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Posts posted by asrian

  1. Just to reiterate what others have said...

    Things you'll need: Rule book and fate decks. You might also want to pick up the respective Wave 1 and 2 Arsenal Decks for the factions you want to play, but it's not a rush at first. They are the same cards that are located in the big rule book (if you buy a small rule book that is just a bare bones rules version, no fluff, then it won't contain the generic upgrades for each faction). 

    As I said, you don't need the arsenal cards straight away, but if you enjoy the game, you'll end up wanting to get them as they are quite handy. 

    For Masters to start with, Seamus is a wonderful Master. He and his crew are simple enough to start with at first, but offer quite more depth as you learn to play him.


    For your wife, as Durza said, only Misaki is currently truly available of those she was interested in (the others I'm waiting for as well, and there is no current time frame on when they will be available...could be Jan, could be next summer :( ). Misaki herself his a scalpel master. She gets in and kills a target a turn (as can Seamus). She can play very independent of her crew, meaning they can run schemes while she ties things up. 

    Best of luck to you guys overall and feel free to ask more questions. Check out the PullMyFinger Wiki for more information, and the respective faction forums (Seamus in Ressers, Misaki in both Outcast and Ten Thunders as she's a dual faction master)

  2. 1.5 Oiran (when they were introduced in the Storm of Shadows) had them as Ca 6 :crow  :mask , TN 12  :crow  :mask  for their lure. That's why I was wondering if it was originally a typo once they started updating for 2.0, or if it was a purposeful balance change. Honestly though, to me, it seems like a needless Cuddle, especially as they are the only Lure model I can think of that doesn't have the suit built in. For their cost, they wouldn't exactly be breaking the mold to have it built in normally, nor be overpowered. That's a personal assessment though.

  3. If I need a Lure I typically just go with Lilitu. She's the same cost, +1CA on her Lure, has a 4" melee range, and has a paralyze trigger. Overall it works out better for me, especially as a Mimic target for my Doppleganger.

  4. As ZFiend said, there is no restriction from Slow prohibiting the rats from turning into Rat Kings. The only mandate on that is under the abilities on the front of the card that state if a rat activates in the required proximity of three or more other rats, then they form a Rat King (which is a large collection of Rats). Note that it does say three other rats, meaning you have to have four rats in total at the least for them to become a Rat King. It counts the rat that is activated plus three other rats. I've seen a few players misread that and form Rat Kings with only three rats. You need four. :D

  5. Game play - its Leveticus. He is still the one man apocalypse. One of the best master killers in the game. Incredibly versatile crew options, and he synergies well with his crew. Hands down, he is a dirty old monster!

    I've never played him, only against him a number of times, but everytime I do it feels like a slow, dry game. Not overpowered or a negative play experience, just not entertaining. It's why I passed on him for now, despite my love of his fluff. I'll probably still pick him up and play him eventually once his plastics come out as I love the newer artwork for him versus his original pewter figure.

  6. Zoraida was my first ever master in 1st ed, and she is my first love. Haven't used her as much in 2n ed, and when I first did I struggled with her. used her for the first time in ages in a 3 player game recently and the flame is rekindled. 

    Somehow, "First love" and "Flame is rekindled" coupled with the image of Zoraida makes me shudder for some reason.  ;)

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  7. Also keep in mind that McMourning is Dual faction Ressers/Guild and as such, if used as Guild, can have access to all the same models as Sonnia. That way if you want to start off using him as Guild, it'll keep you from having to collect 3 different factions of odd miniatures at once. You can always expand him into full Resurrectionist faction later.

    For Pandora my top picks are: Teddy, Insidious Madness x 2, Widow Weaver (Madness and Weaver are only available in pewter, can be hard to find), Doppelganger.

  8. I will second the Widow Weaver as a future purchase. She is scary for my opponents (and has resulted in quite a few swearing at me for her :D ). Even if you just play her defensively and all she does the entire game is stand back and spit out a web marker once per turn for the -1 WP bubble it can make entire areas that your opponents do not want to go into due to all of Pandora's WP attacks. Coupled with Doppelganger who can mimic Widow Weaver's Exhale Terror ability (Damaging + Terror test attack) and it gets down right brutal.

    Widow Weaver is only in pewter atm, and also hard to find, so if you do see one, locally, or online, I'd suggest grabbing it if you can. 

  9. First off: Welcome to Malifaux!

    The Dreamer box set doesn't have a release schedule yet for general purchase, but should be available in the next few months (Most likely before Christmas, but that's a guess at best).

    Pandora was my first crew (and still one of my favorite Masters). I will say that the main things I added to the crew were two Insidious Madnesses (replacing my Sorrows) and a Primordial Magic (replacing my Poltergeist). While the Sorrows and Poltergeist are both very good, the Insidious are just more durable to me, faster scheme runners, and more solid, all around support. They are currently only in pewter so you'll need to check your local store, online stores, or Ebay to find them. The Primordial Magic is just a damn good generic totem that any master can use and wonderful addition. Crews like the Dreamer or Collodi will get less use out of it however as they get more power/protection from their native Totems.

    Another all around good purchase (my first addition aside from Teddy) is a Doppelganger. Again, this is a solid model, limited to one only, that I find very powerful for any crew. It gives you the ability to cheat the initiative flip, it can place scheme markers even if engaged in combat, and can copy enemy or friendly, non-leader, model abilities making it highly versatile.

    As for other crews that run well with Pandora's crew or one's that Pandora's crew run well with, pick one at random and you're pretty much guaranteed some synergy. Baby Kade (beater) and Candy (beater, control, heals) can work in any crew for their own abilities. Terror Tots and Barbaros from Lilith's box, Illuminated from Jakob Lynch's box, Silurids and Bad Juju from Zoraida's box (Just listing main plastic sets that are out). I've used all of them with Pandora, and used Kade and/or Candy in said crews. 

    Of all the Neverborn Masters, however, I personally feel Lilith is the most versatile of any of them. She is a guerrilla style fighter with many movement tricks and the ability to create terrain to block LoS (which can be used both offensively and defensively). I could have any scheme/strat pool versus any opponent and feel confident at doing well with her as my Master where as I might feel other Neverborn Masters aren't as strong with said schemes/strats and opponents.

    Above anything else though I would suggest you play five to ten games with Pandora and get a feel for the rules, and her crew before swapping to another Master (I had that problem at first...damn you Shiny objects!). Play her both with Box Opens and Voices Limited abilities to try them out (Both are Limited upgrades, meaning you can only have one or the other on her, not both at the same time).

    Don't be afraid to get aggressive with her, and don't get discouraged if you lose at first. Just take wins and losses in stride and learn the game. As you play more you'll start to see where your weaknesses are, both in crew selection and as a player. Also, talk to your opponents post-game. Ask them for any suggestions as to where they felt you were weakest, or where they felt most threatened. Get an idea of what she does and how you can capitalize on it.

    If you haven't yet, also check out the Vassal thread. It's a program to play Malifaux online (Still doesn't beat the actual figures and playing at a club/house with an in-person opponent, however). It can give you the chance to play more, as well as play new opponents and crews you might not see locally. I tend to play Vassal games to try things out as well (models I don't yet own) and to just learn more.

    Lastly, and most importantly, have fun. This really is a damn good game. I've had more fun playing this than I can ever recall playing any other table top game. :D

  10. Basically there are a few overall types of upgrades. Each Faction has their specific upgrades available to the faction members and any mercenaries hired into a crew of that faction:

    - General upgrades which anyone eligible to use can buy (Typically Masters, Henchman, and Enforcers are the only ones able to buy upgrades, but there are exceptions outside of this)


    - Specific Model upgrade such as Henchman, Enforcer, or even model types such as Nightmare (such as the above used example of On Dreaming Wings being Nightmare models only)

    - Master Specific such as Lilith, Marcus, McMourning, etc.


    There are restrictions on the number of these that can be used in a crew, such as Rare 1, Rare 2, etc which tells how many copies of it you can have in any given crew. There's also the Limited restriction which is found on Master Specific upgrades. Masters can only have 1 Limited upgrade. Example being Zoraida can have either the Animal Shape or Crystal Ball Limited upgrade, but not both.

    There are exceptions to these, but that will hopefully clarify some questions you might have.

  11. actually wouldnt jaboc lynchs bow come out at 24 SS before upgrades?


    its 7x3 = 21 for the 3 iluminated and 3 from the hungering darkness

    For just the box set, no upgrades, the Lynch crew comes out at 21SS. 0 for Lynch (Leader), 0 for Hungering Darkness (His base cost, you do NOT pay for his Cache), 21 for three Illuminated.

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