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Posts posted by vinush

  1. Next session I believe I will aim to complete one of El's destiny steps and draw her more into the game as I feel she has been a bit part up to now.


    Her destiny steps are:


    When you sup upon your pride and dance with cadavers

    She will sit alone among your misery

    as the gathering mocks your gift.

    Again you turn the wheel and move the stone

    and you stumble upon the line of life and death.


    I know where the last step is going, as I am going to tie it in with another player's destiny.

  2. Any of the wave 1 boxes are fairly balanced starters (with the possible exception of Rasputina whose box is no good at smaller games due to a lack of henchman).


    The Victorias box comes in at 32 stones and has 2 henchmen, one of whom is free... The Jacob Lynch crew is only 21 stones, and therefore without a load of upgrades or additional models is unplayable.


    That said, McMourning (my first ever crew) uses poison a lot and can shut down most models with judicious uses of nurses and illegible prescriptions. Seamus (my second crew) is all about subtle maneuvering then blatting the living crud out of anything within range using a hand cannon and a smaller hand cannon. Also, beware the belles as they can lure-pounce things into submission and potentially drain someone's hand of cards in short order. They both play differently enough that they would be great facing each other but would also work well together when you are expanding your forces (lure a model out of range of objectives then take your meds them to effectively shut them down (you don't need to crow trigger to shut down a model, meaning that in most cases you can rely on your basic flip to trigger something annoying). One trigger heals a model then paralyses it, another means they can only declare walk or interact actions (even if in combat!), the third means they can only declare melee actions and the last one is the only one that won't shut something down. Stack the second and third to make a model effectively paralyzed (there are no actions that are melee and walk or interact).


    Above all though, have fun.



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  3. I was under the impression that the webstore would open once all orders had been shipped from the gencon releases, but the store is open and my order is still only showing as processed (which it has been since I placed the order when the stuff first became available).


    I've emailed a couple of times now to see what's going on  as I opted to pay almost threetimes as much for delivery to use fedex rather than the USPS as the estimated delivery time was much less, and I was guaranteed a tracking number so I could track the delivery.


    I know that the orders weren't going to be dispatched in the order placed and I was fine with that, but I have friends who have placed orders for normal delivery and they have received them, confirmation emails of shipping and tracking numbers!


    In the past I have heard people talk about how speedy they get a response from Wyrd, how helpful they are and how efficient their staff are but I am failing to see this.


    I have even considered calling Wyrd to enquire about it but I can't find a phone number (even though I'm in the UK I was willing to call to find out ifthere is some kind of problem with my order).


    Have all of the orders been sent out? Does anyone know?



  4. One of my players has Def 7! I threw an enforcer at him and he bounced off, as his modified attack number (the one in brackets) was a measly 7... I quite like the idea of the FM fate deck with a hand of cheat cards based on the number of players, I may put this to the group to see what they think of it, or alternatively I may just do it anyway and let them draw a card after I cheat instead of whenever I touch the communal fate deck...


    I'll let y'all know how it goes.



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  5. As the thread says, I am after a Puppet Wars version of the Zombie Chihuahua but don't want any of the other models in the pack that it comes with.


    I can buy the pack off eBay, but it would be a considerable waste of money for me.


    Is anyone willing to sell it to me (or even better, give me it for free!)? I'm UK based.





  6. Once they stepped into the theatre they were met with a grim sight. The audience was made of corpses in various stages of decay, all dressed appropriately. On the stage the performers were also dead and fastened to wires to make them look as if they were mid performance. It was clear that this was the work of someone who was a bit whimsical in the brain pan... The sounds of music was drifting through from back stage, and they players made their way there (after the dabbler in the group resurrected one of the dancers by flipping a 12 of Crows!) This had set off the pulleys and wires, making the corpses on stage dance and swirl to almost, but not quite, the same music that was coming from back stage.


    They cautiously approached Sinbad (played by the Desperate Mercenary model) who was dancing in time to the music. Slapping him to bring him out of it, he pointed them in the direction of the box they were after before going full on fetal in a corner. Bo approached the box, which was open and playing the music, but failed the willpower to resist its unearthly sway and he began dancing along to the music, seeing the theatre as it was back in its heyday. Jack (who has since been touched by December - an interesting session involving a ghost snake entering a bodily orifice) slapped Bo out of it while Effel went and closed the box (Proximocoal had ALL of the cards in his hand, so cheated the WP duel to succeed). They handed off the cash to Sinbad, now totally back to normal, and began their return to Mr Lyall. Elle stopped briefly to free her resurrected performer from the wires and send her ahead in what we dubbed "Operation Canary".


    They returned to the sewers to find their exit blocked by the maintenance crew who were under attack from some unseen creature (there were wet tearing sounds and screams being cut off mid shriek!) forcing them to enter a crumbled part of the sewer tunnel which led to a wooden panel with light coming through it. However, there was something clawing and scratching at the wood at about 4' high (Some kind of big clawed creature). Effel took her first shot of the campaign to date (she has a gun, she knows how to use it but up until now hadn't felt the need to) and clipped the creature's claw. Bo then used his new found powers of elemental enchanting along with the focus object of the recently acquired soul stone tooth (What could possibly go wrong with this down the line?!?) to make lightning bullets which allowed them to break into the torture chamber where the creature was lying on the floor convulsing from the lightning. While prone, Bo carefully aimed the gun into the creature's eye socket and fired, killing it thanks to a red joker for damage, the third of the session from him!


    Returning to the Lady Katherine they handed the box to Mr Lyall who proceeded to smash it with a hammer, gave them their payment and vanished.


    The session ended with Effel and Bo completing destiny steps.



  7. The players once again gathered in the Lady Katherine as the season changed to autumn and an aura of glum ambivalence had settled when Mr Lyall sits at their table with a bottle of Ginner proceeds to inform them of their little task, a simple trip into the QZ, buy a mysterious box from his contact and return with it.


    They were instructed to keep away from the warehouse next to the theatre where the purchase was to go down, but players being players this might as well have been a flashing sign saying "Come in".


    They were to travel to the QZ through the basement of one of Mr Lyall's associates which leads to the sewers under the wall. Within this basement complex was some kind of operating room/morgue, a torture chamber and a meeting room of sorts. They encountered a sad, lonely zombie in one of the cells off the torture chamber which was rapidly dispatched.


    Entering the sewers they could hear echoing footsteps from a sewer maintenance crew, but managed to avoid drawing their attention as they made their way towards the sewer exit outside of the warehouse they were told not to go into. They went in. Granted, it was after they had been set upon by guards from the three kingdoms, but they went in none-the-less. A brief skirmish resulted in them freeing their captured companion (one of the players arrived to the session late) and they were warned off by the lady in charge who threatened them and knew they had something to do with Mr Lyall (she also had a rockin' Southern Belle style accent!) and they wisely fled from the building and made their way into the theatre.



  8. One of my players has a carbine with a custom grip.

    When he focuses and fires at something he's on a double positive flip to attack. He pretty much ruins anything I throw at them, yet I can't throw the real heavy hitters as the majority of the group has a measly 4 wounds... It is a bit of a problem, but then combat is a last resort.

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