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Posts posted by Lmjh1985

  1. Hey guys,

    Don't have much experience with Shenlong, used him once in a 50ss game. Playing tonight a 35ss threeway game, against Seamus and either Marcus, Levi or Hamelin. We'll be picking schemes and strats later, but just wondered if anyone had any advice on a good basis for 35ss for him. I know you pick your crew post-schemes, but we're all creating a general list then picking.

    I've got most of the TT stuff bar Yan Lo's crew box, Tengu and Komainu. Quite keen on the idea of using The  Lone Swordsman in there (I know he's not regarded as spectacular by some).

  2. I'm also a newbie to the Gremlins as well. But remember that Incorporeal only halves damages from Sh and Ml attacks; anything with a Ca attack (such as Wong himself and the Lightning Bugs) will deal normal damage.


    re: anything with armour and hard to kill, well, insure there are far more experienced people who could comment there.

  3. Edit - Also I am probably just overlooking it on the card, but how does Gracie act like a taxi service?  I don't see anywhere on her card where it lets her move a master?

    This is also something I have wondered, I've seen it mentioned a few times yet I can find neither hide nor hair of any such rules in the book for Gracie.

  4. Thanks guys! I'm putting an order in now, and wondering...is the Whiskey Golem worth it in a Brewie crew? I've seen conflicting opinions either way, but don't fancy dropping £20+ on a duff model.


    Also, are Slop Haulkers particularly necessary in these two crews? I know they see use with Ullix etc.

  5. Hi all!


    I'm pretty much new to the Gremlins side of Faux. I got the Closing Time box for my birthday for my Ten Thunders faction, and decided to have a look at the Gremlins stuff (I know; that way madness lies!). Anyways, nothing particularly drew me in, until I saw the magnificence of the Wong artwork! I love anything Asian-themed anyways, but the idea of a Gremlin dressed as a Big Trouble In Little China extra stuck with me.


    Anyways, I want to get the Wong starter. However, I know that you should get various things to be able to deal with every situation. My problem is, I have far too many minis. I've got bits for 4 factions already, and I don't want to hjave every mini possible for those factions. So I'm wondering, what would be best to get with Wong to bulk him out to a sort of all-rounder 50ss crew. If it works with Brewie, even better. But I don't want to buy any of the boxes for the other masters. They, nor their boxset henchmen, don't really do much for me. So I'd rather not go for those (plus, if I get the master box, I'll only get more stuff to go with them and so on). I've got things like Performers (from the Dark Carnival set) so don't mind adding the odd mercenary (though I don't want to venture into either Guild, Neverborn or Outcasts).


    Any suggestions would be great! Many thanks in advance.

  6. I've currently got Baritone Lola (Cassandra) on +1 DF and Hart To Wound +1 and Smoke & Mirrors, alongside 2x Performers, 2x Mannequins and a Coryphee. I could do with something hard hitting or to provide more distractions. My crew is ridiculously squishy.

    I'd save your money, like I am. I've got 10 Scrip to blow and 1 one more game of Week 1 to play. I'm gonna go for either Joss, Howard Langston or the Mech Rider.

  7. So far, I'm looking at:


    Datsue Ba (8)

    - Spirit Whispers (1)

    Izamu, The Armour (9)

    Onryo (5)

    Onryo (5)

    Rotten Belle (5)


    That leaves me 2 scrip to carryover then. It does seem like a list that will be susceptible to market heavy schemes.


    Any suggestions or does that seem like a plausible list? I'm going to order the Kirai box tomorrow, so will arrive before we all submit our lists and play the first round this coming Weds.


    Really looking forward to joining the ranks of the Rezzers! I've the. Got a Hanged and Flesh Construct I traded on their way, plus the Dark Carnival set (was planning on proxying the Flying Monkeys for either Shikome or Night Terrors).

  8. Penguin in a tutu?! That's what you get for working and sitting on the Wyrd forums at the same time :D clearly, I meant the penguin in the tutu!


    i think any of the Henchmen would work as a Leader, with the exception of the Firestarter.

  9. Yeah, it's the penguin in the tutu, Baritone Lola. Mercury and Thin Lizzy are the Performers. You've got the two Mannequins. Mr Cooper is Colette, and the Flying Monkeys are the Mechanical Doves. I'm really looking forward to them. I love the Colette crew rules, just wasn't that fussed on the minis/background per se. I'm all for creepy circus themes though and pleased there's gonna be a Dark Carnival Coryphee :-)


    So yeah....think that will form the basis of my starting crew, with something akin to FertileSpade's list above.

  10. I did a couple of tester games recently. I plumped for The Captain w/Patron's Blessing, Malifaux Child, Mechanical Rider and, because I couldn't think what else to take, 2x Metal Gamin.


    Summoning really was quite powerful. Helped me have minions just to throw as roadblocks. Airburst and Wind Wall from The Captain helped protect my guys with cover and also in dragging enemies nearby to smack with his hammer. The Child was great for an additional Wind Wall and occasional Airburst. The one thing I really missed, mind, was something that could throw a good punch. I was tempted to sack off the 2x Gamin (as I was summoning them anyways) and Patron's Blessing for Joss, but that extra 1AP was just too good.


    Hopefully, my Dark Carnival crew will turn up by tomorrow, very tempted instead to go Baritone Lola as my henchman and do a crew of Showgirls, possibly with the MEch Rider. Again, my problem is there that I don't have any real beatsticks.

  11. Fellow Neverborn-ers!


    How would Vasilisa fare as the starting henchman for a campaign? I'm toying between starting a completely new factiopn (being an Arcanists player), and I'm swinging towards Neverborn or Ressers. I only really like the Collodi and Lynch boxes though. I don't mind getting some extras as needs be, but not too fussed on the other crew boxes.


    So, with Vasilisa as my starting Henchman, where might be best to go? And which upgrade would be better for him? I'm struggling as I'm trying not to build around one set crew in case I get the wrong schemes out, going for more of a jack-of-all-trades thing.


    Many thanks in advance!

  12. Hi there,


    I'm very new to the Resurrectionists. I've been an Arcanists player for a while now, and I'm really tempted to branch out into another faction. I was never struck on the wave 1 Ressers at all, but I grabbed a copy of Crossroads and I really enjoyed the Molly/Kirai story, and the whole Spirits theme. So I thought they were the gals for me!


    My LGC are about to start a campaign using Shifting Loyalties, and I'm really tempted to go Ressers and work my way up from there. I don't have a lot at present, ju8st some bits and bobs either from my Ten Thunders days, or those that I've been eyeing up of late. So far I have Toshiro and Yin, with a metal Datsue-ba, 2x metal Seishin, Izamu and 3 of the new plastic Gaki on their way. I think Kirai is the route I want to work towards, she looks like a fun, different master to what I'm used to. So I'd best snap up her box as well. Eventually I'll get Molly as well.


    So my question is this; if I start with Datsue-ba in my initial 35ss, what else would I be looking at needing? I presume the Gaki and Seishin would be summoned (obviously the l;atter which can't be hired). But what next would be suggested? And which upgrade, if any, would be good to start with? The metals are, I appreciate, rather hard to find now, so I imagine things like the Shikome are rather out of the picture for the time being.


    Appreciate any help for a newcomer to this particular dark corner of the forum :-)

  13. Well, I've got the majority of the Henchmen. I'm tempted by Toshiro or Sensei Yu.

    I'll likely go with Sensei Yu. He's pretty darn versatile and Wandering River Style is just so good. He weeks really well with the majority of TT minis too. It does mean that I will need something that can throw a punch in his place. I love Ototo, but I can imagine him racking up a fair few injuries!

  14. Hi chaps,

    I'm about to start in a small escalation campaign and we're starting at 30ss with Henchmen and building up our gangs with masters etc. I'm a big fan of the Dark Debts set and I'm putting aside my usual Arcanists to take up the Neverborn cause. I love Jacob Lynch and Pandora, but I've used Jacobs crew before so plumped for this.

    Anyways, the big draw for DD is the Brilliance condition. Obviously without using Jacob Lynch I'll have to think about this more and what to fill the crew with so I thought I'd go with Huggy as the Henchman. Where would be best to go next? I have the Dark Debts set as well as 2 Beckoners, but can have access to all the Neverborn plastics (I can't be doing with metal minis).

    Any advice would be greatly appreciated :)

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