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Everything posted by Guslado

  1. I really like your interpretation of the theme. Great job!
  2. Definitely a better look than the other one, fun concept and good execution.
  3. Fun diorama that tells a story. Great paint job too!
  4. I really like this one. Great paint job and interpretation of the theme.
  5. Took a bit to get the link to the theme, but a fun idea. Maybe next time do a collage of images to give us a look at multiple angles.
  6. Great paint job! Where is that dragon model from? I have never seen that one before and now I must have it!
  7. Took me a moment to catch on with what was going on here. Try using a 3-point lighting setup next time. I really like the concept of the model though. Great interpretation of the theme.
  8. Guslado


    Love it! This one really tells a fun story.
  9. I love the concept on this model. Great job!
  10. I really like the waterfall on this. Great job!
  11. Great looking model! Really glad that my opponent finished off his model. Looks great, good luck!
  12. That is indeed the LE Pirate White Dwarf, and I even photographed it using the Dreadfleet game cloth as my backdrop.
  13. "Beginner's Guide to Piracy" by Guslado I'm telling you, First Mate Polly, nowhere in this book does it say that you need to tie up the boat!
  14. In between painting parts of my Iron Painter entry I have been slowly chipping away at the unpainted Neverborn I have. There are a few more angles of the Doppleganger and some pictures of the Daydream I also finished up for my crew over on my blog. Check it out!
  15. I'm not saying they have to kill the raptor, just that if they do it works out in your favor. If they don't, it still works out just fine.
  16. People see an enemy model right up on their master and they usually feel the need to kill it. Also, a raptor has a trigger to that gives its target the beast characteristic, which lets you do all sorts of fun stuff to them if you're playing Marcus.
  17. Fun little strategy to use if you have Deliver a Message, Breakthrough, or Power Ritual in your scheme pool: Bring along a Malifaux Raptor and Myranda with Imbued Energies and Skinwalker. Start the game with Myranda buried. Turn 1 have your Raptor bury itself with Take to the Sky; at the end of the turn unbury it, right up in the your opposing master's face if you're doing deliver a message, or in their backfield/corner for Breakthrough/Power Ritual. Next turn either your opponent will kill the raptor or you can have it take to the sky again, allowing you to unbury Myranda right where you want her. In the case of Deliver a Message, it's actually advantageous for them to kill the Raptor because then you can use your immediately following activation to have Myranda give the opposing master a nice hand written note. If they manage to get away from where you dropped Myranda in, discard her Imbued energies to give her that extra AP to run down their master and then deliver the aforementioned note (move 6" and a 2" engagement definitely gives her a nice threat range to pull that off). Holding off on your Raptor's activation as long as possible helps with this one--most players see something like that all up on their Master and their first thought is to kill it, and if they don't kill it, you can hopefully Take to the sky after their master and much of their crew has activated and get that message off. If you're feeling particularly silly, bring Killjoy along and have him pop out when they kill the bird (or when Myranda shapechanges) to smack around their master.
  18. I've heard of that game but haven't had a chance to try it out yet. I will have to give it a go when I can.
  19. Hey all! Just wanted to share my latest board game review with you all. Temporum is a time travel themed board game from the designer of Dominion, Donald X. Vaccarino. I feel like time travel is a common theme in a lot of sci fi and fantasy, but this is really the first game I have played that really captures the feel of classic time travel tropes. If you are a fan of Dominion or are looking for a great time travel game, you really need to check out Temporum. Read my full review at my gaming blog (and check out my Malifaux minatures gallery while you're there!)
  20. Marcus needed a new friend to play with, so I made him something from some spare parts I had lying around I have a few other good looks at this creepy mass of body parts over at my blog. Enjoy!
  21. I never saw any promises of cake, Aaron, so I think you're in the clear.
  22. I've never had the desire to play Jack Daw before, but I certainly want to paint this model. Keep the beautiful sculpts coming!
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