to make it a negative flip so they can understand what that does)

    - Positive and Negative Flips

    - 2 AP per model (I'd stick to only 2AP models for this, so they can understand the potency later on of Masters and other models that get extra AP through abilities and such)


    After they get the core mechanics of play, then do the demo game itself. That way you have a little less to explain during the game, they have a general idea having put information into practice,and go from there.


    That's just a general way I would do it, but do what makes the most sense/structure to you.


    PS - Grats on the demo and best of luck to you in the future. :D

  6. You can always use a walk within the engagement "orbit", without necessitating a DS, to get Barbaros "aiming" his victim on the right direction.

    Yeah, that's what I had in mind if the opportunity arises, especially with his free walk. I won't stress or force the situation though unless it's overall beneficial. No sense leaving him out in the open if I don't have to.

  7. Just curious if Barbaros' Push trigger (pushes target away from this model) means that the model must be pushed directly away (i.e. backwards) or can I push in any direction? It doesn't specificy "directly" but I've been playing it as such to be on the safe side.

    Example: If I have Enemy,  Barbaros, (2 inch space), and Lilith in that order on the board.  

    Barbaros hits the enemy does he

    A - push the model "direct" away from him, and as a result further away from Lilith, or does he

    B - get to choose the direction, thus being able to push the enemy toward Lilith (who is two inches behind him) triggering her Pounce upgrade?

    I'm thinking it's the first option (the way I've been playing), but wondering if others do it the second way as it doesn't specify "directly" away as some other pushes do.

  8. Myth, played my first game of Collodi tonight, and felt like my noodle is baked after it was done. Turf war - Take Prisoner (Leveticus) - Distract (my schemes chosen), vs a Levi crew. Game ended 8-7 Collodi, but felt like I was fighting uphill the entire time as the Levi Player was able to one shot + turn my minions into abominations through the game (would have gotten a desolation engine at turn 5 but I sunk everything into Collodi controlling a Stitched to blast the crap out of the Aboms with Gamble Your Life to stop it). 

    Was a very fun, if very close game, but was the first time I think I nearly had an aneurysm trying to keep all the activations for a game in order. *Chuckles*

    Crew I took was: Collodi (Fated, Threads of Fate, Breathe Life), Widow Weaver (Hand Bag...useful, but meh overall for the game), 4 Marionettes, Arcane, Brutal, & Hodgepodge Effigy, Stitched, Coryphee (died fast and early). He had Levi, Alyce, Lazarus, Ashes, Waifs, and Aboms. It felt like a perfect counter to Collodi to me, but then again I'm a noob. 

  9. Actually, on the twitter there's the full page shot, and you can see the dress, while it does drag lower on the backside, is still fairly short. And most definetely modern goth style. I know I'm not the greatest fan of the v2 art direction, but it's the first time I feel actually disappointed.



    I've liked most of the art (especially Levy), but I'm with you on disappointment for this one. I've been waiting for Colette, but after seeing her artwork, I'll stick to the pewter box. :(

  10. Well, as I'm a slow player (due to still learning myself) I'll gladly play you in a vassal game some time as I like taking my time and figuring things out.

    As for Ramos, I honestly have no idea what to tell you other than to point you toward the Arcanist Faction forum and the Pullmyfinger wiki, as I don't play him or Arcanists in general, but I'm sure if you read over what they have posted, and ask for suggestions/advice they will be more than happy to help you out. 

  11. Two things I noticed (though one was mentioned prior by Godlyness:


    - Coryphee are still named Strongarm Suit


    - (Since Errata) The Guilty are on 30mm bases, but should be on 40mm bases.

  12. I was curious how the Carrion Effigy's Tactical Action Diminished Resistance would work, if at all, vs something like Lenny or Ashes and Dust natural Ability which gives them immune to conditions. 


    Diminished Resistance: Until the start of this model's next Activation, enemy models within  :aura 5 lose all immunities to Horror Duels, SlowParlyzed, and Poison, except for immunity to Horror Duels which was gained by passing a Horror Duel. 

    I'm assuming that both Lenny and Ashed and Dust, if within the aura range, would be susceptible to conditions, but said conditions would fall off of them the moment they stepped outside of the aura bubble. I could be wrong though and could see how, as it's a tactical action, it would fail to overwrite the ingrained Ability of both those models.

  13. Since we've seen Nekima's render (and what seems to be a model on deviant art), could she be one of the candidates?


    Could be, or could be an early concept render (not set in stone). There's been no official word on that, however. I'd love for this to be true, but also groan as they released that concept art the day after I broke down and finally ordered the old pewter Nekima model. *chuckles*

  14. As a new player I agree with the above of learning one crew and more games helps (though I'm current painting my 3rd crew and about to play my 5th master on Vassal trying to test out other Neverborn masters). I notice I do better with the first two masters I use +Jakob Lynch and Pandora ) as I have a better understanding of their rules.

    If you want more game practice you can always try Vassal games. they are nice for testing/learning and the community is pretty helpful when you get a game. Plus, it's nice to play different people who might play crews you don't normally see or try combos you wouldn't normally think of.

    Best of luck to you and keep at it. :)

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