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Posts posted by Verdeloth

  1. In warhammer fantasy i loved playing skaven and in 40k i loved tyranid (see a connection?) ^^ i love to just swarm the board and overwhelm my opponents in just hoards of models to chip of there health. So this out activation and mass production style fits my playstyle perfect

  2. If my shinobi hits on a target that got swill ( suffer - to all duel until end of turn) that not affects the shinobi ability ? Cause the shinobi say it only change the modifiers he suffer and not the - enemy got

    Example. Shinobi target a hard to wound enemy model with swill condition.

    That would turn hard to wound to + flip for me and a - flip for enemy from swill (the - flip will not be a + from shinobis ability because it not affect my minion?)

  3. Quick question about the moon shinobi. Drunken gremlin kung fu make all + to - and visa versa. The card say this model treats all of it + modifiers as if they were - and all - as if they were +.

    It say all of Its modifiers? So is it only the modifiers he suffers from or dors it apply to the target also for example impossible to wound, would that - turn to + for my shinobi? And also if i use brewmaster swill +1 on him to give him - flip to then make it to a +

  4. Agreed math ^_^ we all know we should not have pretailored lists but its allways nice to get a push in the right direction and get inspiration to what can be the best list for you in X schemes.

    dirial maybe just to busy to post lists seeing its not his first time point this out :P

  5. I never done gremlin zoraida before so my nurse experience is just from neverborn. And the times i tried nurse there my mistake was allways hold on her activation for a maybe doll hem And if that never came the nurse just moved and waited for next chans. It was a while ago last time i tried it and i would use her more today then just wait for combo. I will try it again this weekend and see if i feel better with her now. :)

    want the rooster riders before i try gremlin zoraida

  6. I tried out nurse with zoraida and i know what she can do on paper but i feel so crippled with a nurse. She do it best to hang close to zoraida and wait for hem but my opponents go around it with not to much effort. Im lucky if i get 1 good nurse condition on the dolls when hemed with an "ok" target. Latley i been playing without a nurse and to be able to move anywhere and not feel as restricted makes it for a more fun gameplay. Im not saying its bad but i limit myself to hit the combo so much so it effect the rest of the crews positions also

  7. We still have a old pigapult in my local store ;)

    yes i had lots of fun and we some more games before the tournament alone would probably help me alot i belive ^^

    but in the end it was a very fun experience and one of my best time playing malifaux, gremlins are sure a faction

    that even if you screw up it still feel good :P and you are not a true gremlin player if you dont take chanses ^^ love bayo two card.


    I will try to see if i can do more then just a mini-report maybe and see if i will up my games even more in future events ^^ 


    good luck with your gremlins zfiend :) im sure you will like it

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